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This directory contains resources used by shared libraries. In GNUstep a shared library can have an associated resource bundle (a bundle only composed of resources, with no object file), which is then installed into this directory.

For example, gnustep-base will get its resource bundle installed into GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBRARY/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base.

In GNUmakefiles, this location is available via the GNUSTEP_RESOURCES variable, which is the location for the domain in which the software will be installed. You can also reference the locations in the various domains directly by using the variables GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_RESOURCES, GNUSTEP_NETWORK_RESOURCES, GNUSTEP_LOCAL_RESOURCES and GNUSTEP_USER_RESOURCES.

In gnustep-base, you can access the resource bundle associated with a library by using the [NSBundle +bundleForLibrary:] method (it is a GNUstep extension).