Command: testsuite::test_iaf_psp

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testsuite::test_iaf_psp - li script for test of iaf_psc_alpha spike input
(test_iaf_psp) run -> compare response with reference data
test_iaf_psp.sli checks the voltage response of the iaf_psc_alpha
model neuron to a single incoming spike. The voltage excursion is
called post-synaptic potential (PSP). In the iaf_psc_alpha model neuron
the post-synaptic current is described by an alpha-function
(see [1] and references therein). The resulting PSP has a finite
rise-time, with voltage and current beeing zero in the initial
condition (see [1]).

The dynamics is tested by connecting a device that emits spikes
at individually configurable times (see test_spike_generator) to
a model neuron.

The weight of the connection specifies the peak value (amplitude)
of the post-synaptic current (PSC) in pA.

The subthreshold dynamics of the iaf_psc_alpha is integrated exactly.
Therefore, it is suitable to check whether the simulation kernel
produces results independent of the computation step size

In order to obtain identical results for different computation
step sizes h, the SLI script needs to be independent of h.
This is achieved by specifying all time parameters in milliseconds
(ms). In particular the time of spike emission and the synaptic
delay need to be integer multiples of the computation step sizes
to be tested. test_iaf_dc_aligned_delay demonstrates the strategy
for the case of DC current input.

The expected output is documented and briefly commented at the end of
the script.
[1] Rotter S & Diesmann M (1999) Exact simulation of time-invariant linear
systems with applications to neuronal modeling. Biologial Cybernetics
July 2004, Diesmann
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