Flawfinder version 2.0.10, (C) 2001-2019 David A. Wheeler.
Number of rules (primarily dangerous function names) in C/C++ ruleset: 223
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/examples/example1.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/BaseCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/BaseCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Base_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Base_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/CubeToMatOp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/CubeToMatOp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/GenCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/GenCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/GenSpecialiser.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Gen_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Gen_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/GlueCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/GlueCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Glue_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Glue_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/OpCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/OpCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Op_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Op_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Proxy.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/ProxyCube.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SizeCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SizeCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SizeMat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SizeMat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpBase_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpBase_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpGlue_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpGlue_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpOp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpOp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpProxy.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_iterators_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpToDOp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpToDOp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpValProxy_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpValProxy_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/access.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_cmath.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_config.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_forward.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_ostream_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_ostream_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rel_comparators.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng_cxx11.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng_cxx98.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_static_check.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_version.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arrayops_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arrayops_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/band_helper.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/compiler_check.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/compiler_setup.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/compiler_setup_post.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/cond_rel_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/cond_rel_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/constants.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/constants_old.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/csv_name.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/debug.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/def_arpack.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/def_atlas.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/def_blas.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/def_hdf5.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/def_lapack.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/def_superlu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diagmat_proxy.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diagview_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diagview_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/distr_param.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eGlueCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eGlueCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eGlue_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eGlue_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eOpCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eOpCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eOp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eOp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eglue_core_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eglue_core_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eop_aux.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eop_core_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/eop_core_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fft_engine.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_accu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_all.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_any.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_approx_equal.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_as_scalar.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_chi2rnd.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_chol.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_clamp.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_cond.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_conv.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_conv_to.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_cor.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_cov.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_cross.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_cumprod.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_cumsum.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_det.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_diagmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_diagvec.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_diff.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_dot.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eig_gen.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eig_pair.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eig_sym.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eigs_gen.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eigs_sym.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_elem.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eps.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_expmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eye.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_fft.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_fft2.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_find.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_find_unique.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_flip.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_hess.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_hist.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_histc.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_index_max.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_index_min.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_inplace_strans.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_inplace_trans.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_interp1.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_interp2.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_intersect.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_inv.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_join.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_kmeans.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_kron.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_log_det.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_log_normpdf.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_logmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_lu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_max.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_mean.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_median.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_min.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_misc.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_mvnrnd.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_n_unique.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_nonzeros.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_norm.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_normalise.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_normcdf.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_normpdf.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_numel.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_ones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_orth_null.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_pinv.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_polyfit.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_polyval.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_powmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_princomp.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_prod.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_qr.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_quantile.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_qz.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_randg.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_randi.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_randn.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_randperm.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_randu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_range.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_rank.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_regspace.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_repelem.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_repmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_reshape.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_resize.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_reverse.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_roots.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_schur.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_shift.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_shuffle.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_size.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_solve.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sort.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sort_index.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_speye.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_spones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sprandn.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sprandu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_spsolve.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sqrtmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_stddev.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_strans.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sum.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_svd.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_svds.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_syl_lyap.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_symmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_toeplitz.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trace.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trans.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trapz.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trig.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trimat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trimat_ind.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trunc_exp.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trunc_log.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_unique.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_var.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_vectorise.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_wishrnd.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_zeros.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_affmul_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_affmul_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_atan2_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_atan2_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_conv_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_conv_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_cor_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_cor_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_cov_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_cov_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_cross_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_cross_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_hist_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_hist_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_histc_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_histc_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_hypot_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_hypot_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_intersect_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_intersect_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_join_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_join_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_kron_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_kron_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_max_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_max_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_min_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_min_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_mixed_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_mixed_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_mvnrnd_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_mvnrnd_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_polyfit_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_polyfit_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_polyval_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_polyval_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_quantile_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_quantile_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_relational_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_relational_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_solve_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_solve_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_times_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_times_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_toeplitz_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_toeplitz_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_trapz_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/glue_trapz_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_misc_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_misc_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/hdf5_misc.