Command: testsuite::test_spike_poisson_ps_base2.sli

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(test_spike_poisson_ps_base2) run
In NEST spike times are represented by an integer part in units of h
and an offset in units of milliseconds. This helps to maintain a
uniform absolute accuracy of spike times even for long simulation

The user has access to the two components of the spike if the spike
detector is set to
/time_in_steps true /precise_times true .
In thie case the spike detector returns events with the properties
/times and /offsets, where /times are the integer parts s in units of h
and offsets are the fractional parts o in milliseconds. According to
NEST's definition of a grid-constrained spike as a spike occuring
somewhere in (t-h,t], the precise spike time is
t = s*h - o

Access to spike times with a uniform absolute accuracy is benefitial
when testing and comparing integrators for neuron models, see appendix
A.2 of [1] for details.

This script tests whether the accuracy of spike times is maintained
independent of the choice of computation step size h.

This assumes that also the poisson generator is capable of maintaining
the accuracy independent of computation step size.
If this test fails go back to
to check whether poisson_generator_ps can emit spike times at double
precision or whether spike times are limited to the precision of a
[1] Morrison A, Straube S, Plesser H E, Diesmann M (2007) Exact
subthreshold integration with continuous spike times in discrete time
neural network simulations. Neural Computation 19: 47-79
May 2010, adapted to NEST2, Diesmann
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