data/arduino- doesnt ==> doesn't, does not
data/arduino- heirarchy ==> hierarchy
data/arduino- heirarchy ==> hierarchy
data/arduino- diretory ==> directory
data/arduino- interative ==> interactive
data/arduino- heirarchy ==> hierarchy
data/arduino- heirarchy ==> hierarchy
data/arduino- sucess ==> success
data/arduino- wikpedia ==> wikipedia
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Celcius ==> Celsius
data/arduino- neccessary ==> necessary
data/arduino- initialze ==> initialize
data/arduino- consistant ==> consistent
data/arduino- fron ==> from
data/arduino- informaton ==> information
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- Funtions ==> Functions
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- probaby ==> probably
data/arduino- defalt ==> default
data/arduino- procesing ==> processing
data/arduino- respository ==> repository
data/arduino- Apropriate ==> Appropriate
data/arduino- carefuly ==> carefully
data/arduino- assignement ==> assignment
data/arduino- remaing ==> remaining
data/arduino- helpfull ==> helpful
data/arduino- configued ==> configured
data/arduino- successfuly ==> successfully
data/arduino- WAN ==> WANT
data/arduino- Sav ==> Save
data/arduino- Sav ==> Save
data/arduino- Hist ==> Heist, his
data/arduino- Sav ==> Save
data/arduino- Sav ==> Save
data/arduino- Sav ==> Save
data/arduino- recomended ==> recommended
data/arduino- sieze ==> seize, size
data/arduino- neccessary ==> necessary
data/arduino- Eigth ==> Eighth, eight
data/arduino- arry ==> array, carry
data/arduino- degress ==> degrees, digress
data/arduino- corrensponding ==> corresponding
data/arduino- formated ==> formatted
data/arduino- Infor ==> Info
data/arduino- continous ==> continuous
data/arduino- wikpedia ==> wikipedia
data/arduino- diplay ==> display
data/arduino- chage ==> change, charge
data/arduino- Excuting ==> Executing
data/arduino- butttons ==> buttons
data/arduino- slected ==> selected
data/arduino- ths ==> the, this
data/arduino- dispaly ==> display
data/arduino- degress ==> degrees, digress
data/arduino- eigth ==> eighth, eight
data/arduino- heared ==> heard, header
data/arduino- intial ==> initial
data/arduino- everytime ==> every time
data/arduino- pasword ==> password
data/arduino- dettach ==> detach
data/arduino- functoning ==> functioning
data/arduino- authetication ==> authentication
data/arduino- retreived ==> retrieved
data/arduino- commond ==> command
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- brigde ==> bridge
data/arduino- lenght ==> length
data/arduino- commans ==> commands
data/arduino- Cosole ==> Console
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- buttton ==> button
data/arduino- youre ==> your, you're
data/arduino- Boolen ==> Boolean
data/arduino- libary ==> library
data/arduino- ND ==> AND, 2ND
data/arduino- ND ==> AND, 2ND
data/arduino- untill ==> until
data/arduino- initalize ==> initialize
data/arduino- congifure ==> configure
data/arduino- allways ==> always
data/arduino- parms ==> params, prams
data/arduino- ssee ==> see
data/arduino- ssee ==> see
data/arduino- ssee ==> see
data/arduino- Libary ==> Library
data/arduino- smal ==> small
data/arduino- Lenght ==> Length
data/arduino- Lenght ==> Length
data/arduino- Lenght ==> Length
data/arduino- Lenght ==> Length
data/arduino- Lenght ==> Length
data/arduino- disonnected ==> disconnected
data/arduino- disonnected ==> disconnected
data/arduino- togheter ==> together
data/arduino- setted ==> set
data/arduino- cant ==> can't
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- reponse ==> response
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- arbirary ==> arbitrary
data/arduino- funtion ==> function
data/arduino- unecessarily ==> unnecessarily
data/arduino- connetion ==> connection
data/arduino- retrived ==> retrieved
data/arduino- cant ==> can't
data/arduino- eigth ==> eighth, eight
data/arduino- Availabled ==> Available
data/arduino- continous ==> continuous
data/arduino- accross ==> across
data/arduino- genration ==> generation
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Plaform ==> Platform
data/arduino- availale ==> available
data/arduino- continous ==> continuous
data/arduino- gerneric ==> generic
data/arduino- synchroneously ==> synchronously
data/arduino- inlude ==> include
data/arduino- disabeling ==> disabling
data/arduino- accomodate ==> accommodate
data/arduino- anthing ==> anything
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- extenal ==> external
data/arduino- funtions ==> functions
data/arduino- tolen ==> token
data/arduino- accessable ==> accessible
data/arduino- sucessfully ==> successfully
data/arduino- segements ==> segments
data/arduino- splitted ==> split
data/arduino- Gratuitious ==> Gratuitous
data/arduino- qeueue ==> queue
data/arduino- Succesfully ==> Successfully
data/arduino- musn't ==> mustn't
data/arduino- continously ==> continuously
data/arduino- recevied ==> received
data/arduino- alignes ==> aligns
data/arduino- shrinked ==> shrunk
data/arduino- shrinked ==> shrunk
data/arduino- excact ==> exact
data/arduino- accomodate ==> accommodate
data/arduino- nastly ==> nasty
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Calcluates ==> Calculates
data/arduino- determin ==> determine
data/arduino- packe ==> packed, packet
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- wich ==> which
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- unsuccesfully ==> unsuccessfully
data/arduino- succesful ==> successful
data/arduino- unsuccesfully ==> unsuccessfully
data/arduino- refering ==> referring
data/arduino- unsuccesfully ==> unsuccessfully
data/arduino- sucessfully ==> successfully
data/arduino- lenghts ==> lengths
data/arduino- withing ==> within
data/arduino- addess ==> address
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Incluse ==> Include
data/arduino- endianess ==> endianness
