data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- fo ==> of, for
data/jclic- Tha ==> Than, that, the
data/jclic- Linz ==> Lines
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Writting ==> Writing
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- substitued ==> substituted, substitute
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- dinamically ==> dynamically
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- dirctory ==> directory
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- supressed ==> suppressed
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- supressed ==> suppressed
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- drawed ==> drew, drawn, had drawn
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- unitialized ==> uninitialized
data/jclic- applicaton ==> application
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- arithmetics ==> arithmetic
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- shorcuts ==> shortcuts
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- preceeded ==> preceded, proceeded
data/jclic- ommit ==> omit
data/jclic- accesing ==> accessing
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- immediatelly ==> immediately
data/jclic- Throwed ==> Threw, thrown
data/jclic- inmplementation ==> implementation
data/jclic- usualy ==> usually
data/jclic- immediatelly ==> immediately
data/jclic- Throwed ==> Threw, thrown
data/jclic- usualy ==> usually
data/jclic- inmplementation ==> implementation
data/jclic- immediatelly ==> immediately
data/jclic- Throwed ==> Threw, thrown
data/jclic- mininum ==> minimum
data/jclic- immediatelly ==> immediately
data/jclic- Throwed ==> Threw, thrown
data/jclic- convension ==> convention, conversion
data/jclic- convension ==> convention, conversion
data/jclic- pallette ==> palette
data/jclic- pallette ==> palette
data/jclic- caculate ==> calculate
data/jclic- caculate ==> calculate
data/jclic- dout ==> doubt
data/jclic- dout ==> doubt
data/jclic- dout ==> doubt
data/jclic- dout ==> doubt
data/jclic- peformed ==> performed
data/jclic- peformed ==> performed
data/jclic- pallette ==> palette
data/jclic- pallette ==> palette
data/jclic- overrideable ==> overridable
data/jclic- overrideable ==> overridable
data/jclic- overrideable ==> overridable
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Optionnal ==> Optional
data/jclic- implicitely ==> implicitly
data/jclic- Contructor ==> Constructor
data/jclic- Psychadelic ==> Psychedelic
data/jclic- Capela ==> Capella
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- appropriatly ==> appropriately
data/jclic- Additionnal ==> Additional
data/jclic- ressources ==> resources
data/jclic- verion ==> version
data/jclic- deocded ==> decoded
data/jclic- succeded ==> succeeded
data/jclic- Acces ==> Access
data/jclic- Convertion ==> Conversion
data/jclic- Uncomplete ==> Incomplete
data/jclic- Bistream ==> Bitstream
data/jclic- Simlar ==> Similar
data/jclic- Bistream ==> Bitstream
data/jclic- Sythesis ==> Synthesis
data/jclic- bistream ==> bitstream
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- optionnal ==> optional
data/jclic- ot ==> to, of, or
data/jclic- informations ==> information
data/jclic- erorr ==> error
data/jclic- Construtor ==> Constructor
data/jclic- Catched ==> Caught
data/jclic- Catched ==> Caught
data/jclic- initalize ==> initialize
data/jclic- realy ==> really
data/jclic- realy ==> really
data/jclic- thes ==> this, these
data/jclic- thes ==> this, these
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- thes ==> this, these
data/jclic- thes ==> this, these
data/jclic- Acces ==> Access
data/jclic- Contructor ==> Constructor
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- indeces ==> indices
data/jclic- bistream ==> bitstream
data/jclic- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/jclic- whe ==> when, we
data/jclic- deivce ==> device
data/jclic- resorce ==> resource
data/jclic- contributers ==> contributors
data/jclic- seperate ==> separate
data/jclic- seperate ==> separate
data/jclic- gurantee ==> guarantee
data/jclic- Supress ==> Suppress
data/jclic- threshhold ==> threshold
data/jclic- seperated ==> separated
data/jclic- tranform ==> transform
data/jclic- alloced ==> allocated
data/jclic- assymetric ==> asymmetric
data/jclic- compatable ==> compatible
data/jclic- channles ==> channels
data/jclic- threshholds ==> thresholds
data/jclic- threshholds ==> thresholds
data/jclic- algortihmic ==> algorithmic
data/jclic- unitialized ==> uninitialized
data/jclic- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/jclic- implementaion ==> implementation
data/jclic- plattforms ==> platforms
data/jclic- choosen ==> chosen
data/jclic- initalized ==> initialized
data/jclic- endianess ==> endianness
data/jclic- implicitely ==> implicitly
data/jclic- endianess ==> endianness
data/jclic- seperated ==> separated
data/jclic- closeing ==> closing
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- intervall ==> interval
data/jclic- explicitely ==> explicitly
data/jclic- explicitely ==> explicitly
data/jclic- recommanded ==> recommended
data/jclic- occurences ==> occurrences
data/jclic- directely ==> directly
data/jclic- implicitely ==> implicitly
data/jclic- directely ==> directly
data/jclic- directely ==> directly
data/jclic- convertable ==> convertible
data/jclic- convertable ==> convertible
data/jclic- convertable ==> convertible
data/jclic- directely ==> directly
data/jclic- directely ==> directly
data/jclic- convertable ==> convertible
data/jclic- convertable ==> convertible
data/jclic- occured ==> occurred
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- initializaiton ==> initialization
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- TOOD ==> TODO
data/jclic- collecton ==> collection
data/jclic- collecton ==> collection
data/jclic- collecton ==> collection
data/jclic- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/jclic- preceeding ==> preceding, proceeding
data/jclic- doucment ==> document
data/jclic- whith ==> with
data/jclic- owerwrite ==> overwrite
data/jclic- concatentation ==> concatenation
data/jclic- whith ==> with
data/jclic- copyed ==> copied
data/jclic- Intializes ==> Initializes
data/jclic- doucment ==> document
data/jclic- contructor ==> constructor
data/jclic- instantation ==> instantiation
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- visiblity ==> visibility
data/jclic- elminate ==> eliminate
data/jclic- elminate ==> eliminate
data/jclic- elminate ==> eliminate
data/jclic- outputing ==> outputting
data/jclic- ouput ==> output
