Command: GetStatus

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GetStatus - return the property dictionary of a node, connection,
random deviate generator or object
gid GetStatus -> dict
conn GetStatus -> dict
rdev GetStatus -> dict
obj GetStatus -> dict
GetStatus returns a dictionary with the status information
for a node (specified by its gid), a connection (specified by a connection
object), a random deviate generator (see GetStatus_v for more) or an
object as used in object-oriented programming in SLI (see cvo for more).

The interpreter exchanges data with the network element using
its status dictionary. To abbreviate the access pattern
gid GetStatus /lit get
a variant of get implicitly calls GetStatus
gid /lit get .
In this way network elements and dictionaries can be accessed
with the same syntax. Sometimes access to nested data structures in
the status dictionary is required. In this case the advanced addressing
scheme of get is useful in which the second argument is an array of
literals. See the documentation of get for details.

The information contained in the property dictionary depends on the
concrete node model.

Please refer to the model documentation for details.

Standard entries for nodes:

global_id - local ID of the node
model - literal, defining the current node
frozen - frozen nodes are not updated
thread - the thread the node is allocated on
vp - the virtual process a node belongs to

Note that the standard entries cannot be modified directly.
Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
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