== Digimouse Atlas Photon Simulation == In this example, we demonstrate light transport simulation in a mouse atlas template (Digimouse). There are 21 tissue types in the atlas. The volume is made of 190 x 496 x 104 0.8 mm^3 isotropic voxels. See [Fang2012]. To run this example, please call ./run_atlas.sh or ./run_atlas.sh -n 1e6 to specify a different photon number The JSON files (.json, .jnii) utlizes the JData specifiation (https://github.com/fangq/jdata) to include binary data with compression support. Please download JSONLab from https://github.com/fangq/jsonlab to open these files in MATLAB and GNU Octave, or PyJData from https://github.com/fangq/pyjdata to open such in Python. === Reference === [Fang2012] Fang Q and Kaeli D, "Accelerating mesh-based Monte Carlo method on modern CPU architectures," Biomed. Opt. Express, 3(12), 3223-3230, 2012