Contributors to Lix =================== I (Simon Naarmann) wrote nearly all of the code and drew the character sprites, but my thanks go to all community memebrs that shaped Lix over the years: geoo * Tilesets in images/geoo. * Many levels contributed to levels/lemforum/, the flagship levelpack. * Initiating and maintaining levels/lemforum/ for several years. * Lots of technical feedback on game mechanics over many years. * Code to load Lemmings 2 tilesets in C++ Lix in 2009. D Lix can no longer load Lemmings 1/2 tilesets. I cannot ship these tilesets with Lix anyway because of their third-party copyrights. Raymanni * Toys, lab, gore, and holiday tilesets in images/raymanni. Matt C. * Tilesets in images/matt/. These tilesets helped tremendously towards releasing Lix as free-and-open-source in 2011. Rubix * levels/rubix, an entire levelpack. * Many multiplayer maps, both for D Lix and for early C++ Lix in 2009. * Lix introduction videos on Youtube. * The menu music, released as public domain, and two custom tracks in music/rubix/, released as CC4-BY (see doc/copying.txt). Forestidia * Many issue reports and super-quick feedback on bugfixes. * Playing through most included levels, reporting backroutes. * Renovating ClamLix, an entire levelpack by Clam, for D Lix in 2017. * Collecting and renovating old standalone Lix levels for D Lix: Amanda B. (NaOH) * Tilesets in images/naoh * Pushing for simpler game mechanics, e.g., no variable spawn interval in singleplayer. I had that idea before but lacked courage in 2015. Proxima * Contributing many levels to levels/lemforum, the flagship pack. * Maintaining levels/lemforum/ since 2016. * The tiles in images/proxima/: Abstract square tiles and spheres. Nepster * NepsterLix, an entire levelpack. mobius * Together with minim, 5 tracks in music/minim-mobius, released as public domain. * Several levels in levels/lemforum. * Extra singleplayer puzzles in misc/mobius/. * Project Capybara, a levelpack for Lix that I did not include because it felt too close to the copyrighted Lemmings 1 levels. Lucki * Maintaining the Arch Linux Lix package in the AUR: Alex M. (tarzeau) * Hosting the Lix website and game server from 2010 to 2016. Mindless * Running the IRC bot in #lix to announce forum topics. * Hosting my game server in 2009 and 2010. Clam * ClamLix, an entire levelpack. This pack has no maintainer these days, Forestidia and mobius renovated it for D Lix in 2017. Insane Steve * Many levels in levels/lemforum/. * Early multiplayer maps and playtesting in 2009. minim * Together with mobius, 5 tracks in music/minim-mobius, released as public domain. Nessy * 10 singleplayer puzzles in misc/nessy/. CyberShadow * Contributing code to early D Lix to for better bitmap buttons on large resolutions. All multiplayer level designers * Many playtesting sessions. * Building over 600 maps in total.