Features -------- * Audio: `disable AGC`_, `audio meters`_, `manual audio controls`_, selectable `input source`_ (internal, internal+external, external stereo, `balanced`_), `audio monitoring`_ via A/V cable. * Exposure helpers: `zebras`_, `false color`_, `histogram`_, `waveform`_, `spotmeter`_, `vectorscope`_. * Focus tools: `focus peaking`_, `zoom while recording`_, `trap focus`_, `rack focus`_, `follow focus`_, `focus stacking`_. * Movie helpers: `Bitrate control`_, `movie logging`_ (Exif-like metadata), `auto-restart`_ after buffer overflow or 4 GB limit, `HDR video`_, advanced `FPS control`_. * LiveView adjustments: `contrast`_, `saturation`_, `display gain`_ for using LiveView in darkness. * `Cropmark`_ images: user-editable overlays to assist framing and composition. * Fine control for `ISO`_, `Shutter`_, `Kelvin white balance`_ and other `image settings`_. * Bracketing: advanced `exposure bracketing`_, `focus stacking`_. * Remote release with `LCD face sensor`_ and `audio trigger`_, without extra hardware. * Timelapse: `intervalometer`_ (for photos and movies), `bulb ramping`_ (manual and automatic), recording at very low `FPS`_ (down to 0.2 FPS), `silent pictures`_ without shutter actuation. * Astro- and night photography: `bulb timer`_ for very long exposures (up to 8h). * Info displays: `focus and DOF info`_, `CMOS temperature`_, `shutter count`_, clock. * For strobists: `flash exposure compensation`_, range up to -10 to +3 EV (depends on the camera). * Power saving: `Turn off display`_ or reduce backlight in LiveView during idle times. * Handy features: `Quick zoom`_ in PLAY mode, `key shortcuts`_ for commonly-used features, `customizable menus`_. * And much more!