Command: trim

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trim - Delete leading/trailing elements in a container.
MyStr Character Flag={0|1|2} trim -> TrimmedStr
MyArr Element Flag={0|1|2} trim -> TrimmedArr
(--hello-you---) (-) 0 trim -> (hello-you---)
(--hello-you---) (-) 1 trim -> (--hello-you)
(--hello-you---) (-) 2 trim -> (hello-you)
The trim function returns a copy of MyStr (MyArr) with
leading and/or trailing Characters (Elements) removed.
In : MyStr(string): The String to be strimmed
MyArr(array): The array to be trimmed

Optional In: Character(string): The character to remove
Element(any) : The element to remove

Flag(int) : A value that controls the action
of trim. If Flag is zero,
trailing elements are removed.
Leading elements are removed if it is
equal to 1. Both are removed if it is
equal to 2.

Out: TrimmedStr(string)/TrimmedArr(array):
a copy of MyStr (MyArr) with
leading and/or trailing Characters (Elements) removed.
array-type-trie doesn't work (why?)
Inspired by IDL's STRTRIM-Function.
If Flag doesn't equal 0, 1 or 2, it defaults to 0 and
a warning message is issued
If trim is called on an empty container, a debugging message is issued
Set shutup-level to hide messages! (see shutup)

Procedure: a. Flag=0: Scan string for first non-occurance of character,
then delete string up to this position.
b. Flag=1 executes a. on the reversed string
c. Flag=3 executes a. and b.
R Kupper
Apr 10 1999
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