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- choosen ==> chosen
data/arduino- accquiring ==> acquiring
data/arduino- succeding ==> succeeding
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- enought ==> enough
data/arduino- represenation ==> representation
data/arduino- represenation ==> representation
data/arduino- represenation ==> representation
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- succeds ==> succeeds
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- reponse ==> response
data/arduino- begining ==> beginning
data/arduino- timout ==> timeout
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- initalizing ==> initializing
data/arduino- retrive ==> retrieve
data/arduino- interrup ==> interrupt
data/arduino- avaible ==> available
data/arduino- queueud ==> queued
data/arduino- avaible ==> available
data/arduino- arbirary ==> arbitrary
data/arduino- funtion ==> function
data/arduino- earler ==> earlier
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- physcial ==> physical
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeters ==> delimiters
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- formated ==> formatted
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- delgate ==> delegate
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- physcial ==> physical
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeters ==> delimiters
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- formated ==> formatted
data/arduino- formated ==> formatted
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- caling ==> calling, scaling, culling
data/arduino- indentification ==> identification
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- delgate ==> delegate
data/arduino- delgate ==> delegate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- tha ==> than, that, the
data/arduino- incorrent ==> incorrect
data/arduino- Hart ==> Heart, harm
data/arduino- Hart ==> Heart, harm
data/arduino- bootlaoders ==> bootloaders
data/arduino- procesing ==> processing
data/arduino- alo ==> also
data/arduino- interger ==> integer
data/arduino- intialize ==> initialize
data/arduino- batery ==> battery
data/arduino- Celcius ==> Celsius
data/arduino- volatge ==> voltage
data/arduino- staus ==> status
data/arduino- exmaple ==> example
data/arduino- miliseconds ==> milliseconds
data/arduino- multple ==> multiple
data/arduino- inital ==> initial
data/arduino- paramter ==> parameter
data/arduino- tesselation ==> tessellation
data/arduino- tesselation ==> tessellation
data/arduino- tesselator ==> tessellator
data/arduino- wth ==> with
data/arduino- tesselation ==> tessellation
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- doens't ==> doesn't
data/arduino- hopefuly ==> hopefully
data/arduino- tesselator ==> tessellator
data/arduino- somethign ==> something
data/arduino- callled ==> called
data/arduino- beinning ==> beginning
data/arduino- wee ==> we
data/arduino- altho ==> although
data/arduino- differen ==> different
data/arduino- tesselation ==> tessellation
data/arduino- tesselator ==> tessellator
data/arduino- wan't ==> want, wasn't
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- interprete ==> interpret
data/arduino- interprete ==> interpret
data/arduino- CLUDE ==> CLUED, CLUE
data/arduino- NORE ==> NOR, MORE
data/arduino- elemnt ==> element
data/arduino- wont ==> won't
data/arduino- physcial ==> physical
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- renderering ==> rendering
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- usally ==> usually
data/arduino- calcuations ==> calculations
data/arduino- indepenent ==> independent
data/arduino- undestand ==> understand
data/arduino- undestand ==> understand
data/arduino- undestand ==> understand
data/arduino- specifing ==> specifying
data/arduino- nonexistant ==> nonexistent
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- statment ==> statement
data/arduino- horizonal ==> horizontal
data/arduino- surpressed ==> suppressed
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeters ==> delimiters
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- undestand ==> understand
data/arduino- undestand ==> understand
data/arduino- undestand ==> understand
data/arduino- specifing ==> specifying
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- parms ==> params, prams
data/arduino- fuction ==> function
data/arduino- tesselated ==> tessellated
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- nonexistant ==> nonexistent
data/arduino- addapted ==> adapted
data/arduino- postion ==> position
data/arduino- osbscure ==> obscure
data/arduino- resest ==> reset, recessed
data/arduino- algortihms ==> algorithms
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- renderering ==> rendering
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- usally ==> usually
data/arduino- calcuations ==> calculations
data/arduino- indepenent ==> independent
data/arduino- exeption ==> exception, exemption
data/arduino- specifing ==> specifying
data/arduino- nonexistant ==> nonexistent
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- statment ==> statement
data/arduino- horizonal ==> horizontal
data/arduino- surpressed ==> suppressed
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeters ==> delimiters
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- specifing ==> specifying
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- Guassian ==> Gaussian
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- normalY ==> normally
data/arduino- Evalutes ==> Evaluates
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- currentY ==> currently
data/arduino- usally ==> usually
data/arduino- calcuations ==> calculations
data/arduino- indepenent ==> independent
data/arduino- exeption ==> exception, exemption
data/arduino- nonexistant ==> nonexistent