data/jclic- ouput ==> output
data/jclic- formating ==> formatting
data/jclic- contructor ==> constructor
data/jclic- seperator ==> separator
data/jclic- Unfortunatly ==> Unfortunately
data/jclic- Perfoms ==> Performs
data/jclic- prefered ==> preferred
data/jclic- Perfoms ==> Performs
data/jclic- indention ==> indentation
data/jclic- intented ==> intended, indented
data/jclic- instanciate ==> instantiate
data/jclic- copyied ==> copied
data/jclic- rewrited ==> rewrote, rewritten
data/jclic- doble ==> double
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- diferent ==> different
data/jclic- doble ==> double
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- forat ==> format
data/jclic- forat ==> format
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- doble ==> double
data/jclic- hace ==> have
data/jclic- momento ==> memento
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- momento ==> memento
data/jclic- informations ==> information
data/jclic- correspondant ==> correspondent
data/jclic- celles ==> cells
data/jclic- eles ==> else
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- fase ==> faze, phase
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tabel ==> table
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tabel ==> table
data/jclic- tabel ==> table
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- eles ==> else
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ect ==> etc
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- clik ==> click
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- comandos ==> commandos
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- Controles ==> Controls, controllers
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Restes ==> Reset
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- amunt ==> amount
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Restes ==> Reset
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- duplicats ==> duplicates
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- requisit ==> requisite
data/jclic- indicat ==> indicate
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- indicats ==> indicates, indicate
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- exemple ==> example
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- diferent ==> different
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Klick ==> Click
data/jclic- Klick ==> Click
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- horizontale ==> horizontal
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Stopp ==> Stop
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Funktion ==> Function
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Feld ==> Field
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Funktion ==> Function
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Paket ==> Packet
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Klick ==> Click
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- Controles ==> Controls, controllers
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- contener ==> container
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- posible ==> possible
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- utiliza ==> utilize
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- horizontale ==> horizontal
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- Disribution ==> Distribution
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- connecte ==> connected
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- Espaces ==> Escapes
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- espaces ==> escapes
data/jclic- autorisation ==> authorization
data/jclic- Ressource ==> Resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- informations ==> information
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
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data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- mesure ==> measure
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- Attributs ==> Attributes
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- fonction ==> function
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data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
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data/jclic- complet ==> complete
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data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
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data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- polygone ==> polygon
data/jclic- Contracter ==> Contractor
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
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data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
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data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
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data/jclic- ser ==> set
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data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- excede ==> exceed
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- valide ==> valid
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data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
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data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- Transparant ==> Transparent
data/jclic- horizontale ==> horizontal
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
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data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- als ==> also
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data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- adres ==> address
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- addres ==> address
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- attributen ==> attribute
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- attributen ==> attribute
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- attributen ==> attribute
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- succes ==> success
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data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- titel ==> title
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- titel ==> title
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
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data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
