data/iwd-1.9/aclocal.m4:111: occurence ==> occurrence
data/iwd-1.9/configure:11609: directores ==> directories
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ChangeLog:10: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/ChangeLog:88: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/ChangeLog:96: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/ChangeLog:104: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/ fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:244: useable ==> usable
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:254: enhacement ==> enhancement
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:279: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:281: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:290: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:292: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:338: WAN ==> WANT
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:344: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:346: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/TODO:347: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:205: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:207: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:209: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:210: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:223: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:233: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:237: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:239: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:415: exculsive ==> exclusive
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:453: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:455: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:457: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:461: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:759: dandidates ==> candidates
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:795: acknowleged ==> acknowledged
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:1719: wether ==> weather, whether
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:1722: wether ==> weather, whether
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:1777: pass-thru ==> pass-through, pass through, passthrough
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:1921: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:2234: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:2236: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:2273: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:2274: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:2279: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:2282: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:3520: miliseconds ==> milliseconds
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:4998: coalaesce ==> coalesce
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:5257: suppport ==> support
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:5418: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:5428: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:5609: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:5618: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/linux/nl80211.h:6454: acknowleged ==> acknowledged
data/iwd-1.9/ell/queue.c:41: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/queue.c:77: destory ==> destroy
data/iwd-1.9/ell/queue.c:91: destory ==> destroy
data/iwd-1.9/ell/tls.c:2523: posession ==> possession
data/iwd-1.9/ell/dbus.c:196: messges ==> messages
data/iwd-1.9/ell/timeout.c:50: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/strv.c:208: emptry ==> empty
data/iwd-1.9/ell/strv.c:279: appened ==> append, appended, happened
data/iwd-1.9/ell/idle.c:43: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/ringbuf.c:47: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/ringbuf.c:60: siginificant ==> significant
data/iwd-1.9/ell/io.c:45: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/string.c:44: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/main.c:583: Teminate ==> Terminate
data/iwd-1.9/ell/util.c:143: sring ==> string
data/iwd-1.9/ell/util.c:169: sring ==> string
data/iwd-1.9/ell/signal.c:51: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/hashmap.c:50: Opague ==> Opaque
data/iwd-1.9/ell/hashmap.c:314: destory ==> destroy
data/iwd-1.9/src/netdev.c:61: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/netdev.c:1592: Couuld ==> Could
data/iwd-1.9/src/netdev.c:1755: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/netdev.c:2074: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/netdev.c:2090: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/netdev.c:2094: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/station.c:776: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/station.c:951: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/mschaputil.c:85: asumed ==> assumed
data/iwd-1.9/src/scan.c:1821: BA ==> BY, BE
data/iwd-1.9/src/wiphy.c:1171: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/p2p.c:2213: Indended ==> Intended, indented
data/iwd-1.9/src/sae.c:134: libell ==> libel
data/iwd-1.9/src/iwd.config.5:182: TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/iwd.config.5:215: TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/iwd.config.5:255: TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/iwd.config.5:276: TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/iwd.config.5:307: TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/ TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/ TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/ TE ==> THE, BE, WE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:31: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:68: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:89: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:100: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:140: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:192: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:195: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:208: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:209: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:213: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:214: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:221: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:281: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:318: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:325: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:334: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:340: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:451: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:460: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:593: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:595: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/fils.c:607: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/src/handshake.c:509: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/src/handshake.c:511: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:36: ether ==> either
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:591: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:592: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:593: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:594: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:1381: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:1798: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:1825: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:1831: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:2088: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:2090: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:2092: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5856: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5858: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5870: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5872: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5874: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5876: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/monitor/nlmon.c:5878: FILS ==> FILLS, FILES, FILE
data/iwd-1.9/client/network.c:174: diconnected ==> disconnected
data/iwd-1.9/tools/test-runner.c:3103: tthe ==> the
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:83: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:86: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:91: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:93: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:2476: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:2876: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:2899: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:2920: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:3371: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:3385: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:3610: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-eapol.c:3634: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-wsc.c:50: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-wsc.c:53: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-wsc.c:58: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-wsc.c:60: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-wsc.c:2352: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-sae.c:81: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-sae.c:84: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-sae.c:89: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/unit/test-sae.c:91: ths ==> the, this
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/depcomp:438: Maked ==> Marked, made
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/depcomp:447: Maked ==> Marked, made
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/depcomp:451: Maked ==> Marked, made
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/libtool.m4:617: incase ==> in case
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/libtool.m4:654: permision ==> permission
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/libtool.m4:2869: directores ==> directories
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/config.guess:362: Ake ==> Ache
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ gord ==> gourd
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ useable ==> usable
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ retuned ==> returned
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ incase ==> in case
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ funcions ==> functions
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ clea ==> clean
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ execut ==> execute
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ instal ==> install
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ inluding ==> including
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/config.sub:254: ba ==> by, be
data/iwd-1.9/build-aux/config.sub:851: msdos ==> ms-dos
data/iwd-1.9/debian/changelog:300: parrallel ==> parallel
data/iwd-1.9/debian/copyright_hints:187: fils ==> fills, files, file
data/iwd-1.9/debian/copyright_hints:188: fils ==> fills, files, file