data/arduino- preferrable ==> preferable
data/arduino- surpressed ==> suppressed
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- lod ==> load
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- Mesage ==> Message
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- delimeters ==> delimiters
data/arduino- delimeter ==> delimiter
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- adressing ==> addressing
data/arduino- initalize ==> initialize
data/arduino- ENDIANESS ==> ENDIANNESS
data/arduino- ENDIANESS ==> ENDIANNESS
data/arduino- priorty ==> priority
data/arduino- differant ==> different
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- ENDIANESS ==> ENDIANNESS
data/arduino- ENDIANESS ==> ENDIANNESS
data/arduino- ENDIANESS ==> ENDIANNESS
data/arduino- ENDIANESS ==> ENDIANNESS
data/arduino- priorty ==> priority
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- 3nd ==> 3rd
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- intialization ==> initialization
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- insted ==> instead
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- indepedent ==> independent
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- 3nd ==> 3rd
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- upto ==> up to
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- 3nd ==> 3rd
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- tha ==> than, that, the
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- varible ==> variable
data/arduino- Subraction ==> Subtraction
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- Sqaure ==> Square
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- coefficents ==> coefficients
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- Caluclates ==> Calculates
data/arduino- Caluclates ==> Calculates
data/arduino- Caluclates ==> Calculates
data/arduino- ouput ==> output
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- caculated ==> calculated
data/arduino- caluclating ==> calculating
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- differant ==> different
data/arduino- ouput ==> output
data/arduino- INCLUIDE ==> INCLUDE
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- 3nd ==> 3rd
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- Sqaure ==> Square
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- caculated ==> calculated
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- differant ==> different
data/arduino- ouput ==> output
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- differant ==> different
data/arduino- ouput ==> output
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- caluclating ==> calculating
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- Circularly ==> Circular
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- differant ==> different
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- ouput ==> output
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- caluclating ==> calculating
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- upto ==> up to
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- 3nd ==> 3rd
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- intialization ==> initialization
data/arduino- varible ==> variable
data/arduino- Accumlator ==> Accumulator
data/arduino- 3nd ==> 3rd
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- preperation ==> preparation
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- imagIn ==> imagine
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- coefficents ==> coefficients
data/arduino- varaible ==> variable
data/arduino- calcualted ==> calculated
data/arduino- Subraction ==> Subtraction
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- tha ==> than, that, the
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- insted ==> instead
data/arduino- intput ==> input
data/arduino- ouput ==> output
data/arduino- indepedent ==> independent
data/arduino- comparision ==> comparison
data/arduino- loosly ==> loosely
data/arduino- Initilize ==> Initialize
data/arduino- messsage ==> message
data/arduino- messsage ==> message
data/arduino- intitialization ==> initialization
data/arduino- frequeny ==> frequency, frequently, frequent
data/arduino- implemenations ==> implementations
data/arduino- Ouptut ==> Output
data/arduino- implemenations ==> implementations
data/arduino- Ouptut ==> Output
data/arduino- Ouptut ==> Output
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- MOR ==> MORE
data/arduino- Continous ==> Continuous
data/arduino- Continous ==> Continuous
data/arduino- Continous ==> Continuous
data/arduino- Continous ==> Continuous
data/arduino- Continous ==> Continuous
data/arduino- Continous ==> Continuous
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FRO ==> FOR, FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FRO ==> FOR, FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FRO ==> FOR, FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FRO ==> FOR, FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FRO ==> FOR, FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
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data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- MOT ==> NOT
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- FROK ==> FROM
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- MOR ==> MORE
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- MOR ==> MORE
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- Controler ==> Controller
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- MOR ==> MORE
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- MOR ==> MORE
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- MOR ==> MORE
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- OWER ==> LOWER, OWNER, OVER
