data/software-properties- transistion ==> transition
data/software-properties- fpr ==> for, far, fps
data/software-properties- tread ==> thread, treat
data/software-properties- perfoming ==> performing
data/software-properties- Optimze ==> Optimize
data/software-properties- configurtation ==> configuration
data/software-properties- configurtation ==> configuration
data/software-properties- componets ==> components
data/software-properties- exisiting ==> existing
data/software-properties- exisiting ==> existing
data/software-properties- childs ==> children, child's
data/software-properties- tiggered ==> triggered
data/software-properties- wheter ==> whether
data/software-properties- faild ==> failed
data/software-properties- vaild ==> valid
data/software-properties- protocoll ==> protocol
data/software-properties- Additonal ==> Additional
data/software-properties- pathes ==> paths
data/software-properties- childs ==> children, child's
data/software-properties- protocoll ==> protocol
data/software-properties- nonsens ==> nonsense
data/software-properties- polution ==> pollution
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Oficial ==> Official
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- Componentes ==> Components
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- essencial ==> essential
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- essencial ==> essential
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- essencial ==> essential
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- autor ==> author
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Componentes ==> Components
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- pacakges ==> packages
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- pacakges ==> packages
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- exemple ==> example
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- claus ==> clause
data/software-properties- exemple ==> example
data/software-properties- essencial ==> essential
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- Instal ==> Install
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- suficient ==> sufficient
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- minuts ==> minutes
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Instal ==> Install
data/software-properties- minuts ==> minutes
data/software-properties- minuts ==> minutes
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- problemes ==> problems
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- problemes ==> problems
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Claus ==> Clause
data/software-properties- Claus ==> Clause
data/software-properties- claus ==> clause
data/software-properties- claus ==> clause
data/software-properties- exemple ==> example
data/software-properties- claus ==> clause
data/software-properties- claus ==> clause
data/software-properties- claus ==> clause
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- Instal ==> Install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- instruccions ==> instructions
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- stran ==> strand, strain
data/software-properties- stran ==> strand, strain
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- noe ==> not, no, node, know, now
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- Signatur ==> Signature
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Noe ==> Not, no, node, know, now
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- Noe ==> Not, no, node, know, now
data/software-properties- gir ==> git
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- tre ==> tree
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Intervall ==> Interval
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- Oficial ==> Official
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- ba ==> by, be
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- havn't ==> haven't
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Oficial ==> Official
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- vas ==> was
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- vas ==> was
data/software-properties- proces ==> process
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- tre ==> tree
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Intervall ==> Interval
data/software-properties- ned ==> need
data/software-properties- Oficial ==> Official
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- somme ==> some
data/software-properties- Somme ==> Some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- tipe ==> type, tip
data/software-properties- Tipe ==> Type, tip
data/software-properties- tipe ==> type, tip
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Instal ==> Install
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- instal ==> install
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Tipe ==> Type, tip
data/software-properties- Doas ==> Does
data/software-properties- confirmacion ==> confirmation
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- conten ==> contain
data/software-properties- conten ==> contain
data/software-properties- conten ==> contain
data/software-properties- Claus ==> Clause
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- jave ==> java, have
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- utiliza ==> utilize
data/software-properties- utiliza ==> utilize
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- Componentes ==> Components
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- imposible ==> impossible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- imposible ==> impossible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- momento ==> memento
data/software-properties- requiere ==> require
data/software-properties- requiere ==> require
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- imposible ==> impossible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- normales ==> normals
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Componentes ==> Components
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- hace ==> have
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Inavlid ==> Invalid
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Oficial ==> Official
data/software-properties- exemple ==> example
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- Authentification ==> Authentication
data/software-properties- exemple ==> example
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- valide ==> valid
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- valide ==> valid
data/software-properties- invalide ==> invalid
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- invalide ==> invalid
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- invalide ==> invalid
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- connexion ==> connection
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- fonction ==> function
data/software-properties- ue ==> use, due
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- valide ==> valid
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- celles ==> cells
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- therefor ==> therefore
data/software-properties- informations ==> information
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- thay ==> they
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- wan ==> want
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- wan ==> want
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- wan ==> want
data/software-properties- wan ==> want
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Alle ==> All, alley
data/software-properties- Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/software-properties- Alle ==> All, alley
data/software-properties- Alle ==> All, alley
data/software-properties- Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Alle ==> All, alley
data/software-properties- Adresse ==> Address
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- Protocoll ==> Protocol
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Tage ==> Stage, take, tag, tagged
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Signatur ==> Signature
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Probleme ==> Problem
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Probleme ==> Problem
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Probleme ==> Problem
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- manuell ==> manual
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- manuell ==> manual
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Funktion ==> Function
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Klick ==> Click
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- oder ==> order, odor
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- unter ==> under
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- unter ==> under
data/software-properties- Sie ==> Size, sigh
data/software-properties- Klick ==> Click
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- exempel ==> example
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Mata ==> Meta, mater
