Welcome to the Opencast docs!

Opencast is an open source video capture and processing software. For more information about the project visit opencast.org

Administration Guide

The Opencast administration guide contains official release documentation and installation and configuration details.

User Guide

This set of documentation is written for users who will primarily access and use Opencast through the administrative user interfaces.

Developer Guide

The Opencast developer guide contains information for active developers and those who want to become involved in Opencast development.

Communication & Help

Mailing lists

Discussions take place in several mailing lists:

You can subscribe via Google Groups (linked above) or simply by sending a mail to [list]+subscribe@opencast.org (e.g. users+subscribe@opencast.org).

IRC channel (Chat)

For occasional quick questions we have an IRC channel on Freenode: #opencast.

Technical meeting

Our weekly meeting of developers and dev-ops takes place in BigBlueButton (room 1, password: welcome) on every Tuesday at 3pm UTC. Feel free to join!

Adopters meeting

Every last Wednesday of each month adopters meet in BigBlueButton (room 1, password: welcome). The meeting alternates between the international adopters meeting at 3pm UTC and the German speaking community meeting at 2pm Europe/Berlin timezone. Watch the users list for announcements and feel free to join!



You can find the codebase of Opencast in the Git repository hosted at github.com/opencast/opencast. Feel free to fork to project and open pull requests. If you need help or more information, please do not hesitate to ask any question on the developers list.


Please report security related bugs by sending an email to security@opencast.org. Everything else should be filed as a ticket in our issue tracker.


You can help translating Opencast to your language on crowdin.com/project/opencast-community. Simply request to join the project on Crowdin and start translating. If you are interested in translating a language which is not a target language right now, please ask on the developers list and we will add the language.

Test Servers

Official test servers are available for develop and the latest release branches. All servers are reset daily at 2am (Europe/Berlin timezone).