data/ Commpression ==> Compression
data/ implemenation ==> implementation
data/ mesage ==> message
data/ readded ==> read
data/ langauge ==> language
data/ langauge ==> language
data/ Bandwith ==> Bandwidth
data/ compatability ==> compatibility
data/ spported ==> supported
data/ incomming ==> incoming
data/ attemp ==> attempt
data/ mechinism ==> mechanism
data/ Possble ==> Possible
data/ forground ==> foreground
data/ optimation ==> optimization, optimisation
data/ applicaton ==> application
data/ applicaton ==> application
data/ lastest ==> latest
data/ elsewere ==> elsewhere
data/ complile ==> compile
data/ variuos ==> various
data/ dependancies ==> dependencies
data/ dependancies ==> dependencies
data/ tht ==> the, that
data/ mechinism ==> mechanism
data/ wih ==> with
data/ entites ==> entities
data/ seperately ==> separately
data/ supercedes ==> supersedes
data/ prefernces ==> preferences
data/ begining ==> beginning
data/ syncronize ==> synchronize
data/ syncronize ==> synchronize
data/ proceedure ==> procedure
data/ exected ==> executed, expected
data/ Prefernces ==> Preferences
data/ Impelement ==> Implement
data/ seperate ==> separate
data/ superceded ==> superseded
data/ tread ==> thread, treat
data/ theshold ==> threshold
data/ defered ==> deferred
data/ whihc ==> which
data/ SEH ==> SHE
data/ errror ==> error
data/ correspending ==> corresponding
data/ whereever ==> wherever
data/ whihc ==> which
data/ peice ==> piece
data/ becuase ==> because
data/ Tranfers ==> Transfers
data/ timetamp ==> timestamp
data/ bulds ==> builds
data/ multplier ==> multiplier
data/ languates ==> languages
data/ Applcation ==> Application
data/ obselete ==> obsolete
data/ rountines ==> routines
data/ deamon ==> daemon
data/ seperate ==> separate
data/ suprisingly ==> surprisingly
data/ apppear ==> appear
data/ Suport ==> Support
data/ charaters ==> characters
data/ schduler ==> scheduler
data/ whos ==> whose, who's
data/ Suport ==> Support
data/ alreadly ==> already
data/ conjuction ==> conjunction
data/ receieve ==> receive
data/ commited ==> committed
data/ dosn't ==> doesn't
data/ supercede ==> supersede
data/ crashs ==> crashes
data/ comitted ==> committed
data/ suppport ==> support
data/ Thats ==> That's
data/ contraints ==> constraints
data/ explicity ==> explicitly
data/ separater ==> separator
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ arent ==> aren't
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ prerequesites ==> prerequisites
data/ ether ==> either
data/ assember ==> assembler
data/ ether ==> either
data/ dowload ==> download
data/ assitant ==> assistant
data/ accleration ==> acceleration
data/ requiered ==> required
data/ requiered ==> required
data/ requiered ==> required
data/ requiered ==> required
data/ diffrent ==> different
data/ indefinate ==> indefinite
data/ transfered ==> transferred
data/ acccount ==> account
data/ messsages ==> messages
data/ cant ==> can't
data/ udpate ==> update
data/ trough ==> through
data/ excpetion ==> exception
data/ gracefull ==> graceful
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ mApp ==> map
data/ Prosessor ==> Processor
data/ vas ==> was
data/ vas ==> was
data/ vas ==> was
data/ vas ==> was
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ definit ==> definite
data/ definit ==> definite
data/ suport ==> support
data/ als ==> also
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ finde ==> find
data/ som ==> some
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Startet ==> Started
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Temperatur ==> Temperature
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Versio ==> Version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ mot ==> not
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ mot ==> not
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Calculs ==> Calculus
data/ fixe ==> fixed, fixes, fix, fixme, fixer
data/ Valide ==> Valid
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ Raison ==> Reason, raisin
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Statuss ==> Status
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Registrer ==> Register
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ tast ==> taste
data/ tast ==> taste
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ intervall ==> interval
data/ Frist ==> First
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ appen ==> append
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Communicatie ==> Communication
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ doen ==> done
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ Akumulator ==> Accumulator
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ controles ==> controls, controllers
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/ Controle ==> Control, controlled, controller
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ definit ==> definite
data/ definit ==> definite
data/ acces ==> access
data/ activ ==> active
data/ activ ==> active
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ stran ==> strand, strain
data/ stran ==> strand, strain
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ intervall ==> interval
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ ned ==> need
data/ appen ==> append
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ dimesions ==> dimensions
data/ numer ==> number
data/ comunication ==> communication
data/ orginal ==> original
data/ orginal ==> original
data/ wiht ==> with
data/ hander ==> handler
data/ continueing ==> continuing
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ acending ==> ascending
data/ imlemented ==> implemented
data/ tranfer ==> transfer
data/ accessable ==> accessible
data/ ether ==> either
data/ ue ==> use, due
data/ delimeter ==> delimiter
data/ delimeter ==> delimiter
data/ fuctions ==> functions
data/ refrences ==> references
data/ creat ==> create
data/ superceded ==> superseded
data/ reenable ==> re-enable
data/ defintion ==> definition
data/ direcory ==> directory
data/ developement ==> development
data/ developement ==> development
data/ Developement ==> Development
data/ minimzed ==> minimized
data/ 2st ==> 2nd
data/ 2st ==> 2nd
data/ 3nd ==> 3rd
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ visable ==> visible
data/ belives ==> believes, beliefs
data/ vesion ==> version
data/ propogate ==> propagate
data/ Wierd ==> Weird
data/ informations ==> information
data/ netwrok ==> network
data/ nIn ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/ explicity ==> explicitly
data/ begining ==> beginning
data/ specifing ==> specifying
data/ initalize ==> initialize
data/ colums ==> columns
data/ initalize ==> initialize
data/ initalize ==> initialize
data/ Reenable ==> Re-enable
data/ co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Horizonal ==> Horizontal
data/ everytime ==> every time
data/ transfered ==> transferred
data/ discriptions ==> descriptions
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/ ataching ==> attaching
data/ seccond ==> second
data/ seccond ==> second
data/ 2st ==> 2nd
data/ unkown ==> unknown
data/ thw ==> the, thaw
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ ND ==> AND, 2ND
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ ND ==> AND, 2ND
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ Engine/skin.xml:10: accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ unkown ==> unknown
data/ comunication ==> communication
data/ comunication ==> communication
data/ comunication ==> communication
data/ comunication ==> communication
data/ comunication ==> communication
data/ beteen ==> between
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ acccess ==> access
data/ cahnge ==> change
data/ calld ==> called
data/ carefull ==> careful, carefully
data/ carefull ==> careful, carefully
data/ funtion ==> function
data/ dowload ==> download
data/ Maco ==> Macro
data/ Syles ==> Styles
data/ declatory ==> declaratory
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ curren ==> current
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ titel ==> title
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ titel ==> title
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ tipe ==> type, tip
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ Standart ==> Standard
data/ obyekt ==> object
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ definit ==> definite
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Bloc ==> Block
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Depenent ==> Dependent
data/ bloc ==> block
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Ignora ==> Ignore
data/ instal ==> install
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ Targed ==> Target
data/ bloc ==> block
data/ Targed ==> Target
data/ Targed ==> Target
data/ Bloc ==> Block
data/ cant ==> can't
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ som ==> some
data/ Retur ==> Return
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ ser ==> set
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Objekt ==> Object
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Linke ==> Linked
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ vertikal ==> vertical
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Objekt ==> Object
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Linke ==> Linked
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ vertikal ==> vertical
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ Dum ==> Dumb
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ posible ==> possible
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ posible ==> possible
data/ caracter ==> character
data/ Caracter ==> Character
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ hava ==> have, have a
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ Alignement ==> Alignment
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Presse ==> Pressed, press
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ Objet ==> Object
data/ Objet ==> Object
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ Alignement ==> Alignment
data/ Alignement ==> Alignment
data/ Marge ==> Merge
data/ marge ==> merge
data/ mot ==> not
data/ bord ==> board, bored, border
data/ Alignement ==> Alignment
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ informations ==> information
data/ visiter ==> visitor
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ Objet ==> Object
data/ ressource ==> resource
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ bloc ==> block
data/ Alignement ==> Alignment
data/ Alignement ==> Alignment
data/ Marge ==> Merge
data/ marge ==> merge
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ mor ==> more
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ stil ==> still
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ modul ==> module
data/ Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/ Tipe ==> Type, tip
data/ Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ Tabe ==> Table
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Normale ==> Normal
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ Ignora ==> Ignore
data/ Ignora ==> Ignore
data/ statuss ==> status
data/ teksts ==> texts
data/ teksts ==> texts
data/ teksts ==> texts
data/ Teksts ==> Texts
data/ stilus ==> stylus
data/ curent ==> current
data/ elemen ==> element
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ stil ==> still
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ned ==> need
data/ titel ==> title
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ titel ==> title