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- exempel ==> example
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- mot ==> not
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- Vill ==> Will
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Vill ==> Will
data/software-properties- mot ==> not
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- mot ==> not
data/software-properties- mot ==> not
data/software-properties- Mata ==> Meta, mater
data/software-properties- mot ==> not
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Vill ==> Will
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- signatur ==> signature
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- exempel ==> example
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Vill ==> Will
data/software-properties- therefor ==> therefore
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- exempel ==> example
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- lokal ==> local
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- objekt ==> object
data/software-properties- objekt ==> object
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- lokal ==> local
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Intervall ==> Interval
data/software-properties- Paket ==> Packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- varning ==> warning
data/software-properties- Varning ==> Warning
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- vill ==> will
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- Varning ==> Warning
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- lokal ==> local
data/software-properties- tre ==> tree
data/software-properties- paket ==> packet
data/software-properties- populare ==> popular
data/software-properties- populare ==> popular
data/software-properties- Binar ==> Binary
data/software-properties- Activ ==> Active
data/software-properties- Binar ==> Binary
data/software-properties- probleme ==> problem
data/software-properties- curent ==> current
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/software-properties- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- efect ==> effect
data/software-properties- implicite ==> implicit, implicitly
data/software-properties- faile ==> failed
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- ket ==> kept
data/software-properties- ket ==> kept
data/software-properties- ket ==> kept
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- imposible ==> impossible
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- compre ==> compare, compère
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- nin ==> inn, min, bin, nine
data/software-properties- imposible ==> impossible
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- imposible ==> impossible
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- posible ==> possible
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- momento ==> memento
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- tage ==> stage, take, tag, tagged
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- tage ==> stage, take, tag, tagged
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- finde ==> find
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- Signatur ==> Signature
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- tage ==> stage, take, tag, tagged
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- som ==> some
data/software-properties- finde ==> find
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- dum ==> dumb
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Versio ==> Version
data/software-properties- versio ==> version
data/software-properties- versio ==> version
data/software-properties- chello ==> cello
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- beter ==> better
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- als ==> also
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- doen ==> done
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- indien ==> indian, endian
data/software-properties- Indien ==> Indian, endian
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- compatibel ==> compatible
data/software-properties- compatibel ==> compatible
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- alle ==> all, alley
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- valide ==> valid
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- valide ==> valid
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- momento ==> memento
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- compatibile ==> compatible
data/software-properties- compatibile ==> compatible
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- therefor ==> therefore
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- fase ==> faze, phase
data/software-properties- possibile ==> possible
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- nowe ==> now
data/software-properties- serwer ==> server, sewer
data/software-properties- Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/software-properties- Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- serwer ==> server, sewer
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- nowe ==> now
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Serwer ==> Server, sewer
data/software-properties- proces ==> process
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Nowe ==> Now
data/software-properties- nowe ==> now
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- Te ==> The, be, we
data/software-properties- nowe ==> now
data/software-properties- proces ==> process
data/software-properties- nowe ==> now
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- te ==> the, be, we
data/software-properties- sie ==> size, sigh
data/software-properties- serwer ==> server, sewer
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- shiped ==> shipped
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Versio ==> Version
data/software-properties- Versio ==> Version
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- shiped ==> shipped
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- shiped ==> shipped
data/software-properties- Oficial ==> Official
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- Componentes ==> Components
data/software-properties- componentes ==> components
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- essencial ==> essential
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- softwares ==> software
data/software-properties- softwares ==> software
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- essencial ==> essential
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- comando ==> commando
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Softwares ==> Software
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- oficial ==> official
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- softwares ==> software
data/software-properties- erros ==> errors
data/software-properties- Oficially ==> Officially
data/software-properties- oficially ==> officially
data/software-properties- softwares ==> software
data/software-properties- erro ==> error
data/software-properties- Componentes ==> Components
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- pacakges ==> packages
data/software-properties- Erro ==> Error
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- ser ==> set
data/software-properties- Softwares ==> Software
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- souces ==> sources
data/software-properties- impot ==> import
data/software-properties- impot ==> import
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- adviced ==> advised
data/software-properties- Verfication ==> Verification
data/software-properties- scaning ==> scanning
data/software-properties- occured ==> occurred
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- entires ==> entries
data/software-properties- gir ==> git
data/software-properties- tranient ==> transient
data/software-properties- Clearify ==> Clarify
data/software-properties- compability ==> compatibility
data/software-properties- spefic ==> specific
data/software-properties- maco ==> macro
data/software-properties- insenstive ==> insensitive
data/software-properties- releated ==> related
data/software-properties- Protocoll ==> Protocol
data/software-properties- arguemnt ==> argument
data/software-properties- gracefuly ==> gracefully
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- runing ==> running, ruining
data/software-properties- carefull ==> careful, carefully
data/software-properties- explaination ==> explanation
data/software-properties- entires ==> entries
data/software-properties- remeber ==> remember
data/software-properties- usefull ==> useful
data/software-properties- inital ==> initial
data/software-properties- Additonal ==> Additional
data/software-properties- Additonal ==> Additional
data/software-properties- pathes ==> paths
data/software-properties- childs ==> children, child's
data/software-properties- Additonal ==> Additional
data/software-properties- pathes ==> paths
data/software-properties- childs ==> children, child's