Command: GetConnections

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GetConnections - Retrieve connections between node
<< /source [sgid1 sgid2 ...]
/target [tgid1 tgid2 ...]
/synapse_model /smodel
/synapse_label label >> GetConnections -> [ conn1 conn2 ... ]
1. If called with an empty dictionary, GetConnections returns all connections of the
network, as a list of arrays (IntVectorDatum), one array per connection.
2. Each array (connection object) has the following elements:
[source-gid target-gid target-thread synapse-model-id port]
3. The optional dictionary elements /source and /target can be used to filter
for specific pre- and post-synaptic neurons, respectively.
4. The optional parameter /synapse_model can be used to filter for a specific synapse model.
5. The optional parameter /synapse_label can be used to filter for a specific synapse label.
6. In a parallel simulation, GetConnections only returns connections with *targets*
on the MPI process executing the function.
A dictionary that may contain the following fields (all are optional):
/source - array with GIDs of presynaptic nodes whose connections are sought.
If not given, all neurons are searched as sources.
/target - array with GIDs of post-synaptic nodes whose connections are sought.
If not given, all neurons are searched as targets.
/synapse_model - literal specifying synapse model
If not given, connections of all synapse models are returned.
/synapse_label - integer specifying synapse label
If not given, connections of all synapse labels are returned.
1. See synapsedict for the synapse-model-id's for all synapse models.
2. The /synapse_label property can only be assigned to synapse models with names ending
with '_lbl'. All other synapses have the default synapse_label UNLABELED_CONNECTION (-1).
3. The "port" enumerates connections per source, thread and synapse model. It is
mainly important for NEST internally.
4. In OpenMP mode, GetConnections works thread-parallel for better performance.
5. Connection objects can be converted to SLI lists with cva.
6. Connection objects can be passed to SetSynapseStatus, GetSynapseStatus, and DataConnect
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