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data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- comandos ==> commandos
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
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data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
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data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
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data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- utiliza ==> utilize
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Excede ==> Exceed
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data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- ser ==> set
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data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- Controles ==> Controls, controllers
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- ser ==> set
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data/jclic- Caractere ==> Character
data/jclic- Caractere ==> Character
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data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
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data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- auxiliar ==> auxiliary
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- auxiliar ==> auxiliary
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- taget ==> target
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- execusion ==> execution
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- stil ==> still
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- amunt ==> amount
data/jclic- amunt ==> amount
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- definit ==> definite
data/jclic- definit ==> definite
data/jclic- diferent ==> different
data/jclic- suport ==> support
data/jclic- produkt ==> product
data/jclic- Retur ==> Return
data/jclic- ned ==> need
data/jclic- ned ==> need
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Retur ==> Return
data/jclic- Retur ==> Return
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- produkt ==> product
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Produkt ==> Product
data/jclic- Linz ==> Lines
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/jclic- OBJET ==> OBJECT
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Som ==> Some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Som ==> Some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- paket ==> packet
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- execusion ==> execution
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- beter ==> better
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Complet ==> Complete
data/jclic- Standart ==> Standard
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- valide ==> valid
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Pannel ==> Panel
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- Librairies ==> Libraries
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- Apparence ==> Appearance
data/jclic- Langage ==> Language
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- Moteur ==> Motor
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- Apparence ==> Appearance
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- Moteur ==> Motor
data/jclic- Moteur ==> Motor
data/jclic- moteurs ==> motors
data/jclic- adresse ==> address
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- existant ==> existent
data/jclic- correspondant ==> correspondent
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- adres ==> address
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Buton ==> Button
data/jclic- Buton ==> Button
data/jclic- Buton ==> Button
data/jclic- buton ==> button
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- minuts ==> minutes
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- Apparence ==> Appearance
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- vie ==> via
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- EROR ==> ERROR
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- mayu ==> may
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- januar ==> january
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- daty ==> data, date
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- valide ==> valid
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- Groupes ==> Groups, grouped
data/jclic- invalide ==> invalid
data/jclic- invalide ==> invalid
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- EROR ==> ERROR
data/jclic- Formes ==> Forms, formed
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- toos ==> tools
data/jclic- toos ==> tools
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- vas ==> was
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Atribut ==> Attribute
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- Feld ==> Field
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- restauration ==> restoration
data/jclic- Attribut ==> Attribute
data/jclic- attribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- attribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- EROR ==> ERROR
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- beter ==> better
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Standart ==> Standard
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- neded ==> needed
data/jclic- interger ==> integer
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- fo ==> of, for
data/jclic- Tha ==> Than, that, the
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- atleast ==> at least
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- TestNG ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- TestNG ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- testng ==> testing
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- tabe ==> table
data/jclic- selecetd ==> selected
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- outputed ==> outputted
data/jclic- Searchs ==> Searches
data/jclic- outputed ==> outputted
data/jclic- Searchs ==> Searches
data/jclic- outputed ==> outputted
data/jclic- Searchs ==> Searches
data/jclic- outputed ==> outputted
data/jclic- outputed ==> outputted
data/jclic- Writting ==> Writing
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- currentY ==> currently
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- drawed ==> drew, drawn, had drawn
data/jclic- drawed ==> drew, drawn, had drawn
data/jclic- dragable ==> draggable
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- co-ordinate ==> coordinate
