Command: mip_generator

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mip_generator - create spike trains as described by the MIP model.
The mip_generator generates correlated spike trains using an Multiple
Interaction Process (MIP) as described in [1]. Underlying principle is a
Poisson mother process with rate r, the spikes of which are copied into the
child processes with a certain probability p. Every node the mip_generator is
connected to receives a distinct child process as input, whose rate is p*r.
The value of the pairwise correlation coefficient of two child processes
created by a MIP process equals p.
The following parameters appear in the element's status dictionary:

\verbatim embed:rst
============ ======== ================================================
rate spikes/s Mean firing rate of the mother process
p_copy real Copy probability
mother_rng rng Random number generator of mother process
mother_seed integer Seed of RNG of mother process
============ ======== ================================================
The MIP generator may emit more than one spike through a child process
during a single time step, especially at high rates. If this happens,
the generator does not actually send out n spikes. Instead, it emits
a single spike with n-fold synaptic weight for the sake of efficiency.
Furthermore, note that as with the Poisson generator, different threads
have their own copy of a MIP generator. By using the same mother_seed
it is ensured that the mother process is identical for each of the

IMPORTANT: The mother_seed of mpi_generator must be different from any
seeds used for the global or thread-specific RNGs set in
the kernel.

@todo Better handling of private random number generator, see #143.
Most important: If RNG is changed in prototype by SetDefaults,
then this is
\verbatim embed:rst
.. [1] Kuhn A, Aertsen A, Rotter S (2003). Higher-order statistics of input
ensembles and the response of simple model neurons. Neural Computation
May 2006, Helias
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