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- RENDE ==> RENDER, REND
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- SELFS ==> SELF
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- HALFS ==> HALVES
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- NWE ==> NEW
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- PRES ==> PRESS
data/arduino- statup ==> startup
data/arduino- additionnal ==> additional
data/arduino- Caculate ==> Calculate
data/arduino- automaticaly ==> automatically
data/arduino- Negociation ==> Negotiation
data/arduino- Negociation ==> Negotiation
data/arduino- Negociation ==> Negotiation
data/arduino- syncronous ==> synchronous
data/arduino- simpliest ==> simplest
data/arduino- Enpoint ==> Endpoint
data/arduino- accross ==> across
data/arduino- acccess ==> access
data/arduino- complet ==> complete
data/arduino- Sytem ==> System
data/arduino- occurence ==> occurrence
data/arduino- automaticly ==> automatically
data/arduino- Syncronous ==> Synchronous
data/arduino- Syncronous ==> Synchronous
data/arduino- Syncronous ==> Synchronous
data/arduino- syncronous ==> synchronous
data/arduino- Enalbe ==> Enable
data/arduino- asyncronously ==> asynchronously
data/arduino- syncronously ==> synchronously
data/arduino- Disalbe ==> Disable
data/arduino- asyncronously ==> asynchronously
data/arduino- syncronously ==> synchronously
data/arduino- comminication ==> communication
data/arduino- commnunication ==> communication
data/arduino- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/arduino- occurence ==> occurrence
data/arduino- sucess ==> success
data/arduino- Unitialized ==> Uninitialized
data/arduino- Unitialized ==> Uninitialized
data/arduino- Unitialized ==> Uninitialized
data/arduino- charactor ==> character
data/arduino- miliseconds ==> milliseconds
data/arduino- compatability ==> compatibility
data/arduino- unsucessful ==> unsuccessful
data/arduino- acccess ==> access
data/arduino- instanciated ==> instantiated
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- supress ==> suppress
data/arduino- supress ==> suppress
data/arduino- boundry ==> boundary
data/arduino- supress ==> suppress
data/arduino- boundry ==> boundary
data/arduino- bootoloader ==> bootloader
data/arduino- alloted ==> allotted
data/arduino- incremeted ==> incremented
data/arduino- alloted ==> allotted
data/arduino- incremeted ==> incremented
data/arduino- boundry ==> boundary
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- actuall ==> actually, actual
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- rcall ==> recall
data/arduino- Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/arduino- boundry ==> boundary
data/arduino- dosent ==> doesn't
data/arduino- initialzation ==> initialization
data/arduino- transmiter ==> transmitter
data/arduino- cant ==> can't
data/arduino- isue ==> issue
data/arduino- Writting ==> Writing
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Therefor ==> Therefore
data/arduino- outselves ==> ourselves
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- outselves ==> ourselves
data/arduino- exectued ==> executed
data/arduino- adressing ==> addressing
data/arduino- initalize ==> initialize
data/arduino- Hart ==> Heart, harm
data/arduino- Hart ==> Heart, harm
data/arduino- multple ==> multiple
data/arduino- multple ==> multiple
data/arduino- intialized ==> initialized
data/arduino- statment ==> statement
data/arduino- charactor ==> character
data/arduino- compatability ==> compatibility
data/arduino- unsucessful ==> unsuccessful
data/arduino- acccess ==> access
data/arduino- compiletime ==> compile time
data/arduino- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/arduino- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/arduino- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/arduino- tranmission ==> transmission
data/arduino- togheter ==> together
data/arduino- setted ==> set
data/arduino- setted ==> set
data/arduino- cant ==> can't
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- reponse ==> response
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- arbirary ==> arbitrary
data/arduino- funtion ==> function
data/arduino- unecessarily ==> unnecessarily
data/arduino- connetion ==> connection
data/arduino- retrived ==> retrieved
data/arduino- cant ==> can't
data/arduino- eigth ==> eighth, eight
data/arduino- Availabled ==> Available
data/arduino- continous ==> continuous
data/arduino- accross ==> across
data/arduino- genration ==> generation
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Plaform ==> Platform
data/arduino- availale ==> available
data/arduino- continous ==> continuous
data/arduino- gerneric ==> generic
data/arduino- synchroneously ==> synchronously
data/arduino- inlude ==> include
data/arduino- disabeling ==> disabling
data/arduino- accomodate ==> accommodate
data/arduino- anthing ==> anything
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- aditional ==> additional
data/arduino- extenal ==> external
data/arduino- funtions ==> functions
data/arduino- tolen ==> token
data/arduino- accessable ==> accessible
data/arduino- sucessfully ==> successfully
data/arduino- segements ==> segments
data/arduino- splitted ==> split
data/arduino- Gratuitious ==> Gratuitous
data/arduino- qeueue ==> queue
data/arduino- Succesfully ==> Successfully
data/arduino- musn't ==> mustn't
data/arduino- continously ==> continuously
data/arduino- recevied ==> received
data/arduino- alignes ==> aligns
data/arduino- shrinked ==> shrunk
data/arduino- shrinked ==> shrunk
data/arduino- excact ==> exact
data/arduino- accomodate ==> accommodate
data/arduino- nastly ==> nasty
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Calcluates ==> Calculates
data/arduino- determin ==> determine
data/arduino- packe ==> packed, packet
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- wich ==> which