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/hdf5_name.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/include_atlas.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/include_hdf5.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/include_superlu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/injector_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/injector_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/memory.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mp_misc.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtGlueCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtGlueCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtGlue_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtGlue_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtOpCube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtOpCube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtOp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtOp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtSpGlue_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtSpGlue_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtSpOp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mtSpOp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mul_gemm.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mul_gemm_mixed.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mul_gemv.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mul_herk.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/mul_syrk.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_DenseGenMatProd_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_DenseGenMatProd_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_DoubleShiftQR_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_DoubleShiftQR_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_EigsSelect.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_GenEigsSolver_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_GenEigsSolver_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_SortEigenvalue.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_SparseGenMatProd_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_SparseGenMatProd_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_SymEigsSolver_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_SymEigsSolver_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_TridiagEigen_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_TridiagEigen_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_UpperHessenbergEigen_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_UpperHessenbergEigen_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_UpperHessenbergQR_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_UpperHessenbergQR_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/newarp_cx_attrib.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_all_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_all_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_any_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_any_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_chi2rnd_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_chi2rnd_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_chol_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_chol_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_clamp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_clamp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cond_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cond_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cor_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cor_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cov_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cov_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cumprod_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cumprod_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cumsum_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cumsum_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cx_scalar_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_cx_scalar_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_diagmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_diagmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_diagvec_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_diagvec_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_diff_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_diff_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_dot_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_dot_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_dotext_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_dotext_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_expmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_expmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_fft_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_fft_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_find_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_find_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_find_unique_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_find_unique_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_flip_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_flip_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_hist_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_hist_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_htrans_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_htrans_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_index_max_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_index_max_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_index_min_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_index_min_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_inv_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_inv_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_logmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_logmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_max_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_max_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_mean_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_mean_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_median_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_median_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_min_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_min_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_misc_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_misc_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_nonzeros_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_nonzeros_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_norm_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_norm_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_normalise_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_normalise_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_orth_null_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_orth_null_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_pinv_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_pinv_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_powmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_powmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_princomp_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_princomp_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_prod_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_prod_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_range_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_range_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_relational_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_relational_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_repelem_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_repelem_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_repmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_repmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_reshape_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_reshape_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_resize_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_resize_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_reverse_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_reverse_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_roots_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_roots_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_shift_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_shift_meat.hpp
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Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sort_meat.hpp
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Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sp_minus_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sp_plus_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sp_plus_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sqrtmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sqrtmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_stddev_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_stddev_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_strans_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_strans_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sum_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_sum_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_symmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_symmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_toeplitz_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_toeplitz_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_trimat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_trimat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_unique_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_unique_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_var_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_var_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_vectorise_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_vectorise_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_wishrnd_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_wishrnd_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_cube_div.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_cube_minus.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_cube_plus.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_cube_relational.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_cube_schur.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_cube_times.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_div.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_minus.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_ostream.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_plus.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_relational.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_schur.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_times.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/podarray_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/podarray_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/promote_type.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/restrictors.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_vec_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_vec_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/span.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_kron_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_kron_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_diagmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_diagmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_htrans_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_htrans_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_max_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_max_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_mean_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_mean_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_min_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_min_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_misc_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_misc_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_normalise_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_normalise_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_repmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_repmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_reverse_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_reverse_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_strans_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_strans_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_sum_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_sum_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_symmat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_symmat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_var_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_var_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_vectorise_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_vectorise_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/strip.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_slices_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_slices_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_elem1_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_elem1_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_elem2_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_elem2_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_field_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_field_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sympd_helper.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/translate_arpack.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/translate_atlas.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/translate_blas.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/translate_lapack.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/translate_superlu.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/trimat_helper.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/typedef_elem.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/typedef_elem_check.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/typedef_mat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/typedef_mat_fixed.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/unwrap.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/unwrap_cube.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/unwrap_spmat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/upgrade_val.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/wall_clock_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/wall_clock_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xtrans_mat_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xtrans_mat_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xvec_htrans_bones.