*********************************************************************** ** MadWeight Help ** *********************************************************************** ** ** option format: ** They are 3 possibilities: ** $> ./bin/madweight.py A B C ** launch only steps A,B and C ** $> ./bin/madweight.py A+ ** launch all steps after (and including) step A ** $> ./bin/madweight.py A- ** launch all steps preceeding (and including) step A ** ** Where A/B/C are one of the following names: ** ** 1) param: Creates all the param_card.dat as required in MadWeight_card ** 2) analyzer: Analyzes the Feynman diagrams, the transfer function ** and creates the fortran code for the integration ** 3) compilation: Final compilation for all the SubProcesses ** 4) event: Verification of the LHCO file. Select the events containing ** the exact number of jets/electrons/muons for each SubProcesses. ** 5) dir: Creates the directory for each parralel run ** (one run by param_card and by event) ** 6) launch: Launches the computation of the weights ** 7) control: Launches control-status for the run ** 8) collect: Collects all the data ** 9) plot: Creates the plots for the likelihood ** ** additional options: ** ** -help: Provides this help ** -version: Gives the Madweight version number ** relaunch: Relaunches failed (and zero results) runs. ** clean=NAME: Suppress the event by event log/result/... for the run NAME ** example: $> ./bin/madweight.py clean=my_run ** clean: Suppress the event by event log/result/... for the current run_name ** (name defined in run_card.dat) ** status: give the number of idle/running/finish job at present time. This will not launch ** any new job (not as 'control' will sometimes do) ** ***********************************************************************