data/scratch- effekt ==> effect
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- tast ==> taste
data/scratch- selv ==> self
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- mot ==> not
data/scratch- effekt ==> effect
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- stopp ==> stop
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- stopp ==> stop
data/scratch- stopp ==> stop
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- mot ==> not
data/scratch- gir ==> git
data/scratch- mot ==> not
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- serie ==> series
data/scratch- maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- stopp ==> stop
data/scratch- Stopp ==> Stop
data/scratch- Stopp ==> Stop
data/scratch- Fortelling ==> Foretelling
data/scratch- gitar ==> guitar
data/scratch- gitar ==> guitar
data/scratch- gitar ==> guitar
data/scratch- gitar ==> guitar
data/scratch- Autor ==> Author
data/scratch- erro ==> error
data/scratch- padam ==> param
data/scratch- Padam ==> Param
data/scratch- Padam ==> Param
data/scratch- Padam ==> Param
data/scratch- Padam ==> Param
data/scratch- effekt ==> effect
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- mot ==> not
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- mapp ==> map
data/scratch- mot ==> not
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- Exempel ==> Example
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- orginal ==> original
data/scratch- mata ==> meta, mater
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- stopp ==> stop
data/scratch- Autor ==> Author
data/scratch- costum ==> custom, costume
data/scratch- alege ==> allege
data/scratch- bord ==> board, bored, border
data/scratch- apparence ==> appearance
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- compresser ==> compressor
data/scratch- compresser ==> compressor
data/scratch- Compresser ==> Compressor
data/scratch- Connexion ==> Connection
data/scratch- bord ==> board, bored, border
data/scratch- Exemples ==> Examples
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- pointeur ==> pointer
data/scratch- bloc ==> block
data/scratch- normale ==> normal
data/scratch- Mot ==> Not
data/scratch- pointeur ==> pointer
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- espace ==> escape
data/scratch- existant ==> existent
data/scratch- inclinaison ==> inclination
data/scratch- connexion ==> connection
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- variabele ==> variable
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- variabele ==> variable
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- variabele ==> variable
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- variabele ==> variable
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- variabele ==> variable
data/scratch- accordeon ==> accordion
data/scratch- momento ==> memento
data/scratch- Normale ==> Normal
data/scratch- normale ==> normal
data/scratch- bord ==> board, bored, border
data/scratch- apparence ==> appearance
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- Compresser ==> Compressor
data/scratch- Compresser ==> Compressor
data/scratch- Compresser ==> Compressor
data/scratch- Connexion ==> Connection
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- bord ==> board, bored, border
data/scratch- Exemples ==> Examples
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- Blocs ==> Blocks
data/scratch- Blocs ==> Blocks
data/scratch- objets ==> objects
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- pointeur ==> pointer
data/scratch- Objet ==> Object
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- bloc ==> block
data/scratch- normale ==> normal
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- Mot ==> Not
data/scratch- pointeur ==> pointer
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- moteur ==> motor
data/scratch- espace ==> escape
data/scratch- Objet ==> Object
data/scratch- Objets ==> Objects
data/scratch- existant ==> existent
data/scratch- objet ==> object
data/scratch- connexion ==> connection
data/scratch- brillant ==> brilliant
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- Bord ==> Board, bored, border
data/scratch- Bloc ==> Block
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- thay ==> they
data/scratch- ser ==> set
data/scratch- elipses ==> ellipses, eclipses, ellipsis
data/scratch- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- serie ==> series
data/scratch- Autor ==> Author
data/scratch- cristal ==> crystal
data/scratch- calles ==> calls
data/scratch- Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- autor ==> author
data/scratch- parem ==> param
data/scratch- parem ==> param
data/scratch- foto ==> photo
data/scratch- maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- repete ==> repeat
data/scratch- repete ==> repeat
data/scratch- repete ==> repeat
data/scratch- repete ==> repeat
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- fo ==> of, for
