Command: Map

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Map - Apply a procedure to each element of a list or string
[v1 ... vn] {f} Map -> [ f(v1) ... f(vn) ]
[ [... n levels [a1 ... an] ... [b1 ... bn] ...] ] {f} [n] Map
-> [ [... [f(a1) ... f(an)] ... [f(b1) ... f(bn)] ...] ]

(c1 ... cn) {f} Map -> (f(c1)...f(vn))
[1 2 3 4 5] {2 mul} Map --> [2 4 6 8 10]
[ [3. 4.] [7. 8.] ] {cvi} [2] Map --> [[3 4] [7 8]]
[3. 4. 7. 8.] {cvi} [1] Map --> [3 4 7 8]

(abc) {1 add} Map --> (bcd)
Map works like the corresponding Mathematica function.
For each element of the input array, Map calls f and replaces
the element with the result of f.
Note that f must return exactly one value! The result of Map
is a list with the same number of values as the argument list.
If f does not return a value, Map fails.
If f returns more than one value, the result of Map is undefined.

The specification of the nesting level in Mathematica is more general.
Currently NEST only supports [n]
[v1 ... vn] - list of n arbitrary objects
(c1 ... cn) - string with n characters

{f} - function which can operate on the elements of [array].
This function must return exaclty one value.
[n] - nesting level at which {f} is applied
Map is not part of PostScript
The Mathematica Book
Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
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