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xvec_htrans_meat.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex_demo.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/readMatTest.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/src/wrapper1.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/src/wrapper2.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests1/smoke_test.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/attributes.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/bounds.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/decomp_eig_gen.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/decomp_eig_pair.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/decomp_eig_sym.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/expr_elem.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/expr_misc.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_abs.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_accu.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_all.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_any.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_as_scalar.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_clamp.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_cond.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_conj.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_conv.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_conv_to.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_cor.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_cov.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_cross.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_cumprod.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_cumsum.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_det.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_diagmat.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_diagvec.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_diff.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_dot.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_eigs_gen.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_eigs_sym.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_eps.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_expmat.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_find.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_find_finite.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_find_nonfinite.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_find_unique.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_flip.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_hess.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_interp1.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_intersect.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_is_finite.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_max.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_mean.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_min.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_princomp.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_spsolve.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_sum.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_symmat.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_trace.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_trans.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_var.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/fn_vectorise.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/gen_linspace.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/gen_ones.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/gen_randu.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/gen_zeros.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/gmm.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/hdf5.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/init_auxmem.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/init_fill.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/init_misc.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/instantiation.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/main.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/mat_minus.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/mat_mul_cx.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/mat_mul_real.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/mat_neg.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/mat_plus.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/spcol.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/spmat.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/sprow.cpp
Examining data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/spsubview.cpp


data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/BaseCube_meat.hpp:187:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      const T val_real = access::tmp_real(val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/BaseCube_meat.hpp:188:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      const T val_imag = access::tmp_imag(val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Base_meat.hpp:316:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    if( access::tmp_imag(A_col[j]) != T(0) )  { return false; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Base_meat.hpp:333:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      if(A_col[i] != access::alt_conj(*A_row))  { return false; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Base_meat.hpp:411:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      const T val_real = access::tmp_real(val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Base_meat.hpp:412:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      const T val_imag = access::tmp_imag(val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:145:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:146:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:178:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:179:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:247:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:248:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:264:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_rows)  = X.n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:265:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_cols)  = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:266:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_elem)  = X.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:267:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_alloc) = X.n_alloc;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:271:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Mat<eT>::mem_state) = X.mem_state;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:272:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Mat<eT>::mem)       = X.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:274:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_rows)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:275:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_cols)    = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:276:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_elem)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:277:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_alloc)   = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:278:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem_state) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:279:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem)       = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:289:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_rows)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:290:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_cols)  = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:291:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_elem)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:292:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.mem)     = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:310:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_rows) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:311:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_cols) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:312:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_elem) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:313:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem)    = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:413:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:426:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:442:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:456:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:484:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:1012:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(Mat<eT>::mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:1034:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( Mat<eT>::mem[in_row] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:32:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    memory::release( access::rw(mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:38:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)      = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:39:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mat_ptrs) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:226:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)     = (n_elem == 0) ? nullptr : mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:227:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:233:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)     = memory::acquire<eT>(n_elem);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:234:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc) = n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:287:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_rows)       = in_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:288:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_cols)       = in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:289:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_elem_slice) = in_n_rows*in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:290:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_slices)     = in_n_slices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:306:24:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      memory::release( access::rw(mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:311:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)     = (new_n_elem == 0) ? nullptr : mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:312:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:321:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        memory::release( access::rw(mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:325:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(mem)     = memory::acquire<eT>(new_n_elem);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:326:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_alloc) = new_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:334:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows)       = in_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:335:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols)       = in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:336:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem_slice) = in_n_rows*in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:337:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_slices)     = in_n_slices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:338:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem)       = new_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:339:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(mem_state)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:421:49:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      if(mat_ptrs[uslice] != nullptr)  { delete access::rw(mat_ptrs[uslice]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:442:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mat_ptrs) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:450:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(mat_ptrs) = const_cast< const Mat<eT>** >(mat_ptrs_local);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:454:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(mat_ptrs) = new(std::nothrow) const Mat<eT>*[n_slices];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:479:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(mem[0]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:3220:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:3244:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:3268:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:3301:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[in_slice*n_elem_slice + in_col*n_rows + in_row]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:3334:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( mem[in_slice*n_elem_slice + in_col*n_rows + in_row] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4942:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[0]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4966:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[n_elem-1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4997:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows),       access::rw(B.n_rows)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4997:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows),       access::rw(B.n_rows)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4998:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols),       access::rw(B.n_cols)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4998:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols),       access::rw(B.n_cols)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4999:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem_slice), access::rw(B.n_elem_slice) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:4999:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem_slice), access::rw(B.n_elem_slice) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5000:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_slices),     access::rw(B.n_slices)     );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5000:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_slices),     access::rw(B.n_slices)     );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5001:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem),       access::rw(B.n_elem)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5001:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem),       access::rw(B.n_elem)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5002:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.mem),          access::rw(B.mem)          );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5002:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.mem),          access::rw(B.mem)          );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5013:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows),       access::rw(B.n_rows)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5013:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows),       access::rw(B.n_rows)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5014:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols),       access::rw(B.n_cols)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5014:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols),       access::rw(B.n_cols)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5015:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem_slice), access::rw(B.n_elem_slice) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5015:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem_slice), access::rw(B.n_elem_slice) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5016:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_slices),     access::rw(B.n_slices)     );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5016:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_slices),     access::rw(B.n_slices)     );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5017:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem),       access::rw(B.n_elem)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5017:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem),       access::rw(B.n_elem)       );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5069:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_rows)       = x.n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5070:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_cols)       = x.n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5071:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_elem_slice) = x.n_elem_slice;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5072:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_slices)     = x_n_slices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5073:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_elem)       = x.