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- useg ==> user, usage
data/arduino- unsuccesfully ==> unsuccessfully
data/arduino- succesful ==> successful
data/arduino- unsuccesfully ==> unsuccessfully
data/arduino- refering ==> referring
data/arduino- unsuccesfully ==> unsuccessfully
data/arduino- sucessfully ==> successfully
data/arduino- lenghts ==> lengths
data/arduino- withing ==> within
data/arduino- addess ==> address
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- ans ==> and
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Incluse ==> Include
data/arduino- endianess ==> endianness
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- propably ==> probably
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- choosen ==> chosen
data/arduino- accquiring ==> acquiring
data/arduino- succeding ==> succeeding
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- ofo ==> of
data/arduino- enought ==> enough
data/arduino- represenation ==> representation
data/arduino- represenation ==> representation
data/arduino- represenation ==> representation
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- dependant ==> dependent
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- extarnally ==> externally
data/arduino- succeds ==> succeeds
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- otherwize ==> otherwise
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- reponse ==> response
data/arduino- begining ==> beginning
data/arduino- timout ==> timeout
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/arduino- initalizing ==> initializing
data/arduino- retrive ==> retrieve
data/arduino- interrup ==> interrupt
data/arduino- avaible ==> available
data/arduino- queueud ==> queued
data/arduino- avaible ==> available
data/arduino- arbirary ==> arbitrary
data/arduino- funtion ==> function
data/arduino- valu ==> value
data/arduino- valu ==> value
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- rewrited ==> rewrote, rewritten
data/arduino- ingored ==> ignored
data/arduino- sotring ==> storing, sorting
data/arduino- ingored ==> ignored
data/arduino- ingored ==> ignored
data/arduino- sotring ==> storing, sorting
data/arduino- sotring ==> storing, sorting
data/arduino- ingored ==> ignored
data/arduino- sotring ==> storing, sorting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- platofrms ==> platforms
data/arduino- irrelevent ==> irrelevant
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- folowing ==> following
data/arduino- folowing ==> following
data/arduino- supressed ==> suppressed
data/arduino- creats ==> creates
data/arduino- concious ==> conscious
data/arduino- concious ==> conscious
data/arduino- refrences ==> references
data/arduino- formated ==> formatted
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- tekst ==> text
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- startet ==> started
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Prosessor ==> Processor
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- selv ==> self
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- recive ==> receive
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- selv ==> self
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- negativ ==> negative
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- versio ==> version
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- versio ==> version
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Nowe ==> Now
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Nowe ==> Now
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- requiere ==> require
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Serie ==> Series
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Serie ==> Series
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/arduino- contener ==> container
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- contener ==> container
data/arduino- consisten ==> consistent
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- comando ==> commando
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- propery ==> property, properly
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Als ==> Also
data/arduino- Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- Paket ==> Packet
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Alle ==> All, alley
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- lokale ==> locale
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Plattform ==> Platform
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- Alle ==> All, alley
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/arduino- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- Plattform ==> Platform
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Funktion ==> Function
data/arduino- Funktion ==> Function
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Enconding ==> Encoding
data/arduino- ure ==> sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/arduino- vas ==> was
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- doen ==> done
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- tekst ==> text
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- startet ==> started
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Prosessor ==> Processor
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- selv ==> self
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- recive ==> receive
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- selv ==> self
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- negativ ==> negative
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- vill ==> will
data/arduino- vill ==> will
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Exempel ==> Example
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- vill ==> will
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- Varning ==> Warning