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- comandos ==> commandos
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- Controles ==> Controls, controllers
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/jclic- repet ==> repeat
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Restes ==> Reset
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- Conten ==> Contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- activ ==> active
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- amunt ==> amount
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- caracter ==> character
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Restes ==> Reset
data/jclic- duplicats ==> duplicates
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- requisit ==> requisite
data/jclic- indicat ==> indicate
data/jclic- indicats ==> indicates, indicate
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- exemple ==> example
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- diferent ==> different
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- objekt ==> object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Klick ==> Click
data/jclic- Klick ==> Click
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- horizontale ==> horizontal
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Stopp ==> Stop
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Funktion ==> Function
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Feld ==> Field
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Funktion ==> Function
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Paket ==> Packet
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- absolut ==> absolute
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Klick ==> Click
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Beginn ==> Begin
data/jclic- Ende ==> End
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Controles ==> Controls, controllers
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- contener ==> container
data/jclic- responde ==> respond, response, responds, responded, responder
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- caracter ==> character
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Caracter ==> Character
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- posible ==> possible
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- utiliza ==> utilize
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- horizontale ==> horizontal
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- Disribution ==> Distribution
data/jclic- formes ==> forms, formed
data/jclic- connecte ==> connected
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- Espaces ==> Escapes
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- espaces ==> escapes
data/jclic- autorisation ==> authorization
data/jclic- Ressource ==> Resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- informations ==> information
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- Donn ==> Done, don
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- objet ==> object
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- cach ==> catch, cache
data/jclic- cach ==> catch, cache
data/jclic- mesure ==> measure
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- Attributs ==> Attributes
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- fonction ==> function
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- objets ==> objects
data/jclic- polygone ==> polygon
data/jclic- Contracter ==> Contractor
data/jclic- activ ==> active
data/jclic- Donn ==> Done, don
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- attributs ==> attributes
data/jclic- repet ==> repeat
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- caracter ==> character
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Caracter ==> Character
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- acces ==> access
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- excede ==> exceed
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- valide ==> valid
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- Horizontale ==> Horizontal
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- Transparant ==> Transparent
data/jclic- horizontale ==> horizontal
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- marge ==> merge
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- adres ==> address
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- addres ==> address
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- attributen ==> attribute
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- attributen ==> attribute
data/jclic- Attributen ==> Attribute
data/jclic- Marge ==> Merge
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- attributen ==> attribute
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- succes ==> success
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- titel ==> title
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- titel ==> title
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- comandos ==> commandos
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Coment ==> Comment
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- caracter ==> character
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Coment ==> Comment
data/jclic- Coment ==> Comment
data/jclic- Caracter ==> Character
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- utiliza ==> utilize
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Excede ==> Exceed
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- Controles ==> Controls, controllers
data/jclic- Avance ==> Advance
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- Caractere ==> Character
data/jclic- Caractere ==> Character
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Coment ==> Comment
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Coment ==> Comment
data/jclic- Coment ==> Comment
data/jclic- Hist ==> Heist, his
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- Limite ==> Limit
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- acess ==> access
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- auxiliar ==> auxiliary
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- auxiliar ==> auxiliary
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- arround ==> around
data/jclic- appliable ==> applicable
data/jclic- postion ==> position
data/jclic- co-ordinates ==> coordinates
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- supress ==> suppress
