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1.1.3 Tools for porting

While the programming interface should be almost transparent between systems (expect for the unimplemented parts, of course), there are a variety of other files and tools that are necessary for porting programs.


This program coverts nib files from any system, such as OPENSTEP to a gmodel format file. Gmodel can be read directly by GNUstep or you can convert this to a more GNUstep-native gorm format (using the Gorm interface modeller). Note this is not necessary for Cocoa nibs - GNUstep can read these directly.


GNUstep Renaissance allows you to describe your user interfaces (that is, the windows in your application, and the buttons, boxes, textfields, etc in the windows) in simple and intuitive XML files, using an open, standard format describing the logic of the interface. It has a number of advantages over the proprietary nib format: portability, open standard, easy localization, themeability, and intelligent autolayout.


The equivalent of the Interface Builder in GNUstep. It might be easier to just recreate the interface using Gorm rather than dealing with translations.

OpenStep2GNUConverter and nfmake

Two programs that allow you to convert PB files to GNUstep makefiles or compile a program on GNUstep directly from PB files. They probably work only for OPENSTEP systems and are a little out-of-date.


A portable scripting environment that lets your do scripting in almost any language you like.