Command: Take

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Take - extract element sequences from a container
array n Take return the first n elements
array -n Take return the last n elements
array [n1 n2] Take return elements n1 through n2
array [n1 n2 s] Take return elements n1 through n2 in steps of s
array [[seq1]...[seqn]] Take return a nested list in which elements
specified by seqi are taken at level i in list.

Operations are the same on strings.
The implementation of Take uses the command container to abstract
the container type.

Note that Take handles indices ranging from -N to N where
N is the length of the original container and asking for index 0
will return an empty array.

If the specified indices do not exist in the container, Take throws a RangeCheck error.

If n2 < n1, Take returns an empty container.
[4 9 -7 3 2 11] 2 Take --> [4 9]
[4 9 -7 3 2 11] -2 Take --> [2 11]
[1 2 3 4 5] [-2] Take --> 4
[1 2 3 4 5] [1 -2] Take --> [1 2 3 4]
[1 2 3 4 5] [1 -2 2] Take --> [1 3]
[1 2 3 4 5] [1 -1 2] Take --> [1 3 5]
% [1 2 3 4 5] [1 6] Take --> [Error]: RangeCheck
(HAL) {1 add} Map --> (IBM)
(HAL) 2 Take --> (HA)
(HAL) -2 Take --> (AL)
(HALLO) [-2] Take --> 76
(HALLO) [1 -2] Take --> (HALL)
(HALLO) [1 -2 2] Take --> (HL)
(HALLO) [1 -1 2] Take --> (HLO)
The scheme for a list of sequences is not fully consistent with Mathematica.
See Drop for a more advanced implementation.
[1] The Mathematica Book V4.0 "Take"
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