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ stil ==> still
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Tipe ==> Type, tip
data/ complet ==> complete
data/ Tipe ==> Type, tip
data/ Tipe ==> Type, tip
data/ Marge ==> Merge
data/ marge ==> merge
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ adres ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ numer ==> number
data/ Numer ==> Number
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Caractere ==> Character
data/ Caractere ==> Character
data/ Caractere ==> Character
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ caracter ==> character
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ Buton ==> Button
data/ Buton ==> Button
data/ Buton ==> Button
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ stil ==> still
data/ bloc ==> block
data/ stil ==> still
data/ incorect ==> incorrect
data/ Buton ==> Button
data/ buton ==> button
data/ buton ==> button
data/ acces ==> access
data/ caractere ==> character
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ caractere ==> character
data/ caracter ==> character
data/ caracter ==> character
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Bloc ==> Block
data/ Alege ==> Allege
data/ tabel ==> table
data/ Tabel ==> Table
data/ succes ==> success
data/ succes ==> success
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ desne ==> dense
data/ stran ==> strand, strain
data/ desne ==> dense
data/ stran ==> strand, strain
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ desne ==> dense
data/ besed ==> based
data/ Foto ==> Photo
data/ Objekt ==> Object
data/ prind ==> print
data/ Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ Objekt ==> Object
data/ Objekt ==> Object
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Vas ==> Was
data/ Vas ==> Was
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ modul ==> module
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Retur ==> Return
data/ Adress ==> Address
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ stil ==> still
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ thay ==> they
data/ thay ==> they
data/ thay ==> they
data/ thi ==> the, this
data/ thi ==> the, this
data/ thay ==> they
data/ Thay ==> They
data/ Thay ==> They
data/ thay ==> they
data/ thay ==> they
data/ thay ==> they
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Instruccions ==> Instructions
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ Amunt ==> Amount
data/ Amunt ==> Amount
data/ NED ==> NEED
data/ RETUR ==> RETURN
data/ RETUR ==> RETURN
data/ NED ==> NEED
data/ RETUR ==> RETURN
data/ RETUR ==> RETURN
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ ned ==> need
data/ tast ==> taste
data/ tast ==> taste
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Linke ==> Linked
data/ Linke ==> Linked
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Linke ==> Linked
data/ Linke ==> Linked
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ inaccesible ==> inaccessible
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ inaccesible ==> inaccessible
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Parem ==> Param
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ espace ==> escape
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ objet ==> object
data/ espace ==> escape
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ desne ==> dense
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ Pont ==> Point
data/ elemen ==> element
data/ elemen ==> element
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Bloc ==> Block
data/ Bloc ==> Block
data/ Bloc ==> Block
data/ NED ==> NEED
data/ NED ==> NEED
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ NED ==> NEED
data/ NED ==> NEED
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Instruccions ==> Instructions
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ doas ==> does
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ doas ==> does
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ Comando ==> Commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ elemente ==> element, elements
data/ buton ==> button
data/ elemente ==> element, elements
data/ elemente ==> element, elements
data/ boxe ==> boxes, box, boxer
data/ prind ==> print
data/ elemente ==> element, elements
data/ elemente ==> element, elements
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ stil ==> still
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ Ned ==> Need
data/ gir ==> git
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ doble ==> double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ curren ==> current
data/ doble ==> double
data/ Doble ==> Double
data/ Doble ==> Double
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ Tre ==> Tree
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ curren ==> current
data/ Multiplikation ==> Multiplication
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ curren ==> current
data/ Multiplikation ==> Multiplication
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ dobles ==> doubles
data/ dobles ==> doubles
data/ curren ==> current
data/ doble ==> double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ Elipsis ==> Ellipsis, eclipses
data/ Doble ==> Double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ curren ==> current
data/ autor ==> author
data/ orginal ==> original
data/ dobles ==> doubles
data/ doble ==> double
data/ doble ==> double
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ Elipse ==> Ellipse, eclipse
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ curren ==> current
data/ pont ==> point
data/ pont ==> point
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ Tre ==> Tree
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ Tre ==> Tree
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ Tre ==> Tree
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ autor ==> author
data/ Elipse ==> Ellipse, eclipse
data/ curren ==> current
data/ autor ==> author
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ diaresis ==> diaeresis
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ curren ==> current
data/ curren ==> current
data/ thes ==> this, these
data/ thes ==> this, these
data/ thes ==> this, these
data/ runing ==> running, ruining
data/ runing ==> running, ruining
data/ doubleclick ==> double-click
data/ varius ==> various
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ acces ==> access
data/ succesive ==> successive
data/ varius ==> various
data/ acces ==> access
data/ succesive ==> successive
data/ varius ==> various
data/ loosing ==> losing
data/ actuall ==> actually, actual
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Nd ==> And, 2nd
data/ Nd ==> And, 2nd
data/ Nd ==> And, 2nd
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ue ==> use, due
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ue ==> use, due
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Ue ==> Use, due
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Ue ==> Use, due
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ ue ==> use, due
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ Ue ==> Use, due
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ dissapearing ==> disappearing
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ standar ==> standard
data/ standar ==> standard
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ standar ==> standard
data/ standar ==> standard
data/ standar ==> standard
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ extrem ==> extremum, extreme
data/ Funktion ==> Function
data/ pont ==> point
data/ pont ==> point
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ serach ==> search
data/ sucessful ==> successful
data/ sucessful ==> successful
data/ absense ==> absence
data/ negotation ==> negotiation
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ criterias ==> criteria
data/ informations ==> information
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ percentil ==> percentile
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Percentil ==> Percentile
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Percentil ==> Percentile
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
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data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Aray ==> Array
data/ heigth ==> height
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ Serie ==> Series
data/ splitted ==> split
data/ choosen ==> chosen
data/ accoding ==> according
data/ arround ==> around
data/ transfered ==> transferred
data/ editting ==> editing
data/ intiailized ==> initialized
data/ intiailized ==> initialized
data/ ouput ==> output
data/ refering ==> referring
data/ retreive ==> retrieve
data/ irreversable ==> irreversible
data/ irreversable ==> irreversible
data/ redundent ==> redundant
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ addrress ==> address
data/ varaible ==> variable
data/ inital ==> initial
data/ funtions ==> functions
data/ emtpy ==> empty
data/ retreive ==> retrieve
data/ acount ==> account
data/ acount ==> account
data/ acount ==> account
data/ retreive ==> retrieve
data/ applcation ==> application
data/ implementaion ==> implementation
data/ mispelled ==> misspelled
data/ mispelled ==> misspelled
data/ referenece ==> reference
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ explizit ==> explicit
data/ als ==> also
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ mispelled ==> misspelled
data/ mispelled ==> misspelled
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ mispelled ==> misspelled
data/ mispelled ==> misspelled
data/ fiels ==> feels, fields, files, phials
data/ Correclty ==> Correctly
data/ Annoucement ==> Announcement
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Annoucement ==> Announcement
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hanle ==> handle
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ targetted ==> targeted
data/ differenciate ==> differentiate
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ orignal ==> original
data/ intergration ==> integration
data/ desciptions ==> descriptions
data/ intial ==> initial
data/ non-existant ==> non-existent
data/ developped ==> developed
data/ curent ==> current
data/ funcion ==> function
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ reponsible ==> responsible
data/ reponsible ==> responsible
data/ reponsible ==> responsible
data/ functionnality ==> functionality
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ happend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ functionnality ==> functionality
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Prozess ==> Process
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ Groupes ==> Groups, grouped
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ som ==> some
data/ databas ==> database
data/ som ==> some
data/ databas ==> database
data/ som ==> some
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ som ==> some
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ titel ==> title
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ titel ==> title
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ Implementaion ==> Implementation
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ curent ==> current
data/ implementaion ==> implementation
data/ Referenz ==> Reference
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ als ==> also
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Methode ==> Method
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ modul ==> module
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ informations ==> information
