Expo ~~~~ .. _image settings: .. figure:: 02_expo.png :align: center :width: 5cm Adjusting the exposure parameters. Most of these settings only work in Manual (photo and video), and some of them work in P, Av and Tv too. .. _White balance: .. _WhiteBalance: .. _Kelvin white balance: WhiteBalance ```````````` Advanced white balance control. The preferred method is Kelvin white balance (range: 1500...15000K). Submenu options: * Kelvin white balance; * WBShift G/M: Green-Magenta white balance shift. Useful for fluorescent lighting; #* WBShift B/A: Blue-Amber white balance shift. 1 unit = 5 mireks on Kelvin axis, according to `this post `_; * Custom RGB multipliers: fine-tune custom white balance; * Black level: this parameter is applied on RAW data, before applying white balance. Adjust it if you have problems with green or magenta shadows; * Auto adjust Kelvin + G/M: in LiveView, ML will compute the white balance for the current scene, using the center (200x200 pixels rectangle) as reference gray. .. _ISO: ISO ``` Advanced ISO control. Color coding: * yellow = full-stop ISO obtained with analog gain only (100, 200, ... 3200). * green = ISO with negative digital gain applied (80, 90, 160, 320) - they tend to have lower noise. For 160 multiples, ISOs obtained with ML digital gain may have smoother highlight rolloff than the same ISOs obtained with Canon gain. * red = ISO with positive digital gain (avoid these values). Submenu options: * **Equivalent ISO**; * **Analog ISO**; * **Canon digital ISO** - used for obtaining intermediate ISOs like 160, 320, 640; * **ML digital ISO** (DIGIC) - in movie mode: enables ISO 50, ISO 80, ISO 51200 and many other intermediate or astronomical ISOs; * **Highlight Tone Priority** (which increases dynamic range by 1 stop in movie mode); * **ISO selection** (Canon ISOs or ML ISOs) - only used in movie mode: - Canon ISO option will select 100, 160, 200, 320 and so on, and will also clear ML digital gain, if any is set. - ML ISO option will increment ISOs in full stops, but will keep ML digital gain, if any is set. Notes and tips for ML digital ISO, in movie mode only: * Negative values will reduce noise, but may cause color issues in highlights (pink highlights). * Positive values will increase noise, but in very dark scenes they will also get more shadow detail (at the cost of clipped highlights). * Consider using negative ISO when you notice noise in shadows or when you want a smooth highlight rolloff. * Try to use as much negative ISO gain as possible, but without getting pink highlights (-0.3 EV will probably work best; if you use HTP you may go up to -1 EV). * For increased dynamic range, combine negative digital ISO (which reduces shadow noise) with the excellent `Flaat picture styles `_ (which are a very good approximation of log-gamma curves). .. _shutter: Shutter ``````` Fine-tune shutter speed. * When exposure override is enabled, you can adjust it in 1/8-stop increments (movie mode only). * In **photo mode**, Magic Lantern displays integer shutter values without rounding them (e.g. 1/50 will be displayed by ML as 1/48). This is not a bug. * In **movie mode**, shutter values are displayed with one decimal place (for example, in PAL mode, Canon uses 1/33.3 to avoid flicker). * To use shutter speeds normally not available in Canon firmware (like 1/25 or 1/8000 in movie mode), enable `exposure override`_. Aperture ```````` Adjust aperture. When `exposure override`_ is enabled, you can adjust it in 1/8-stop increments (movie mode only). PictureStyle ```````````` Change picture style or adjust its parameters. REC PicStyle ```````````` You can use a different picture style when recording (toggled automagically). May be useful with flat picture styles. .. _exposure override: Exp.Override ```````````` This mode bypasses Canon exposure limitations (for ISO, Tv, Av). Advantages: * Fixes the `LiveView underexposure bug with manual lenses `_. * Enables manual video exposure controls in cameras without it (500D, 50D, 1100D). * Enables 1/25s in movie mode (24p/25p) -> 1/3 stops better in low light. * Enables 1/8000s in movie mode, `useful for slow motion `_. * Enables ISO 12800 in movie mode on 60D and 600D. * Allows full-time DOF preview in photo mode, without blocking certain keys. Settings: * **OFF**: Canon default exposure mode. * **ON**: ML overrides exposure values (change them from Expo menu). * **Auto**: ML enables it only when needed (that's not auto exposure, but automatic decision of when you need low-level manual controls): - For 500D, 50D, 1100D: in movie mode, to enable manual exposure controls. - For 60D and 5D Mark III: in Manual mode with a manual lens, to fix the `LiveView underexposure bug `_. - For 550D/60D/600D/5D2: when you select a shutter speed, aperture or ISO value which is not available in standard firmware (e.g. 1/25s or 1/8000s in movie mode). LV Display `````````` Selects or displays LiveView display type: * **Photo display, with exposure simulation** * **Photo display, without exposure simulation** (for framing and for flash photography) * **Movie display**.