Command: def

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def - define a variable or function
/name obj def -> -
/name [/type1 .. /typen] any def -> -
SLI ] /a 1 def
SLI ] a =

SLI ] /f [/integertype /integertype] {add_ii} def
SLI ] 1 2 f
SLI [1] =
SLI ] 1 2.0 f
TypeTrie::lookup error at parameter level 0
Operand : 2
Operand type : doubletype
Expected type: integertype
Error: /ArgumentType in f
SLI ] /f [/integertype /doubletype] {add_id} def
SLI ] 1 2.0 f =
SLI ] 1 2 f
SLI [1] =
def creates an association between /name and obj
in the current dictionary.

First variant:
The first variant unconditionally creates the association. Any
existing association will be overwritten.

Second variant:
The second variant creates a user-defined function with automatic
parameter checking. The second parameter must be an array of valid
type-specifiers. The last parameter must be a procedure object. If
the name is already bound to a trie, the new definition is added
to the trie, otherwise a trie is created.

If the array of type-specifiers is empty, it is checked, if there
already exists a trie for this name. If so, the definition would be
ambiguous, and an error is raised. If not, the first variant of
def is called.

Note that no name binding via bind is performed.
Ambiguous type trie definitions are not always detected! Only if the
new parameter list is longer than an existing one, a warning is issued
(but no error is raised). This needs improvement.

Author'sRemark: Maybe the trie variant should be called deffun, like in lisp.
Marc-oliver Gewaltig
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