Command: dup2

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dup2 - Duplicate a filestream's file descriptor onto another'
istream1 istream2 dup2 -> -
ostream1 ostream2 dup2 -> -
1. myostream cout dup2 %subsequent writes to cout will be
%redirected to myostream
2. myistream cin dup2 %subsequent reads from cin will read
%from myinstream
3. % The "dup2" in 1. would better be preceeded by a "flush":
mystream cout flush dup2
4. % A typical case: redirect output of a child process to a pipe.
% (This is what the "spawn" command does):
pipe %create a pipe
cout flush dup2 %The child redirects its cout to the
%write end of the pipe
closeistream %It closes the read end of the pipe, for
%it is not needed.
(ls) sysexec %The child transfers control to "ls".
%"ls" will write to it's cout, i.e., to
%the pipe.
} spoon pop %we are not interested in the child's PID...
closeostream %The parent closes the write end of the
%pipe, for it is not needed.
% The parent may now read the output of "ls" from the read end
% of the pipe.
"dup2" is a wrapper to the "dup2()" UNIX system call.
This is a low-level file operation. It does not operate on
filestreams, but on the underlying UNIX file descriptors.

1. "dup2" gets the file descriptors fd1 and fd2, to which
the two streams are bound. (See remarks below!)
2. System function dup2(fd1, fd2) is called. This means:
o If fd1 equals fd2, nothing is done.
o If not, the file associated with fd2, if any, is closed.
fd2 is then attached to the same file as fd1. It refers
to the same open file as fd1 and shares any locks.
Thus, the values of fd1 and fd2 stay unchanged, but
fd2 refers to a different file after the call.
Respectively, C++-stream2 stays unchanged in every
detail (buffer, value of undelying file descriptor, ...)
but is actually connected to a different file.

"dup2" will usually be called on "cin", "cout" or "cerr" after
a "fork" or "spoon" and prior to calling "sysexec". This is
used to redirect the standard channels of the newly created
process to a file, pipe or fifo. For a typical call see
examples below.
In a UNIX environment, each process expects the standard
channels stdin, stdout, stderr to be associated to three
special file descriptors (usually 0, 1 and 2). Thus, if a parent
process redirects one of these descriptors explicitely, a
child process will inherit this redirection and read/write
to a file when accessing cin/cout/cerr/clog WITHOUT

Alternatives: Functions dup2_is_is for two istreams,
dup2_os_os for two osstreams (both undocumented)
-> behaviour and synopsis are the same.
In: i/ostream1: The stream to duplicate. This stream and it's
undelying filedescriptor will stay unchanged.
i/ostream2: The stream to be re-directed. The file
associated to this stream will be closed, and
this stream will be associated to the same file
as i/ostream1.
System Errors: EBADF (Invalid file descriptor)
EINTR (Function was interrupted by a signal)
This is a typesafe wrapper to "dup2_is_is" and "dup2_os_os"
which operate on two input streams and two output streams
respectively. The code for these functions can be found in
file "synod2/sli/processes.{h|cc}".

It sure is not a bad idea to flush ostream2 prior to the
call, as it will be connected to another file afterwards, but
any buffered data stays unchanged!

Getting the file descriptors from C++-filestreams is not yet
supported by a POSIX call. (There is such a call for C-filestreams,
however). The code used here may be implementation dependent and
not fully portable! As soon as there is a reliably portable way
to detect file descriptors from a C++-filestream (or convert a C++
stream to a C stream), the respective code found in function
Processes::fd(), file "synod2/sli/", should be changed.
R Kupper
May 05 1999
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