PeaZip is a free, Open Source file and archive manager. Create 7Z, ARC, BR, BZ2, GZ, *PAQ, PEA, TAR, UPX, WIM, ZIP, ZST... Extract over 200 file formats as ACE, CAB, DMG, ISO, RAR, UDF, ZIPX... PeaZip allows to create, convert and extract multiple archives at once, create self-extracting archives, bookmark archives and folders, apply powerful search filters, scan and open files with custom applications, apply strong encryption, split/join files, secure data deletion, checksum and hash. To change application's language, use Options > Localization. PeaZip executables doesn't need installation and can run from any location, a writeable path is strongly recommended to allow update of configuration and of persistent randomness collector. For better system integration please read "Customisation and scripting" chapter in documentation. It is possible to invoke most used PeaZip's functions from basically any mean capable of passing parameters as explained in application's documentation, like: - registry entries - links (i.e. in SendTo menu) - scripts Due to it's frontend/backend architecture, backend executables can be freely replaced when a newer version is available (i.e. 64 bit version) as long as the new version supports the known syntax Status of porting of single components to 64-bit: peazip 64 bit pea 64 bit dragdropfilesdll.dll 64 bit 7z 64 bit brotli 64 bit zstd 64 bit arc 32 bit lpaq 32 bit paq 32 bit zpaq 64 bit quad 32 bit balz 32 bit bcm 64 bit unace 32 bit upx 32 bit