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- stran ==> strand, strain
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Mape ==> Map
data/arduino- Mape ==> Map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- Wil ==> Will, well
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- tekst ==> text
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Alle ==> All, alley
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Utiliza ==> Utilize
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Serie ==> Series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- sketchs ==> sketches
data/arduino- posible ==> possible
data/arduino- vas ==> was
data/arduino- caracter ==> character
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- vill ==> will
data/arduino- vill ==> will
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Exempel ==> Example
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- vill ==> will
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- Varning ==> Warning
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Als ==> Also
data/arduino- Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- Paket ==> Packet
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Alle ==> All, alley
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- lokale ==> locale
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Plattform ==> Platform
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Referenz ==> Reference
data/arduino- Alle ==> All, alley
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/arduino- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- sie ==> size, sigh
data/arduino- Plattform ==> Platform
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- unter ==> under
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Ordner ==> Order
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- Funktion ==> Function
data/arduino- Funktion ==> Function
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- oder ==> order, odor
data/arduino- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- comitter ==> committer
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- suficient ==> sufficient
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- claus ==> clause
data/arduino- claus ==> clause
data/arduino- minuts ==> minutes
data/arduino- Compilant ==> Compliant
data/arduino- compilant ==> compliant
data/arduino- Exemples ==> Examples
data/arduino- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Problemes ==> Problems
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- problemes ==> problems
data/arduino- infinit ==> infinite
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- creat ==> create
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- versio ==> version
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- versio ==> version
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- Nowe ==> Now
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Nowe ==> Now
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- ure ==> sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/arduino- orginal ==> original
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- tekst ==> text
data/arduino- Ure ==> Sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- ure ==> sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- visiter ==> visitor
data/arduino- complet ==> complete
data/arduino- existant ==> existent
data/arduino- Environnement ==> Environment
data/arduino- donn ==> done, don
data/arduino- Exemples ==> Examples
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- Mot ==> Not
data/arduino- persan ==> person
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- donn ==> done, don
data/arduino- donn ==> done, don
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- mot ==> not
data/arduino- mot ==> not
data/arduino- Connexion ==> Connection
data/arduino- pont ==> point
data/arduino- Connexion ==> Connection
data/arduino- Connexion ==> Connection
data/arduino- mot ==> not
data/arduino- Visiter ==> Visitor
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- activ ==> active
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- invalide ==> invalid
data/arduino- ned ==> need
data/arduino- comando ==> commando
data/arduino- comando ==> commando
data/arduino- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/arduino- possibile ==> possible
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Processore ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/arduino- forse ==> force
data/arduino- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/arduino- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/arduino- Forse ==> Force
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Bord ==> Board, bored, border
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- lokale ==> locale
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- probleme ==> problem
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- bord ==> board, bored, border
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- numer ==> number
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- ket ==> kept
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- ure ==> sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Bord ==> Board, bored, border
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Coment ==> Comment
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- utiliz ==> utilize
data/arduino- utiliz ==> utilize
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Utiliza ==> Utilize
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Serie ==> Series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- sketchs ==> sketches
data/arduino- posible ==> possible
data/arduino- vas ==> was
data/arduino- caracter ==> character