data/jclic- separed ==> separated
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- greather ==> greater
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- repet ==> repeat
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- taget ==> target
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- execusion ==> execution
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- inport ==> import
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Stil ==> Still
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- stil ==> still
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- inport ==> import
data/jclic- inport ==> import
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- Wheter ==> Whether
data/jclic- Wheter ==> Whether
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- hsa ==> has
data/jclic- hsa ==> has
data/jclic- hsa ==> has
data/jclic- containig ==> containing
data/jclic- coresponding ==> corresponding
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- beggining ==> beginning
data/jclic- explicity ==> explicitly
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- successfull ==> successful
data/jclic- suport ==> support
data/jclic- suport ==> support
data/jclic- suport ==> support
data/jclic- WARNINIG ==> WARNING
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- cointaining ==> containing
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- ans ==> and
data/jclic- ans ==> and
data/jclic- arithmetics ==> arithmetic
data/jclic- mantained ==> maintained
data/jclic- overrided ==> overrode, overridden
data/jclic- mantains ==> maintains
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- tha ==> than, that, the
data/jclic- witdh ==> width
data/jclic- FORAT ==> FORMAT
data/jclic- DOBLE ==> DOUBLE
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- MARGE ==> MERGE
data/jclic- MARGE ==> MERGE
data/jclic- MARGE ==> MERGE
data/jclic- MARGE ==> MERGE
data/jclic- DOBLE ==> DOUBLE
data/jclic- FORAT ==> FORMAT
data/jclic- Childs ==> Children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- cutted ==> cut
data/jclic- cutted ==> cut
data/jclic- wich ==> which
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- abtract ==> abstract
data/jclic- Throwed ==> Threw, thrown
data/jclic- switchs ==> switches
data/jclic- someting ==> something
data/jclic- Supresses ==> Suppresses
data/jclic- alo ==> also
data/jclic- alo ==> also
data/jclic- alo ==> also
data/jclic- alo ==> also
data/jclic- alo ==> also
data/jclic- Throwed ==> Threw, thrown
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- childs ==> children, child's
data/jclic- buliding ==> building
data/jclic- pres ==> press
data/jclic- Pres ==> Press
data/jclic- Pres ==> Press
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- doble ==> double
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- diferent ==> different
data/jclic- doble ==> double
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- forat ==> format
data/jclic- forat ==> format
data/jclic- buit ==> built
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Objekt ==> Object
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- doble ==> double
data/jclic- hace ==> have
data/jclic- momento ==> memento
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- momento ==> memento
data/jclic- cach ==> catch, cache
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- informations ==> information
data/jclic- correspondant ==> correspondent
data/jclic- cach ==> catch, cache
data/jclic- cach ==> catch, cache
data/jclic- celles ==> cells
data/jclic- pres ==> press
data/jclic- eles ==> else
data/jclic- Pres ==> Press
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- pres ==> press
data/jclic- Pres ==> Press
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- fase ==> faze, phase
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- serie ==> series
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tabel ==> table
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tabel ==> table
data/jclic- tabel ==> table
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- autor ==> author
data/jclic- eles ==> else
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- erros ==> errors
data/jclic- complet ==> complete
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- som ==> some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ect ==> etc
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- clik ==> click
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- arithmetics ==> arithmetic
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- toos ==> tools
data/jclic- toos ==> tools
data/jclic- vas ==> was
data/jclic- ure ==> sure, ire, are, urea, rue
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Atribut ==> Attribute
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/jclic- Ot ==> To, of, or
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- atribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- Feld ==> Field
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- restauration ==> restoration
data/jclic- Attribut ==> Attribute
data/jclic- attribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- attribut ==> attribute
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- possibile ==> possible
data/jclic- Ignora ==> Ignore
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- Adres ==> Address
data/jclic- EROR ==> ERROR
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- conect ==> connect
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- amunt ==> amount
data/jclic- amunt ==> amount
data/jclic- Autors ==> Authors
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- definit ==> definite
data/jclic- definit ==> definite
data/jclic- diferent ==> different
data/jclic- suport ==> support
data/jclic- Secund ==> Second
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- produkt ==> product
data/jclic- Retur ==> Return
data/jclic- ned ==> need
data/jclic- ned ==> need
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Retur ==> Return
data/jclic- Retur ==> Return
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- produkt ==> product
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Produkt ==> Product
data/jclic- Linz ==> Lines
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- unter ==> under
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- ressource ==> resource
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- Donn ==> Done, don
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- termine ==> determine
data/jclic- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/jclic- OBJET ==> OBJECT