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ methode ==> method
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ titel ==> title
data/ titel ==> title
data/ informations ==> information
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vyer ==> very
data/ som ==> some
data/ Vyer ==> Very
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ informations ==> information
data/ vyer ==> very
data/ som ==> some
data/ mot ==> not
data/ som ==> some
data/ vyer ==> very
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ som ==> some
data/ metod ==> method
data/ som ==> some
data/ titel ==> title
data/ titel ==> title
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ fixe ==> fixed, fixes, fix, fixme, fixer
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mata ==> meta, mater
data/ som ==> some
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mata ==> meta, mater
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ als ==> also
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mata ==> meta, mater
data/ Implementaion ==> Implementation
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Referenz ==> Reference
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ als ==> also
data/ informations ==> information
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Methode ==> Method
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ informations ==> information
data/ modul ==> module
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ informations ==> information
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ methode ==> method
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ informations ==> information
data/ vyer ==> very
data/ informations ==> information
data/ som ==> some
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ objets ==> objects
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ adresses ==> addresses
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ titel ==> title
data/ som ==> some
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ som ==> some
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ modul ==> module
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Meny ==> Menu, many
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ ilegal ==> illegal
data/ ser ==> set
data/ contener ==> container
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ controles ==> controls, controllers
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Requiere ==> Require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ objets ==> objects
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ adresses ==> addresses
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ complet ==> complete
data/ correspondants ==> correspondents
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ bloc ==> block
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ multipe ==> multiple
data/ horizontale ==> horizontal
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Correspondance ==> Correspondence
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ fixe ==> fixed, fixes, fix, fixme, fixer
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ complet ==> complete
data/ mata ==> meta, mater
data/ vyer ==> very
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ addig ==> adding
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ modul ==> module
data/ modul ==> module
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ modul ==> module
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ informations ==> information
data/ espace ==> escape
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ espaces ==> escapes
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ stil ==> still
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Varning ==> Warning
data/ som ==> some
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ titel ==> title
data/ Relativ ==> Relative
data/ Absolut ==> Absolute
data/ Absolut ==> Absolute
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ informations ==> information
data/ normale ==> normal
data/ informations ==> information
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ ser ==> set
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ ser ==> set
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ itens ==> items
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ itens ==> items
data/ ser ==> set
data/ eles ==> else
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ caractere ==> character
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ilegal ==> illegal
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ itens ==> items
data/ ser ==> set
data/ informations ==> information
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ caractere ==> character
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ informations ==> information
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ eles ==> else
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ informations ==> information
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ extrator ==> extractor
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ som ==> some
data/ informations ==> information
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ als ==> also
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Modul ==> Module
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ manuell ==> manual
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ managment ==> management
data/ definiton ==> definition
data/ wizzard ==> wizard
data/ elment ==> element
data/ thay ==> they
data/ thay ==> they
data/ build-in ==> built-in
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ weired ==> weird
data/ weired ==> weird
data/ embeded ==> embedded
data/ issueing ==> issuing
data/ intergration ==> integration
data/ Recursivly ==> Recursively
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Besure ==> Be sure
data/ attemping ==> attempting
data/ determing ==> determining, determine
data/ transfering ==> transferring
data/ nonexistant ==> nonexistent
data/ fuction ==> function
data/ funcitonality ==> functionality
data/ funcitonality ==> functionality
data/ teh ==> the
data/ blcok ==> block
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ functionaly ==> functionally
data/ teh ==> the
data/ Nd ==> And, 2nd
data/ htis ==> this
data/ miniscule ==> minuscule
data/ fragements ==> fragments
data/ deafult ==> default
data/ laoded ==> loaded
data/ evalute ==> evaluate
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ everytime ==> every time
data/ tothe ==> to the
data/ modifed ==> modified
data/ explicity ==> explicitly
data/ Cachable ==> Cacheable
data/ wit ==> with
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ ahve ==> have
data/ overidden ==> overridden
data/ placholder ==> placeholder
data/ hiearchy ==> hierarchy
data/ visiblity ==> visibility
data/ thie ==> the, this
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ mantained ==> maintained
data/ choosen ==> chosen
data/ behavious ==> behaviour, behaviours
data/ documetation ==> documentation
data/ occours ==> occurs
data/ metod ==> method
data/ statitics ==> statistics
data/ setted ==> set
data/ setted ==> set
data/ setted ==> set
data/ setted ==> set
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ cant ==> can't
data/ wille ==> will
data/ mappping ==> mapping
data/ alpha-numeric ==> alphanumeric
data/ incremenet ==> increment
data/ classs ==> class
data/ classs ==> class
data/ datbase ==> database
data/ reutrn ==> return
data/ reutrn ==> return
data/ fro ==> for, from
data/ beter ==> better
data/ preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/ calsses ==> classes
data/ shoud ==> should
data/ vriables ==> variables
data/ childen ==> children
data/ vriables ==> variables
data/ shoud ==> should
data/ accross ==> across
data/ transfering ==> transferring
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ Implementaton ==> Implementation
data/ hilighting ==> highlighting
data/ statisfy ==> satisfy
data/ Implemenation ==> Implementation
data/ ommitted ==> omitted
data/ excuted ==> executed
data/ entrys ==> entries, entry
data/ numberic ==> numeric
data/ numberic ==> numeric
data/ extention ==> extension
data/ extention ==> extension
data/ extention ==> extension
data/ becaue ==> because
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ unqiue ==> unique
data/ unqiue ==> unique
data/ Surpress ==> Suppress
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ accont ==> account
data/ theses ==> these, thesis
data/ polution ==> pollution
data/ equivelant ==> equivalent
data/ whithin ==> within
data/ immedate ==> immediate
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ containter ==> container
data/ Ukranian ==> Ukrainian
data/ dependant ==> dependent
data/ dependant ==> dependent
data/ keypairs ==> key pairs
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ accomodations ==> accommodations
data/ Suprisingly ==> Surprisingly
data/ derefencing ==> dereferencing
data/ curren ==> current
data/ acheive ==> achieve
data/ necesary ==> necessary
data/ delimeters ==> delimiters
data/ seperate ==> separate
data/ choosen ==> chosen
data/ supercedes ==> supersedes
data/ seperate ==> separate
data/ seperately ==> separately
data/ seperator ==> separator
data/ overridding ==> overriding
data/ curren ==> current
data/ reenabled ==> re-enabled
data/ acheive ==> achieve
data/ pronounciation ==> pronunciation
data/ dependant ==> dependent
data/ onl ==> only
data/ accidently ==> accidentally
data/ chacacters ==> characters
data/ seperated ==> separated
data/ successfuly ==> successfully
data/ keypair ==> key pair
data/ keypair ==> key pair
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ realy ==> really
data/ differntly ==> differently
data/ accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ redudant ==> redundant
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ refering ==> referring
data/ refering ==> referring
data/ manualy ==> manually
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ medias ==> media, mediums
data/ medias ==> media, mediums
data/ instanciated ==> instantiated
data/ unneccessarily ==> unnecessarily
data/ teh ==> the
data/ dispay ==> display
data/ hte ==> the
data/ cant ==> can't
data/ cant ==> can't
data/ inofficial ==> unofficial
data/ similiar ==> similar
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ aviable ==> available
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ compatability ==> compatibility
data/ recepients ==> recipients
data/ recepients ==> recipients
data/ recepients ==> recipients
data/ aformentioned ==> aforementioned
data/ unecessary ==> unnecessary
data/ aray ==> array
data/ returnd ==> returned
data/ formated ==> formatted
data/ Multipe ==> Multiple
data/ Specifiy ==> Specify
data/ priviledges ==> privileges
data/ wich ==> which
data/ similiar ==> similar
data/ acccount ==> account
data/ doesnt ==> doesn't, does not
data/ defintions ==> definitions
data/ priviledges ==> privileges
data/ priviledges ==> privileges
data/ defintion ==> definition
data/ atleast ==> at least
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ recieve ==> receive
data/ unecessary ==> unnecessary
data/ unecessary ==> unnecessary
data/ prefered ==> preferred
data/ Ue ==> Use, due
data/ ue ==> use, due
data/ recommanded ==> recommended
data/ NaX ==> max, nad
data/ inadvertant ==> inadvertent
data/ postgress ==> postgresql
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ lenght ==> length
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ statment ==> statement
data/ failes ==> fails
data/ programatically ==> programmatically
