Command: arraylib::getdeep

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arraylib::getdeep - get an element from a nested container (array, dict, ...).
(general form:)
nested_container index_array getdeep -> element

(specific forms:)
[nested_array] [i1 i2 ... in] getdeep -> element
{nested_procedure} [i1 i2 ... in] getdeep -> element
{nested_litprocedure} [i1 i2 ... in] getdeep -> element
<<nested_dictionary>> [/n1 /n2 ... /nn] getdeep -> element
[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [0 2] getdeep -> 3
[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [1] getdeep -> [4 5 6]
<< /a << /b 1 /c 2 >> >> [/a /c] getdeep -> 2
"Getdeep" resolves to a repeated call to "get". That is, it retrieves
a single element from a nested array. The call iterates as deep into
the nested structure as is indicated by the number of elements in the
index array.
In short: The call "a [i1 i2 ... in] getdeep" is identical to
"a i1 get i2 get ... in get".
"Getdeep" can be used on all containers that "get" can be used on.
Since strings cannot be nested, it does not make much sense for
strings, though.
The first argument is a (probably nested) container.
The second argument is a flat index array. For all array type containers,
this must be an array of integers. For nested dictionaries, this must
be an array of literals.
The call iterates as deep into
the nested structure as is indicated by the number of elements in the
index array.
The number of elements in the index array must not exceed the number
of nested levels in the container. Otherwise, the nested call to get will
raise /ArgumentType.

The elements in the index array must be suited to index the container.
Otherwise, the nested call to get will raise /ArgumentType.

For array containers, the index at position i must be smaller than the
number of elements at level i in the container. Otherwise, the nested
call to get will raise /RangeCheck.
There currently is no "putdeep" command, but this functionality is
provided by "put". See discussion thread on the nest developer list
from 19-jun-2006.
library "arraylib"
R Kupper
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