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Hist ==> Heist, his
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Som ==> Some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Som ==> Some
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- paket ==> packet
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- comando ==> commando
data/jclic- execusion ==> execution
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Autor ==> Author
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- defin ==> define
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- conet ==> connect
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- valide ==> valid
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- Instal ==> Install
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Ordner ==> Order
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- Pannel ==> Panel
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- Librairies ==> Libraries
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- Apparence ==> Appearance
data/jclic- Langage ==> Language
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- classe ==> class, classes
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- Moteur ==> Motor
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- Apparence ==> Appearance
data/jclic- langage ==> language
data/jclic- Moteur ==> Motor
data/jclic- Moteur ==> Motor
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- moteurs ==> motors
data/jclic- adresse ==> address
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- existant ==> existent
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- correspondant ==> correspondent
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- tekst ==> text
data/jclic- Tekst ==> Text
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- adres ==> address
data/jclic- Wil ==> Will, well
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Ser ==> Set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Classe ==> Class, classes
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- Buton ==> Button
data/jclic- Buton ==> Button
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- Buton ==> Button
data/jclic- buton ==> button
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- exisiting ==> existing
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Eror ==> Error
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instruccions ==> instructions
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- oder ==> order, odor
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/jclic- imposible ==> impossible
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- componentes ==> components
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- momento ==> memento
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- componentes ==> components
data/jclic- momento ==> memento
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- componentes ==> components
data/jclic- certificat ==> certificate
data/jclic- certificat ==> certificate
data/jclic- instal ==> install
data/jclic- certificat ==> certificate
data/jclic- Signatur ==> Signature
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- sie ==> size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Formes ==> Forms, formed
data/jclic- perferred ==> preferred
data/jclic- identifer ==> identifier
data/jclic- bA ==> by, be
data/jclic- bA ==> by, be
data/jclic- acces ==> access
data/jclic- ommitted ==> omitted
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- conenction ==> connection
data/jclic- throught ==> thought, through, throughout
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- readed ==> read, readd, readded
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- commited ==> committed
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- writting ==> writing
data/jclic- utiliz ==> utilize
data/jclic- conten ==> contain
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- minuts ==> minutes
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- Programm ==> Program, programme
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- Donn ==> Done, don
data/jclic- Adresse ==> Address
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- connexion ==> connection
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- Apparence ==> Appearance
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- vie ==> via
data/jclic- utilis ==> utilise
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- indien ==> indian, endian
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- cliente ==> client, clientele
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- limite ==> limit
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- Erro ==> Error
data/jclic- erro ==> error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- EROR ==> ERROR
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- eror ==> error
data/jclic- Comando ==> Commando
data/jclic- wher ==> where
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- acces ==> access
data/jclic- marge ==> merge
data/jclic- mayu ==> may
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- januar ==> january
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- als ==> also
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- daty ==> data, date
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- valide ==> valid
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- DONN ==> DONE, DON
data/jclic- groupes ==> groups, grouped
data/jclic- Groupes ==> Groups, grouped
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- invalide ==> invalid
data/jclic- invalide ==> invalid
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- donn ==> done, don
data/jclic- Mot ==> Not
data/jclic- mot ==> not
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- te ==> the, be, we
data/jclic- Titel ==> Title
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- Alle ==> All, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- alle ==> all, alley
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- ERRO ==> ERROR
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- datas ==> data
data/jclic- Ba ==> By, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- ba ==> by, be
data/jclic- Te ==> The, be, we
data/jclic- EROR ==> ERROR
data/jclic- defaut ==> default
data/jclic- BA ==> BY, BE
data/jclic- requiered ==> required
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- appropiate ==> appropriate
data/jclic- ser ==> set
data/jclic- accesing ==> accessing