Package ij.process

Class MedianCut


public class MedianCut
extends Object
Converts an RGB image to 8-bit index color using Heckbert's median-cut color quantization algorithm. Based on median.c by Anton Kruger from the September, 1994 issue of Dr. Dobbs Journal.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • convert

      public Image convert​(int maxcubes)
      Uses Heckbert's median-cut algorithm to divide the color space defined by "hist" into "maxcubes" cubes. The centroids (average value) of each cube are are used to create a color table. "hist" is then updated to function as an inverse color map that is used to generate an 8-bit image.
    • convertToByte

      public ImageProcessor convertToByte​(int maxcubes)
      This is a version of convert that returns a ByteProcessor.