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Mape ==> Map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- Wil ==> Will, well
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- tekst ==> text
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Alle ==> All, alley
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- visiter ==> visitor
data/arduino- complet ==> complete
data/arduino- existant ==> existent
data/arduino- Environnement ==> Environment
data/arduino- Exemples ==> Examples
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- Mot ==> Not
data/arduino- persan ==> person
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- informations ==> information
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- mot ==> not
data/arduino- mot ==> not
data/arduino- Connexion ==> Connection
data/arduino- pont ==> point
data/arduino- Connexion ==> Connection
data/arduino- Connexion ==> Connection
data/arduino- mot ==> not
data/arduino- Visiter ==> Visitor
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- invalide ==> invalid
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- contener ==> container
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ned ==> need
data/arduino- comando ==> commando
data/arduino- comando ==> commando
data/arduino- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/arduino- possibile ==> possible
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Processore ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/arduino- forse ==> force
data/arduino- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/arduino- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/arduino- Forse ==> Force
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- visiter ==> visitor
data/arduino- complet ==> complete
data/arduino- existant ==> existent
data/arduino- Environnement ==> Environment
data/arduino- Exemples ==> Examples
data/arduino- visiter ==> visitor
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- Visiter ==> Visitor
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- invalide ==> invalid
data/arduino- suficient ==> sufficient
data/arduino- Enviroment ==> Environment
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Exemple ==> Example
data/arduino- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/arduino- ignora ==> ignore
data/arduino- ignora ==> ignore
data/arduino- utiliza ==> utilize
data/arduino- probleme ==> problem
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- alege ==> allege
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/arduino- probleme ==> problem
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- contener ==> container
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- vas ==> was
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- suficient ==> sufficient
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- claus ==> clause
data/arduino- claus ==> clause
data/arduino- minuts ==> minutes
data/arduino- Compilant ==> Compliant
data/arduino- compilant ==> compliant
data/arduino- Exemples ==> Examples
data/arduino- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Problemes ==> Problems
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- problemes ==> problems
data/arduino- infinit ==> infinite
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- creat ==> create
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- requiere ==> require
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Serie ==> Series
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- serie ==> series
data/arduino- Serie ==> Series
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/arduino- contener ==> container
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- contener ==> container
data/arduino- consisten ==> consistent
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- comando ==> commando
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- hava ==> have, have a
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- linke ==> linked
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Enconding ==> Encoding
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- Ba ==> By, be
data/arduino- Ba ==> By, be
data/arduino- hava ==> have, have a
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- linke ==> linked
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- Ba ==> By, be
data/arduino- Ba ==> By, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- visiter ==> visitor
data/arduino- complet ==> complete
data/arduino- existant ==> existent
data/arduino- Environnement ==> Environment
data/arduino- donn ==> done, don
data/arduino- Exemples ==> Examples
data/arduino- visiter ==> visitor
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- donn ==> done, don
data/arduino- donn ==> done, don
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- utilis ==> utilise
data/arduino- espace ==> escape
data/arduino- Visiter ==> Visitor
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- valide ==> valid
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- fonction ==> function
data/arduino- environnement ==> environment
data/arduino- invalide ==> invalid
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- momento ==> memento
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Erro ==> Error
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- limite ==> limit
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- ser ==> set
data/arduino- classe ==> class, classes
data/arduino- erro ==> error
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- stran ==> strand, strain
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Mape ==> Map
data/arduino- Mape ==> Map
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- parametr ==> parameter
data/arduino- parametr ==> parameter
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- consol ==> console
