USB control messages:
Commandname R/W Code Param Ind. Data Description
Init Camera W 0xD7 1 - - Send for opening the camera.
Exit Camera W 0xD8 0 - - Send for closing the camera.
Select Picture W 0xB2 0 - WORD picnum Select picnum picture (first is 1).
Download Image W 0x93 Flags, 0x10,0x01. 0x00 works just fine. - - Download selected picture by doing bulk reads (until no more data).
Download Thumbnail W 0x9B 0x00 ? - - Download selected thumbnail by doing bulk reads (until no more data).
Download Exif W 0xE5 0x00 - - Download EXIF data for selected picture by doing bulk reads (until no more data).
Get Picture Info R 0xAD 0x00 picnum 4 words: percentage, index number (in camera?), flags, unknown Apparently gets image information about images in camera.
Get Picture Fileentry R 0xB9 0x00 - WORD check;
CHAR filename[14] (byteflipped) from 2..16
DWORD filesize (32bit?), unknown(32bit?)
Gets the directory entry of the file.
Delete Picture R 0xBA WORD flag; - WORD result; Deletes the selected picture. Parameter might be 0x40 (delete?) or 0x00 (?).
Get Number of Pictures? R 0xB6 0x00 - WORD unknown
WORD numpics
WORD unknown
DWORD freemem?
Gets several global parameters, like the number of pictures.The last 32bit appear to be free memory?