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ ouput ==> output
data/ overriden ==> overridden
data/ hilighted ==> highlighted
data/ tha ==> than, that, the
data/ sytem ==> system
data/ critera ==> criteria
data/ successfuly ==> successfully
data/ tihs ==> this
data/ non-existant ==> non-existent
data/ Broked ==> Broken
data/ wehn ==> when
data/ wehn ==> when
data/ Get's ==> Gets
data/ Noone ==> No one
data/ Buiding ==> Building
data/ Otherwse ==> Otherwise
data/ alternatve ==> alternative
data/ occuring ==> occurring
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ focussed ==> focused
data/ statment ==> statement
data/ specifed ==> specified
data/ thorugh ==> through, thorough
data/ thorugh ==> through, thorough
data/ specifiying ==> specifying
data/ constructer ==> constructor
data/ thats ==> that's
data/ acess ==> access
data/ medias ==> media, mediums
data/ medias ==> media, mediums
data/ allready ==> already, all ready
data/ untill ==> until
data/ teh ==> the
data/ definiton ==> definition
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ hass ==> hash
data/ occurrance ==> occurrence
data/ greather ==> greater
data/ greather ==> greater
data/ ommitted ==> omitted
data/ greather ==> greater
data/ greather ==> greater
data/ desciption ==> description
data/ desciption ==> description
data/ desciption ==> description
data/ desciption ==> description
data/ desciption ==> description
data/ managable ==> manageable, manageably
data/ dissapearing ==> disappearing
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ arbritrary ==> arbitrary
data/ Modifty ==> Modify
data/ Modifty ==> Modify
data/ cant ==> can't
data/ existance ==> existence
data/ adn ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ specfic ==> specific
data/ funtion ==> function
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ dissassociating ==> disassociating
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ FO ==> OF, FOR
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ FO ==> OF, FOR
data/ FRO ==> FOR, FROM
data/ SOM ==> SOME
data/ THA ==> THAN, THAT, THE
data/ Kazakstan ==> Kazakhstan
data/ eles ==> else
data/ entitity ==> entity
data/ aNE ==> and
data/ aNE ==> and
data/ aNE ==> and
data/ exisits ==> exists
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ ot ==> to, of, or
data/ usally ==> usually
data/ Succes ==> Success
data/ Standart ==> Standard
data/ Prosessor ==> Processor
data/ Passiv ==> Passive
data/ parametr ==> parameter
data/ prosessor ==> processor
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Certificat ==> Certificate
data/ Responsable ==> Responsible
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ Creat ==> Create
data/ duplicats ==> duplicates
data/ vell ==> well
data/ vell ==> well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ minuts ==> minutes
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Fils ==> Fills, files, file
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ funcions ==> functions
data/ Claus ==> Clause
data/ Exemples ==> Examples
data/ blocs ==> blocks
data/ buit ==> built
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ instruccions ==> instructions
data/ instal ==> install
data/ instal ==> install
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Fils ==> Fills, files, file
data/ amunt ==> amount
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ als ==> also
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ buit ==> built
data/ minuts ==> minutes
data/ Fils ==> Fills, files, file
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ doble ==> double
data/ als ==> also
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Problemes ==> Problems
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ Fils ==> Fills, files, file
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ autor ==> author
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ creat ==> create
data/ creat ==> create
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ buit ==> built
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ instal ==> install
data/ amunt ==> amount
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Generat ==> Generate, general
data/ als ==> also
data/ dne ==> done
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ dne ==> done
data/ parametr ==> parameter
data/ autor ==> author
data/ dne ==> done
data/ dne ==> done
data/ dne ==> done
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ positiv ==> positive
data/ negativ ==> negative
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ Autors ==> Authors
data/ Autors ==> Authors
data/ Autors ==> Authors
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ deine ==> define
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ als ==> also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ unter ==> under
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Initialisiert ==> Initialised, initialized
data/ Paket ==> Packet
data/ Paket ==> Packet
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ lokal ==> local
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Funktion ==> Function
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Prozess ==> Process
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ absolut ==> absolute
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ startet ==> started
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Formate ==> Format
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Oder ==> Order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Hass ==> Hash
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ negativ ==> negative
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ unter ==> under
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Oder ==> Order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Funktion ==> Function
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Deine ==> Define
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ deine ==> define
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ deine ==> define
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Oder ==> Order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Paket ==> Packet
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Deine ==> Define
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Startet ==> Started
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Utiliza ==> Utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ Direccion ==> Direction
data/ Direccion ==> Direction
data/ direccion ==> direction
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ contener ==> container
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ excede ==> exceed
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ requiere ==> require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ requiere ==> require
data/ visibles ==> visible
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ contener ==> container
data/ contener ==> container
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ asume ==> assume
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ requiere ==> require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Procede ==> Proceed, precede
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ posible ==> possible
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ visibles ==> visible
data/ visibles ==> visible
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ ser ==> set
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ hace ==> have
data/ doble ==> double
data/ hace ==> have
data/ agian ==> again
data/ agian ==> again
data/ agian ==> again
data/ agian ==> again
data/ agian ==> again
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Vie ==> Via
data/ Versio ==> Version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Vie ==> Via
data/ vie ==> via
data/ vie ==> via
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Rouge ==> Rogue
data/ Rouge ==> Rogue
data/ Calculs ==> Calculus
data/ Certificat ==> Certificate
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ vie ==> via
data/ explicite ==> explicit, explicitly
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ inexistant ==> inexistent
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ rouge ==> rogue
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Valide ==> Valid
data/ Invalide ==> Invalid
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ formater ==> formatter
data/ Exemples ==> Examples
data/ rouge ==> rogue
data/ blocs ==> blocks
data/ Objet ==> Object
data/ Objet ==> Object
data/ Objet ==> Object
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ inexistant ==> inexistent
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ rouge ==> rogue
data/ adresses ==> addresses
data/ Raison ==> Reason, raisin
data/ inexistant ==> inexistent
data/ informations ==> information
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ correspondant ==> correspondent
data/ correspondant ==> correspondent
data/ correspondance ==> correspondence
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ espace ==> escape
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ visibles ==> visible
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ visibles ==> visible
data/ visibles ==> visible
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ rouge ==> rogue
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ inexistant ==> inexistent
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ recommandation ==> recommendation
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ somme ==> some
data/ correspondant ==> correspondent
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ informations ==> information
data/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ correspondant ==> correspondent
data/ visiter ==> visitor
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ inexistant ==> inexistent
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ elemet ==> element
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Normale ==> Normal
data/ ignora ==> ignore
data/ OT ==> TO, OF, OR
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ combinate ==> combine
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ nIn ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Ignora ==> Ignore
data/ forse ==> force
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ normale ==> normal
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ succede ==> succeed
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ lik ==> like, lick, link
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Lokal ==> Local
data/ som ==> some
data/ doble ==> double
data/ Prosessor ==> Processor
data/ prosessor ==> processor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ Modell ==> Model
data/ som ==> some
data/ intervall ==> interval
data/ temperatur ==> temperature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ mye ==> may, my
data/ som ==> some
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ plattform ==> platform
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ prosess ==> process
data/ som ==> some
data/ startet ==> started
data/ ned ==> need
data/ frist ==> first
data/ frist ==> first
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Respons ==> Response, respond
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ Registrer ==> Register
data/ respons ==> response, respond
data/ som ==> some
data/ respons ==> response, respond
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ gir ==> git
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ ser ==> set
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mye ==> may, my