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- suficient ==> sufficient
data/arduino- Enviroment ==> Environment
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- definit ==> definite
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Exemple ==> Example
data/arduino- dinamic ==> dynamic
data/arduino- dinamic ==> dynamic
data/arduino- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/arduino- ignora ==> ignore
data/arduino- ignora ==> ignore
data/arduino- utiliza ==> utilize
data/arduino- probleme ==> problem
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- alege ==> allege
data/arduino- Persan ==> Person
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/arduino- probleme ==> problem
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- corect ==> correct
data/arduino- caractere ==> character
data/arduino- incorect ==> incorrect
data/arduino- Adres ==> Address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- Adres ==> Address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- parametr ==> parameter
data/arduino- parametr ==> parameter
data/arduino- ot ==> to, of, or
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Adres ==> Address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- Ture ==> True
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- dne ==> done
data/arduino- adres ==> address
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- als ==> also
data/arduino- wil ==> will, well
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- doen ==> done
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Verifi ==> Verify, verified
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- Thi ==> The, this
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Thi ==> The, this
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- Thay ==> They
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- thay ==> they
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- thi ==> the, this
data/arduino- nd ==> and, 2nd
data/arduino- nd ==> and, 2nd
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- ment ==> meant
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- Ment ==> Meant
data/arduino- ment ==> meant
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Ment ==> Meant
data/arduino- Ment ==> Meant
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ment ==> meant
data/arduino- mapp ==> map
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- faile ==> failed
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- vaid ==> valid, void
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Mape ==> Map
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- programm ==> program, programme
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- ba ==> by, be
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- alle ==> all, alley
data/arduino- som ==> some
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Bord ==> Board, bored, border
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- prevous ==> previous
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- lokale ==> locale
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- probleme ==> problem
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- bord ==> board, bored, border
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Probleme ==> Problem
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Te ==> The, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- numer ==> number
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- ure ==> sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Bord ==> Board, bored, border
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- instal ==> install
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- orginal ==> original
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- tekst ==> text
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- mape ==> map
data/arduino- Procesor ==> Processor
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- te ==> the, be, we
data/arduino- Portugese ==> Portuguese
data/arduino- quiting ==> quitting
data/arduino- connnection ==> connection
data/arduino- abritrary ==> arbitrary
data/arduino- abritrary ==> arbitrary
data/arduino- fo ==> of, for
data/arduino- fo ==> of, for
data/arduino- interger ==> integer
data/arduino- threshhold ==> threshold
data/arduino- validing ==> validating
data/arduino- threshhold ==> threshold
data/arduino- mimick ==> mimic
data/arduino- abbrevation ==> abbreviation
data/arduino- compatability ==> compatibility
data/arduino- indentification ==> identification
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- caling ==> calling, scaling, culling
data/arduino- delgate ==> delegate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/arduino- occured ==> occurred
data/arduino- Uknown ==> Unknown
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- unneccessary ==> unnecessary
data/arduino- isnt ==> isn't
data/arduino- addresss ==> address
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- unneccessary ==> unnecessary
data/arduino- isnt ==> isn't
data/arduino- addresss ==> address
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- analise ==> analyse
data/arduino- synching ==> syncing
data/arduino- fied ==> field
data/arduino- verfication ==> verification
data/arduino- execultable ==> executable
data/arduino- cannonical ==> canonical
data/arduino- depricated ==> deprecated
data/arduino- harware ==> hardware
data/arduino- inluded ==> included
data/arduino- Carriadge ==> Carriage
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- compatabillity ==> compatibility
data/arduino- Desciption ==> Description
data/arduino- tranmission ==> transmission
data/arduino- continous ==> continuous
data/arduino- pasword ==> password
data/arduino- dettach ==> detach
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden
data/arduino- overriden ==> overridden