Command: testsuite::test_bernoulli_synapse

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testsuite::test_bernoulli_synapse - test of bernoulli_synapse connection
(test_bernoulli_synapse) run -> measure average number of spikes transmitted
by a Bernoulli synapse (static synapse with stochastic transmission)
1000 spikes generated by spike_generator are sent to a parrot neuron using a
bernoulli_synapse with transmission probability 25%. Transmission is mediated
by another parrot neuron that is connected to spike_generator via static synapse.
If the average number of spikes detected by spike detectors is within three
standard deviations from the mean of the binomial distribution, the synapse
works fine. Also tests the interval of possible probabilities, [0, 1].
Maximilian Schmidt, Milena Menezes Carvalho
June 2017
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