data/ noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/ ned ==> need
data/ frist ==> first
data/ frist ==> first
data/ Frist ==> First
data/ frist ==> first
data/ Frist ==> First
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ gir ==> git
data/ negativ ==> negative
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ selv ==> self
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ plattform ==> platform
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ selv ==> self
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mye ==> may, my
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ selv ==> self
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Registrer ==> Register
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ selv ==> self
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ selv ==> self
data/ selv ==> self
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ adres ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Lokale ==> Locale
data/ compatibel ==> compatible
data/ compatibel ==> compatible
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ periode ==> period
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ periode ==> period
data/ als ==> also
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Controle ==> Control, controlled, controller
data/ Controle ==> Control, controlled, controller
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ als ==> also
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ adres ==> address
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ adres ==> address
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ succes ==> success
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ proces ==> process
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ fase ==> faze, phase
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ periode ==> period
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ Categorie ==> Category, categories
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ categorie ==> category, categories
data/ categorie ==> category, categories
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ categorie ==> category, categories
data/ titel ==> title
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ titel ==> title
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Ons ==> Owns
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ handeling ==> handling
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Foto ==> Photo
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Controle ==> Control, controlled, controller
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ succes ==> success
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ methode ==> method
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ adres ==> address
data/ serwer ==> server, sewer
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ adres ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ serwer ==> server, sewer
data/ metod ==> method
data/ adres ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ ser ==> set
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ eles ==> else
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ repete ==> repeat
data/ eles ==> else
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ itens ==> items
data/ considere ==> considered
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ erro ==> error
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ itens ==> items
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ termo ==> thermo
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ ser ==> set
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ eles ==> else
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ itens ==> items
data/ considere ==> considered
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erro ==> error
data/ autor ==> author
data/ autor ==> author
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ eles ==> else
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ itens ==> items
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ autor ==> author
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ adress ==> address
data/ vill ==> will
data/ iten ==> item
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mot ==> not
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Lokal ==> Local
data/ som ==> some
data/ Modell ==> Model
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mot ==> not
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Exempel ==> Example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Exempel ==> Example
data/ adress ==> address
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ plattform ==> platform
data/ som ==> some
data/ Varning ==> Warning
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ adress ==> address
data/ databas ==> database
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ Exempel ==> Example
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ databas ==> database
data/ funktion ==> function
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ databas ==> database
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ adress ==> address
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ titel ==> title
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ titel ==> title
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ titel ==> title
data/ titel ==> title
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ Relativ ==> Relative
data/ som ==> some
data/ plattform ==> platform
data/ plattform ==> platform
data/ databas ==> database
data/ databas ==> database
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ser ==> set
data/ mot ==> not
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ plattform ==> platform
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ mot ==> not
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ adress ==> address
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ ser ==> set
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ gir ==> git
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Mor ==> More
data/ Standart ==> Standard
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ gir ==> git
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ linke ==> linked
data/ linke ==> linked
data/ get's ==> gets
data/ get's ==> gets
data/ ans ==> and
data/ ans ==> and
data/ transation ==> transaction, translation
data/ accessable ==> accessible
data/ configuarble ==> configurable
data/ keypair ==> key pair
data/ keypair ==> key pair
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ hist ==> heist, his
data/ Activ ==> Active
data/ nWe ==> new
data/ equivelant ==> equivalent
data/ functionallity ==> functionality
data/ occurance ==> occurrence
data/ refered ==> referred
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ automaticaly ==> automatically
data/ compatibile ==> compatible
data/ requied ==> required
data/ noone ==> no one
data/ containg ==> containing
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ Ba ==> By, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ creat ==> create
data/ alway ==> always
data/ resouce ==> resource
data/ resouce ==> resource
data/ initialied ==> initialized
data/ accessable ==> accessible
data/ beloning ==> belonging
data/ inforation ==> information
data/ initalization ==> initialization
data/ SEH ==> SHE
data/ SEH ==> SHE
data/ syncronize ==> synchronize
data/ mechinism ==> mechanism
data/ syncronize ==> synchronize
data/ unpleasent ==> unpleasant
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ seperate ==> separate
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ Aquire ==> Acquire
data/ singal ==> signal, single
data/ operaton ==> operation
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ corectly ==> correctly
data/ boundries ==> boundaries
data/ pEvent ==> prevent
data/ pEvent ==> prevent
data/ pEvent ==> prevent
data/ pEvent ==> prevent
data/ interation ==> iteration, interaction
data/ creat ==> create
data/ creat ==> create
data/ creat ==> create
data/ sempahores ==> semaphores
data/ ponter ==> pointer
data/ ponter ==> pointer
data/ ether ==> either
data/ everthing ==> everything
data/ contant ==> constant, content
data/ siganture ==> signature
data/ sharable ==> shareable
data/ Prosessor ==> Processor
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Standart ==> Standard
data/ wich ==> which
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ Standart ==> Standard
data/ prosessor ==> processor
data/ standart ==> standard
data/ Prosessor ==> Processor
data/ Lazer ==> Laser
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Paralel ==> Parallel
data/ paralel ==> parallel
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Instal ==> Install
data/ instal ==> install
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ instruccions ==> instructions
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ instruccions ==> instructions
data/ minuts ==> minutes
data/ Definit ==> Definite
data/ ser ==> set
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ minuts ==> minutes
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ bloc ==> block
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ instal ==> install
data/ bateries ==> batteries
data/ Catagories ==> Categories
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ diferent ==> different
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ separat ==> separate
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Bateries ==> Batteries
data/ minuts ==> minutes
data/ instal ==> install
data/ Requisits ==> Requisites
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ ment ==> meant
data/ ser ==> set
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ gir ==> git
data/ gir ==> git
data/ als ==> also
data/ suport ==> support
data/ Suport ==> Support
data/ als ==> also
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ blocs ==> blocks
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ problemes ==> problems
data/ funcions ==> functions
data/ ser ==> set
data/ formes ==> forms, formed
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ dne ==> done
data/ dne ==> done
data/ dne ==> done
data/ dne ==> done
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ dne ==> done
data/ wich ==> which
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ proces ==> process
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ inteligence ==> intelligence
data/ inteligence ==> intelligence
data/ Inteligence ==> Intelligence
data/ formule ==> formula, formulas
data/ metod ==> method
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ finde ==> find
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ lokal ==> local
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ succes ==> success
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ startet ==> started
data/ succes ==> success
data/ ser ==> set
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ som ==> some
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ periode ==> period
data/ periode ==> period
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Applikation ==> Application
data/ Lokal ==> Local
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Stil ==> Still
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ startet ==> started
data/ frist ==> first
data/ Rasberry ==> Raspberry
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ separat ==> separate
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Frist ==> First
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ som ==> some
data/ Applikation ==> Application
data/ Applikation ==> Application
