Command: testsuite::test_iaf_psc_exp

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testsuite::test_iaf_psc_exp - li script for overall test of iaf_psc_exp model
(test_iaf_psc_exp) run -> compares response to current step with reference data
test_iaf_psc_exp.sli is an overall test of the iaf_psc_exp model connected
to some useful devices.

A DC current is injected into the neuron using a current generator
device. The membrane potential as well as the spiking activity are
recorded by corresponding devices.

It can be observed how the current charges the membrane, a spike
is emitted, the neuron becomes absolute refractory, and finally
starts to recover.

The timing of the various events on the simulation grid is of
particular interest and crucial for the consistency of the
simulation scheme.

Although 0.1 cannot be represented in the IEEE double data type, it
is safe to simulate with a resolution (computation step size) of 0.1
ms because by default nest is built with a timebase enabling exact
representation of 0.1 ms.

The expected output is documented and briefly commented at the end of
the script. The textual output of the voltmeter documented in this file
can be regenerated by setting adding /to_screen true to the SetStatus
call of vm below.

Other test programs discuss the various aspects of this script in detail,
see the SeeAlso key below.
July 2004, Diesmann
March 2006, Moritz Helias
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