Command: hh_cond_exp_traub

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hh_cond_exp_traub - Hodgkin-Huxley model for Brette et al (2007) review
hh_cond_exp_traub is an implementation of a modified Hodgkin-Huxley model

This model was specifically developed for a major review of simulators [1],
based on a model of hippocampal pyramidal cells by Traub and Miles[2].
The key differences between the current model and the model in [2] are:

• This model is a point neuron, not a compartmental model.
• This model includes only I_Na and I_K, with simpler I_K dynamics than
in [2], so it has only three instead of eight gating variables;
in particular, all Ca dynamics have been removed.
• Incoming spikes induce an instantaneous conductance change followed by
exponential decay instead of activation over time.

This model is primarily provided as reference implementation for hh_coba
example of the Brette et al (2007) review. Default parameter values are chosen
to match those used with NEST 1.9.10 when preparing data for [1]. Code for all
simulators covered is available from ModelDB [3].

In this model, a spike is emitted if

@f[ V_m >= V_T + 30 mV and V_m has fallen during the current time step @f]

To avoid that this leads to multiple spikes during the falling flank of a
spike, it is essential to chose a sufficiently long refractory period.
Traub and Miles used \f$ t_ref = 3 ms \f$ [2, p 118], while we used
\f$ t_ref = 2 ms \f$ in [2].
The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary.

\verbatim embed:rst
=========== ====== =========================================================
V_m mV Membrane potential
V_T mV Voltage offset that controls dynamics. For default
parameters, V_T = -63mV results in a threshold around
E_L mV Leak reversal potential
C_m pF Capacity of the membrane
g_L nS Leak conductance
tau_syn_ex ms Time constant of the excitatory synaptic exponential
tau_syn_in ms Time constant of the inhibitory synaptic exponential
t_ref ms Duration of refractory period (see Note).
E_ex mV Excitatory synaptic reversal potential
E_in mV Inhibitory synaptic reversal potential
E_Na mV Sodium reversal potential
g_Na nS Sodium peak conductance
E_K mV Potassium reversal potential
g_K nS Potassium peak conductance
I_e pA External input current
=========== ====== =========================================================
SpikeEvent, CurrentEvent, DataLoggingRequest
\verbatim embed:rst
.. [1] Brette R et al. (2007). Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A
review of tools and strategies. Journal of Computational Neuroscience
23:349-98. DOI:
.. [2] Traub RD and Miles R (1991). Neuronal networks of the hippocampus.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.
.. [3]
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