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ tage ==> stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ processer ==> processor
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ finde ==> find
data/ ende ==> end
data/ finde ==> find
data/ finde ==> find
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ finde ==> find
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ finde ==> find
data/ som ==> some
data/ smal ==> small
data/ ende ==> end
data/ finde ==> find
data/ diskrete ==> discrete
data/ som ==> some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ als ==> also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ unter ==> under
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ manuell ==> manual
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Feld ==> Field
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ als ==> also
data/ Titel ==> Title
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ als ==> also
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ wich ==> which
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ALLE ==> ALL, ALLEY
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Lokale ==> Locale
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ manuell ==> manual
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Lokale ==> Locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ als ==> also
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ als ==> also
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ nIn ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Lokal ==> Local
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Startet ==> Started
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ separat ==> separate
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ unter ==> under
data/ Lokale ==> Locale
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Ordner ==> Order
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Programm ==> Program, programme
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Plattform ==> Platform
data/ unter ==> under
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Szenarios ==> Scenarios
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Modell ==> Model
data/ unser ==> under, unset, unsure, user
data/ unter ==> under
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ unter ==> under
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Modell ==> Model
data/ unser ==> under, unset, unsure, user
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Modell ==> Model
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Methode ==> Method
data/ als ==> also
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ unter ==> under
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Ende ==> End
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ diskrete ==> discrete
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ deine ==> define
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Finde ==> Find
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Methoden ==> Methods
data/ als ==> also
data/ plian ==> plain, pliant
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ plian ==> plain, pliant
data/ versio ==> version
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ Versio ==> Version
data/ Versio ==> Version
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ Versio ==> Version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ dum ==> dumb
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ excede ==> exceed
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ requiere ==> require
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ requiere ==> require
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Direccion ==> Direction
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ serie ==> series
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ excede ==> exceed
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ Hace ==> Have
data/ responsable ==> responsible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ direccion ==> direction
data/ ser ==> set
data/ autor ==> author
data/ ser ==> set
data/ hace ==> have
data/ elegible ==> eligible
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ wich ==> which
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ excede ==> exceed
data/ hace ==> have
data/ hace ==> have
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ hace ==> have
data/ Ser ==> Set
data/ controles ==> controls, controllers
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ requiere ==> require
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ hace ==> have
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ serie ==> series
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ vectores ==> vectors
data/ wich ==> which
data/ lokal ==> local
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ posible ==> possible
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ wich ==> which
data/ Versio ==> Version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ versio ==> version
data/ alue ==> value
data/ versio ==> version
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ supporte ==> supported, supporter
data/ supporte ==> supported, supporter
data/ supporte ==> supported, supporter
data/ espace ==> escape
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ mot ==> not
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ bord ==> board, bored, border
data/ Certificats ==> Certificates
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ comparaison ==> comparison
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ responsable ==> responsible
data/ adresses ==> addresses
data/ mesage ==> message
data/ correspondant ==> correspondent
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ authentification ==> authentication
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ informations ==> information
data/ mot ==> not
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ informations ==> information
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Valide ==> Valid
data/ Invalide ==> Invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ wich ==> which
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ correspondant ==> correspondent
data/ mot ==> not
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Raison ==> Reason, raisin
data/ raison ==> reason, raisin
data/ incluse ==> include
data/ Raison ==> Reason, raisin
data/ raison ==> reason, raisin
data/ incluse ==> include
data/ visiter ==> visitor
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ bord ==> board, bored, border
data/ bord ==> board, bored, border
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ informations ==> information
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ mesure ==> measure
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ informations ==> information
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ Visiter ==> Visitor
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Informations ==> Information
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ mot ==> not
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ Calculs ==> Calculus
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ Exemple ==> Example
data/ fonction ==> function
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Ressources ==> Resources
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ Connexion ==> Connection
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Mot ==> Not
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ raison ==> reason, raisin
data/ Calculs ==> Calculus
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ mot ==> not
data/ mot ==> not
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ connexion ==> connection
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Conflit ==> Conflict
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ invalide ==> invalid
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ exemple ==> example
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ Raison ==> Reason, raisin
data/ somme ==> some
data/ somme ==> some
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ transfert ==> transfer, transferred
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Apparence ==> Appearance
data/ informations ==> information
data/ Espace ==> Escape
data/ existant ==> existent
data/ ressources ==> resources
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ mot ==> not
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ formes ==> forms, formed
data/ formes ==> forms, formed
data/ Calculs ==> Calculus
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ vie ==> via
data/ approche ==> approach
data/ vie ==> via
data/ fonctions ==> functions
data/ calculs ==> calculus
data/ formes ==> forms, formed
data/ comparaison ==> comparison
data/ wich ==> which
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ modell ==> model
data/ addig ==> adding
data/ wich ==> which
data/ addig ==> adding
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ modell ==> model
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ Categorie ==> Category, categories
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ Normale ==> Normal
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ combinate ==> combine
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ normale ==> normal
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Studi ==> Study, studio
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ compatibile ==> compatible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ serie ==> series
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ valide ==> valid
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Ignora ==> Ignore
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ combinate ==> combine
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ normale ==> normal
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ wich ==> which
data/ Ignora ==> Ignore
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ dashbord ==> dashboard
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ visibile ==> visible
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ termine ==> determine
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ nIn ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Categorie ==> Category, categories
data/ stati ==> statuses
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ processore ==> processor
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ studi ==> study, studio
data/ possibile ==> possible
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ wich ==> which
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ faile ==> failed
data/ faile ==> failed
data/ faile ==> failed
data/ faile ==> failed
data/ teksts ==> texts
data/ teksts ==> texts
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ statuss ==> status
data/ statuss ==> status
data/ tiem ==> time, item
data/ statuss ==> status
data/ statuss ==> status
data/ Statuss ==> Status
data/ liek ==> like
data/ Statuss ==> Status
data/ Statuss ==> Status
data/ Statuss ==> Status
data/ ned ==> need
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ lik ==> like, lick, link
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ temperatur ==> temperature
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ selv ==> self
data/ selv ==> self
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ frist ==> first
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ Generell ==> General
data/ intervall ==> interval
data/ temperatur ==> temperature
data/ mye ==> may, my
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ som ==> some
