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1.7.1 Directory Paths


GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES is the absolute path to the directory where the Makefile Package files are located. Use GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES to refer to a makefile fragment or script file from the Makefile Package within a makefile; the GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable should be only be used within makefiles and not referenced within C or Objective-C programs.


GNUSTEP_APPS is the absolute path to the directory where GUI applications are installed. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_ADMIN_APPS is the absolute path to the directory where GUI applications for the system Administrator are installed. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_WEB_APPS is the absolute path to the directory where web applications (for web development frameworks such as GSWeb or SOPE) are installed. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_TOOLS is the absolute path for the root directory where command line tools are installed. Only command line tools which are target platform independent should be installed in GNUSTEP_TOOLS; target platform dependent command line tools should be placed in the appropriate subdirectory of GNUSTEP_TOOLS, see GNUSTEP_TARGET_DIR, and TOOL_INSTALLATION_DIR. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_ADMIN_TOOLS is the absolute path for the root directory where command line tools for the system administrator are installed. Only command line tools which are target platform independent should be installed in GNUSTEP_ADMIN_TOOLS; target platform dependent command line tools should be placed in the appropriate subdirectory of GNUSTEP_ADMIN)TOOLS, see GNUSTEP_TARGET_DIR, and TOOL_INSTALLATION_DIR. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_HEADERS is the absolute path for the root directory where header files are installed. Normally header files are not installed in the GNUSTEP_HEADERS directory, but in a subdirectory as specified by the project which owns the files, see library.make for more information. GNUSTEP_HEADERS should contain platform independent header files because the files are shared by all platforms. Any target platform dependent header files should be placed in the appropriate subdirectory as specified by GNUSTEP_TARGET_DIR. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_LIBRARY is the absolute path for the ’Library’ directory where all sorts of resources are installed. This directory can be expected to have (at least) some standard subdirectories with fixed names, which are ApplicationSupport, Bundles, Frameworks, ApplicationSupport/Palettes, Services, Libraries/Resources and Libraries/Java. You can access them in your GNUmakefile as GNUSTEP_LIBRARY/ApplicationSupport, GNUSTEP_LIBRARY/Bundles, etc. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES is the absolute path for the directory where libraries are installed taking the target platform and library combination into account. This directory is generally where library project types, see library.make, will install the library file. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_RESOURCES is the absolute path for the directory where resource files for libraries are installed; example resources are fonts, printer type information, model files for system panels, and system images. The resource files are generally associated with libraries, because resources for applications or bundles are included within the application or bundle directory wrapper. GNUSTEP_RESOURCES is the Libraries/Resources subdirectory of GNUSTEP_LIBRARY; it is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_DOC is the absolute path for the directory where documentation is installed (with the exception of man pages and info documentation, which need to be installed into GNUSTEP_DOC_MAN and GNUSTEP_DOC_INFO). This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_DOC_MAN is the absolute path for the directory where man pages are to be installed. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_DOC_INFO is the absolute path for the directory where info documentation is installed. This variable is dependent upon the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN variable, so the path will change accordingly if the user specifies a different installation domain.


GNUSTEP_HOST_DIR is the subdirectory path for the host platform CPU and operating system. It is a composed from the GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU and GNUSTEP_HOST_OS variables.


GNUSTEP_TARGET_DIR is the subdirectory path for the target platform CPU and operating system. It is composed from the GNUSTEP_TARGET_CPU and GNUSTEP_TARGET_OS variables. GNUSTEP_TARGET_DIR is generally used as part of the installation path when platform specific files are installed.


GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR is the subdirectory path where the Makefile Package places binary files: object files, libraries, executables, produced by the compiler. The Makefile Package separates binary files for different target platforms, different library combinations, and different compile options into different directories; these different directories are subdirectories from the current directory where the makefile resides. This structure allows a package to be compiled for different target platforms, different library combinations, and different compile options in place; i.e. the binary files are separated from each other so a compile pass from one set of options do not overwrite or erase binary files from a previous compile pass with different options. Generally the user does not use this variable; however, if the package needs to manually install some binary files than the makefile fragment uses this variable to reference the path where the binary file is located.

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