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- te ==> the, be, we
data/scratch- Fo ==> Of, for
data/scratch- fle ==> file
data/scratch- longe ==> longer, lounge
data/scratch- Ba ==> By, be
data/scratch- ba ==> by, be
data/scratch- fle ==> file
data/scratch- Desine ==> Design
data/scratch- fle ==> file
data/scratch- foto ==> photo
data/scratch- foto ==> photo
data/scratch- Foto ==> Photo
data/scratch- Fle ==> File
data/scratch- controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- comando ==> commando
data/scratch- comando ==> commando
data/scratch- ser ==> set
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- elipses ==> ellipses, eclipses, ellipsis
data/scratch- Erro ==> Error
data/scratch- Som ==> Some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- Importat ==> Important
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- comando ==> commando
data/scratch- comandos ==> commandos
data/scratch- autor ==> author
data/scratch- comandos ==> commandos
data/scratch- comandos ==> commandos
data/scratch- Comandos ==> Commandos
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- comandos ==> commandos
data/scratch- cristal ==> crystal
data/scratch- bloc ==> block
data/scratch- buit ==> built
data/scratch- buit ==> built
data/scratch- Exemples ==> Examples
data/scratch- Blocs ==> Blocks
data/scratch- Blocs ==> Blocks
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- serie ==> series
data/scratch- Autor ==> Author
data/scratch- gir ==> git
data/scratch- blocs ==> blocks
data/scratch- Suport ==> Support
data/scratch- amunt ==> amount
data/scratch- amunt ==> amount
data/scratch- brillant ==> brilliant
data/scratch- cristal ==> crystal
data/scratch- sord ==> sword, sore, sored, sawed, soared
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Menas ==> Means
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- tabel ==> table
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- tabel ==> table
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- mata ==> meta, mater
data/scratch- vertikal ==> vertical
data/scratch- Tabel ==> Table
data/scratch- tabel ==> table
data/scratch- tabel ==> table
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- Gitar ==> Guitar
data/scratch- controle ==> control, controlled, controller
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- comando ==> commando
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- Elipse ==> Ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- comandos ==> commandos
data/scratch- Comandos ==> Commandos
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- cristal ==> crystal
data/scratch- Nowe ==> Now
data/scratch- Autor ==> Author
data/scratch- Tekst ==> Text
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- ned ==> need
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- variabel ==> variable
data/scratch- Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- som ==> some
data/scratch- maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- Elipse ==> Ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- elipse ==> ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- Lik ==> Like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- Autor ==> Author
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- Lik ==> Like, lick, link
data/scratch- lik ==> like, lick, link
data/scratch- Elipse ==> Ellipse, eclipse
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- Elemente ==> Element, elements
data/scratch- Ordner ==> Order
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Oder ==> Order, odor
data/scratch- sie ==> size, sigh
data/scratch- finde ==> find
data/scratch- sie ==> size, sigh
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- sie ==> size, sigh
data/scratch- finde ==> find
data/scratch- sie ==> size, sigh
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- Oder ==> Order, odor
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- Vertikal ==> Vertical
data/scratch- alle ==> all, alley
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Ist ==> Is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- Ordner ==> Order
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- oder ==> order, odor
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- Stopp ==> Stop
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- als ==> also
data/scratch- Objekt ==> Object
data/scratch- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/scratch- unter ==> under
data/scratch- vie ==> via
data/scratch- Vie ==> Via
data/scratch- Vie ==> Via
data/scratch- Vie ==> Via
data/scratch- Vie ==> Via
data/scratch- vie ==> via
data/scratch- vie ==> via
data/scratch- vie ==> via
data/scratch- alue ==> value
data/scratch- alue ==> value
data/scratch- alue ==> value
data/scratch- Maks ==> Mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- maks ==> mask, masks, makes, make
data/scratch- alue ==> value
data/scratch- sade ==> sad
data/scratch- synching ==> syncing