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ ned ==> need
data/ startet ==> started
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ som ==> some
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/ noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ lik ==> like, lick, link
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ prosess ==> process
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ ned ==> need
data/ wich ==> which
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Registrer ==> Register
data/ registert ==> registered
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ som ==> some
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stopp ==> Stop
data/ Stopp ==> Stop
data/ Stopp ==> Stop
data/ som ==> some
data/ lokal ==> local
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stopp ==> Stop
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ startet ==> started
data/ som ==> some
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ intervall ==> interval
data/ temperatur ==> temperature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ mye ==> may, my
data/ som ==> some
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/ som ==> some
data/ maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/ flagg ==> flag
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ prosessor ==> processor
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ Stopp ==> Stop
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Intervall ==> Interval
data/ frist ==> first
data/ Virtuell ==> Virtual
data/ Prosess ==> Process
data/ Lokal ==> Local
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Adresse ==> Address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ startet ==> started
data/ ned ==> need
data/ startet ==> started
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ tast ==> taste
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ adresse ==> address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ ned ==> need
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ separat ==> separate
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Frist ==> First
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ vise ==> vice
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ som ==> some
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Tast ==> Taste
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ gir ==> git
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ modell ==> model
data/ som ==> some
data/ smal ==> small
data/ mye ==> may, my
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ titel ==> title
data/ adres ==> address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ periode ==> period
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ periode ==> period
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ adres ==> address
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ titel ==> title
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ normale ==> normal
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ wich ==> which
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ succes ==> success
data/ Tekst ==> Text
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Periode ==> Period
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ALLE ==> ALL, ALLEY
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Lokale ==> Locale
data/ Lokale ==> Locale
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ succes ==> success
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Communicatie ==> Communication
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ succes ==> success
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ als ==> also
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ periode ==> period
data/ periode ==> period
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ nIn ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ als ==> also
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ als ==> also
data/ adres ==> address
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ periode ==> period
data/ periode ==> period
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Categorie ==> Category, categories
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ communicatie ==> communication
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ Communicatie ==> Communication
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ som ==> some
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ lokale ==> locale
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Wil ==> Will, well
data/ als ==> also
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ wil ==> will, well
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ Alle ==> All, alley
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ beter ==> better
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ hart ==> heart, harm
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ indien ==> indian, endian
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ beter ==> better
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ beter ==> better
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ convexe ==> convex, convexes
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ons ==> owns
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ beter ==> better
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ doen ==> done
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ doen ==> done
data/ alle ==> all, alley
data/ als ==> also
data/ als ==> also
data/ methoden ==> methods
data/ als ==> also
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ Numer ==> Number
data/ Numer ==> Number
data/ milion ==> million
data/ Te ==> The, be, we
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ wich ==> which
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Numer ==> Number
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/ Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ serwer ==> server, sewer
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/ Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/ Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ rady ==> ready
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ nowe ==> now
data/ Nowe ==> Now
data/ metod ==> method
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ eles ==> else
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ eles ==> else
data/ repete ==> repeat
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ foto ==> photo
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ ser ==> set
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Mananger ==> Manager
data/ wich ==> which
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ eles ==> else
data/ Controle ==> Control, controlled, controller
data/ ERRO ==> ERROR
data/ termo ==> thermo
data/ termo ==> thermo
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ erro ==> error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ repete ==> repeat
data/ eles ==> else
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ Abandone ==> Abandon
data/ controles ==> controls, controllers
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ itens ==> items
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Analise ==> Analyse
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ classe ==> class, classes
data/ softwares ==> software
data/ ser ==> set
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ ser ==> set
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ ser ==> set
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ Classe ==> Class, classes
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ Rever ==> Revert, fever
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ wich ==> which
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ERRO ==> ERROR
data/ ERRO ==> ERROR
data/ termo ==> thermo
data/ termo ==> thermo
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ erro ==> error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ autor ==> author
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Cliente ==> Client, clientele
data/ erro ==> error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Autor ==> Author
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ ser ==> set
data/ eles ==> else
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ comando ==> commando
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ limite ==> limit
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ erro ==> error
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ momento ==> memento
data/ Utiliza ==> Utilize
data/ Utiliza ==> Utilize
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ controles ==> controls, controllers
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ Comandos ==> Commandos
data/ comandos ==> commandos
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ Erro ==> Error
data/ itens ==> items
data/ ser ==> set
data/ erros ==> errors
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ componentes ==> components
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ ser ==> set
data/ responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ ser ==> set
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ vectores ==> vectors
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ caractere ==> character
data/ alege ==> allege
data/ curent ==> current
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Acces ==> Access
data/ Acces ==> Access
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ autor ==> author
data/ curent ==> current
data/ curent ==> current
data/ succes ==> success
data/ succes ==> success
data/ succes ==> success
data/ modul ==> module
data/ Definit ==> Definite
data/ succes ==> success
data/ autor ==> author
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ utiliza ==> utilize
data/ Limite ==> Limit
data/ Implicite ==> Implicit, implicitly
data/ implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/ implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/ Resurse ==> Recurse, resource
data/ Resurse ==> Recurse, resource
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ progres ==> progress
data/ efect ==> effect
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ acces ==> access
data/ Alege ==> Allege
data/ alege ==> allege
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ Probleme ==> Problem
data/ separat ==> separate
data/ Progres ==> Progress
data/ activ ==> active
data/ Progres ==> Progress
data/ acces ==> access
data/ Progres ==> Progress
data/ Activ ==> Active
data/ complet ==> complete
data/ modul ==> module
data/ Activ ==> Active
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ experimentat ==> experimental
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ dinamic ==> dynamic
data/ suficient ==> sufficient
data/ suficient ==> sufficient
data/ convexe ==> convex, convexes
data/ descrie ==> describe
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ includ ==> include
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ reduse ==> reduce, reuse
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ sute ==> site, suite, suit
data/ Distribuite ==> Distribute
data/ wich ==> which
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ Procesor ==> Processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ wich ==> which
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ procesor ==> processor
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ vie ==> via
data/ rady ==> ready
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Berkley ==> Berkeley
data/ tekst ==> text
data/ Vas ==> Was
data/ vas ==> was
data/ dekstop ==> desktop
data/ Proces ==> Process
