Command: testsuite::test_gamma_sup_generator

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testsuite::test_gamma_sup_generator - li script for test of gamma_sup_generator output
(test_gamma_sup_generator) run -> compare spike train statistics with expectations
test_gamma_sup_generator is a collection of tests which require basic
functionality of the generator. It tests
1) if the firing rate of a superposition is close to the preset one.
2) if the coefficient of variation of a superposition agrees with theory
3) if the coefficient of variation of a single process agrees with theory
4) if the spike trains generated for two different targets differ

All of these tests are based on random number realizations, which is
necessarily so since the model is stochastic. There is thus a finite
probability of test failure, even if everything is fine. The choice of the
variable err, which is the allowed relative deviation from the reference value,
can be used to make the test more or less strict. Increasing T inside the test
functions can also help to get more reliable statistics and a reduced
probability of false alarms.

The values are chosen to have a reasonable execution time. False alarms were
never observed yet. Since random numbers are preserved through repetitions of
the simulations, the test should work for sure as long as the random number
generation procedure of nest is not changed. If it is changed, failure of the
test is still very unlikely.

The intention of this script is to make sure that there are no gross errors in
the main functions of the gamma_sup_generator.
This test script was adapted from test_ppd_sup_generator.sli
June 2011, Moritz Deger
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