Command: ArrayShape

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ArrayShape - reduce a multidimensional array to a desired shape
array1 [d1 d2 ...] LayoutArray -> array2
[ [ 3 6 9] 100 [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [2] ArrayShape
-> [[3 6 9] 100]
[ [ 3 6 9] [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [/All 2] ArrayShape
-> [[3 6] [8 2]]
[ [ 3 6 9] [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [/All 3] ArrayShape
-> [[3 6 9] [8 2 3]]
[ [ 3 6 9] [ 8 2 3 7 1] ] [/All 4] ArrayShape
-> [[8 2 3 7]]

[[[ 6 2 3] [-7 4 5] ] [[8 3 2] [2 -9 -5] 3 7 1]] [/All 2 3] ArrayShape
-> [[[6 2 3] [-7 4 5]] [[8 3 2] [2 -9 -5]]]
The function is useful if an operation needs to be performed on an
array of data which contains rows with insufficient data and rows
with trailing superfluous entries.

The algorithm is as follows:
• if dim empty return []
• take first d1 elements of a if available
return [] otherwise
• forall these elements
• do nothing if [d2 ...dn] empty
• otherwise apply [d2 ...dn] and remove
if result is []
array1 - array to operate on
[d1 d2 ...] - array with specification of dimensions, where
di is an integer or /All
array2 - reduced array1
The Mathematica function ArrayDepth (not implemented) tests whether its
argument has the required dimensions. This is unlike the function Dimensions
which assumes that all elements of the array at a given level have identical
shape and, therefore, inspects only the first element at each level.
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