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ Vas ==> Was
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ proces ==> process
data/ rade ==> read, raid
data/ Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/ satelite ==> satellite
data/ Extraterrestial ==> Extraterrestrial
data/ distirbuted ==> distributed
data/ probleme ==> problem
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ som ==> some
data/ objekt ==> object
data/ Varning ==> Warning
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Varning ==> Warning
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ modell ==> model
data/ Plattforms ==> Platforms
data/ Applikation ==> Application
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Exempel ==> Example
data/ som ==> some
data/ Exempel ==> Example
data/ som ==> some
data/ adress ==> address
data/ som ==> some
data/ Signatur ==> Signature
data/ signatur ==> signature
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ adress ==> address
data/ som ==> some
data/ stil ==> still
data/ adress ==> address
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ wich ==> which
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ mot ==> not
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ lokal ==> local
data/ som ==> some
data/ tre ==> tree
data/ som ==> some
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Exempel ==> Example
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ applikation ==> application
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ ned ==> need
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Lokal ==> Local
data/ Intervall ==> Interval
data/ ned ==> need
data/ Adress ==> Address
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ exempel ==> example
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ som ==> some
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ vill ==> will
data/ meny ==> menu, many
data/ som ==> some
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ Vill ==> Will
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ vill ==> will
data/ ned ==> need
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ ned ==> need
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ processer ==> processor
data/ som ==> some
data/ positiv ==> positive
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ mot ==> not
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ som ==> some
data/ modell ==> model
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ modell ==> model
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ smal ==> small
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ Som ==> Some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ som ==> some
data/ wich ==> which
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Standart ==> Standard
data/ linke ==> linked
data/ gir ==> git
data/ wich ==> which
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ Adres ==> Address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ adres ==> address
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ Paralel ==> Parallel
data/ paralel ==> parallel
data/ wich ==> which
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ wich ==> which
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ wich ==> which
data/ artifical ==> artificial
data/ enviroment ==> environment
data/ enviroment ==> environment
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ Proceedure ==> Procedure
data/ Proceedure ==> Procedure
data/ highter ==> higher
data/ highter ==> higher
data/ transfered ==> transferred
data/ transfered ==> transferred
data/ Commiting ==> Committing
data/ applicaton ==> application
data/ inted ==> inetd, intend
data/ ingored ==> ignored
data/ otherwize ==> otherwise
data/ currect ==> correct, current
data/ Circularly ==> Circular
data/ otehrwise ==> otherwise
data/ abov ==> above
data/ funtion ==> function
data/ otehrwise ==> otherwise
data/ abov ==> above
data/ funtion ==> function
data/ appication ==> application
data/ appication ==> application
data/ appication ==> application
data/ reseting ==> resetting
data/ beginnig ==> beginning
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ occured ==> occurred
data/ ammount ==> amount
data/ propably ==> probably
data/ aquire ==> acquire
data/ whos ==> whose, who's
data/ ouput ==> output
data/ usally ==> usually
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ abstration ==> abstraction
data/ succesfully ==> successfully
data/ hAppend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ hAppend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ hAppend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ fo ==> of, for
data/ hAppend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ hAppend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ hAppend ==> happened, happens, happen
data/ guarenteed ==> guaranteed
data/ writeing ==> writing
data/ upate ==> update
data/ outputing ==> outputting
data/ anthing ==> anything
data/ verion ==> version
data/ doens't ==> doesn't
data/ choosen ==> chosen
data/ addtional ==> additional
data/ superceded ==> superseded
data/ superceded ==> superseded
data/ commmand ==> command
data/ corresonding ==> corresponding
data/ targetted ==> targeted
data/ targetted ==> targeted
data/ targetted ==> targeted
data/ Targetting ==> Targeting
data/ fuctions ==> functions
data/ fuctions ==> functions
data/ fuctions ==> functions
data/ enviroment ==> environment
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ BA ==> BY, BE
data/ tread ==> thread, treat
data/ buss ==> bus
data/ buss ==> bus
data/ buss ==> bus
data/ tread ==> thread, treat
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ PRES ==> PRESS
data/ greather ==> greater
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ case-sensitve ==> case-sensitive
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ useable ==> usable
data/ unsupport ==> unsupported
data/ dne ==> done
data/ dne ==> done
data/ appropiate ==> appropriate
data/ dne ==> done
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ dne ==> done
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ Similarily ==> Similarly
data/ beyound ==> beyond
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ immediatly ==> immediately
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ appropiate ==> appropriate
data/ specifc ==> specific
data/ nnumber ==> number
data/ transfered ==> transferred
data/ interpretes ==> interprets
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ temporarly ==> temporarily, temporary
data/ Claus ==> Clause
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ becames ==> becomes, became
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ explicitely ==> explicitly
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ creat ==> create
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ creat ==> create
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ neccessary ==> necessary
data/ implmentations ==> implementations
data/ openend ==> opened
data/ appropiately ==> appropriately
data/ lenght ==> length
data/ defered ==> deferred
data/ creat ==> create
data/ credate ==> created
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ unx ==> unix
data/ ths ==> the, this
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ methid ==> method
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ parm ==> param, pram, parma
data/ parm ==> param, pram, parma
data/ arithmetics ==> arithmetic
data/ arithmetics ==> arithmetic
data/ neccessary ==> necessary
data/ Unter ==> Under
data/ synching ==> syncing
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ tThe ==> the
data/ tthe ==> the
data/ explicitely ==> explicitly
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ libary ==> library
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ definiton ==> definition
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ temporarly ==> temporarily, temporary
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ temporarly ==> temporarily, temporary
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ ba ==> by, be
data/ preceed ==> precede, proceed
data/ preceeded ==> preceded, proceeded
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ recyles ==> recycles
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ mathing ==> matching
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ recyles ==> recycles
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ appropiate ==> appropriate
data/ specifc ==> specific
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ Accomodation ==> Accommodation
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ CREAT ==> CREATE
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ comparision ==> comparison
data/ neccessary ==> necessary
data/ orignal ==> original
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ accomodate ==> accommodate
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ idenfifier ==> identifier
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ parm ==> param, pram, parma
data/ parm ==> param, pram, parma
data/ parm ==> param, pram, parma
data/ parm ==> param, pram, parma
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ arithmetics ==> arithmetic
data/ msdos ==> ms-dos
data/ Unter ==> Under
data/ synching ==> syncing
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ readd ==> re-add, read
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/ Berkley ==> Berkeley
data/ prefering ==> preferring
data/ controled ==> controlled
data/ controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ assing ==> assign
data/ enty ==> entry, entity
data/ whith ==> with
data/ contais ==> contains
data/ propper ==> proper
data/ Addded ==> Added
data/ Commiting ==> Committing
data/ Commiting ==> Committing
data/ som ==> some
data/ proces ==> process
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ oder ==> order, odor
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ manuell ==> manual
data/ Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/ sie ==> size, sigh
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ informations ==> information
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ Als ==> Also
data/ als ==> also
data/ te ==> the, be, we
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ cliente ==> client, clientele
data/ prefere ==> prefer, preferred
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ comand ==> command
data/ comand ==> command
data/ comand ==> command
data/ comand ==> command
data/ attribures ==> attributes
data/ configuraton ==> configuration
data/ sharable ==> shareable
data/ contant ==> constant, content
data/ siganture ==> signature
data/ sharable ==> shareable
data/ creat ==> create
data/ superceded ==> superseded
data/ reenable ==> re-enable
data/ ataching ==> attaching
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ arent ==> aren't
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ prerequesites ==> prerequisites
data/ ether ==> either
data/ assember ==> assembler
data/ ether ==> either
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ wont ==> won't
data/ arent ==> aren't
data/ wether ==> weather, whether
data/ prerequesites ==> prerequisites
data/ ether ==> either
data/ assember ==> assembler
data/ ether ==> either
data/ discriptions ==> descriptions
data/ nd ==> and, 2nd
data/ co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/ seccond ==> second
data/ seccond ==> second
data/ 2st ==> 2nd
data/ ataching ==> attaching
data/ seccond ==> second
data/ seccond ==> second
data/ 2st ==> 2nd
data/ Commiting ==> Committing
data/ Commiting ==> Committing
data/ defintion ==> definition