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5074:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc)      = x.n_alloc;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5075:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem_state)    = x.mem_state;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5076:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)          = x.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5080:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(  mat_ptrs) = x.mat_ptrs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5081:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.mat_ptrs) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5085:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(mat_ptrs) = const_cast< const Mat<eT>** >(mat_ptrs_local);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5094:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_rows)       = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5095:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_cols)       = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5096:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_elem_slice) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5097:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_slices)     = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5098:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_elem)       = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5099:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_alloc)      = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5100:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.mem_state)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5101:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.mem)          = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5126:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_rows)       = fixed_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5127:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_cols)       = fixed_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5128:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_elem_slice) = fixed_n_rows * fixed_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5129:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_slices)     = fixed_n_slices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5130:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_elem)       = fixed_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5131:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_alloc)      = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5132:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::mem_state)    = 3;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5133:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::mem)          = (fixed_n_elem   > Cube_prealloc::mem_n_elem)    ? mem_local_extra      : mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5134:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::mat_ptrs)     = const_cast< const Mat<eT>** >( \
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5141:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_rows)       = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5142:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_cols)       = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5143:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_elem_slice) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5144:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_slices)     = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5145:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_elem)       = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5146:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::n_alloc)      = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5147:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::mem_state)    = 3;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5148:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::mem)          = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp:5149:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Cube<eT>::mat_ptrs)     = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:109:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows) = x.n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:110:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols) = x.n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:111:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem) = x.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:184:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_rows)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:185:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_cols)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:186:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_elem)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:187:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.map_ptr) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:203:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows)  = x.n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:204:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols)  = x.n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:205:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem)  = x.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:206:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(map_ptr) = x.map_ptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:208:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_rows)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:209:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_cols)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:210:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_elem)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:211:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.map_ptr) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:223:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:224:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:225:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:783:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows) = in_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:784:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols) = in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:785:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem) = new_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:879:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return T( access::tmp_real( const_parent.operator[](index) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:895:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return T( access::tmp_imag( const_parent.operator[](index) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1134:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return T( access::tmp_real( const_s_parent.get_value(row,col) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1150:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return T( access::tmp_imag( const_s_parent.get_value(row,col) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1415:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1446:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1477:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1520:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1535:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1574:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1589:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1606:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  : SpMat_MapMat_val<eT>(access::rw(in_sv_parent.m), in_m_parent, in_row, in_col)
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1639:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1640:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1658:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1659:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1677:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1678:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1696:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1697:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1715:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1716:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1734:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1735:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1754:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1755:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1773:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1774:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1793:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/MapMat_meat.hpp:1794:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero)  { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:30:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    memory::release( access::rw(mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:34:29:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(arma_config::debug)  { access::rw(mem) = nullptr; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:218:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)     = (n_elem == 0) ? nullptr : mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:219:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:225:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)     = memory::acquire<eT>(n_elem);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:226:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc) = n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:291:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_rows) = in_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:292:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_cols) = in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:303:24:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      memory::release( access::rw(mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:308:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)       = (new_n_elem == 0) ? nullptr : mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:309:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc)   = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:318:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        memory::release( access::rw(mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:322:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(mem)       = memory::acquire<eT>(new_n_elem);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:323:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_alloc)   = new_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:331:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows)    = in_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:332:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols)    = in_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:333:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem)    = new_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:334:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(mem_state) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:650:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem_state) = X.mem_state;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:651:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)       = X.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:653:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_rows)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:654:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_cols)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:655:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_elem)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:656:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_alloc)   = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:657:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem_state) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:658:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem)       = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:668:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_rows) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:669:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_cols) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:670:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_elem) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:671:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.mem)    = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:689:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_rows) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:690:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_cols) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:691:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_elem) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:692:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem)    = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:710:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(mem[0]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:993:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      std::swap( access::rw(A.mem), access::rw(B.mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:993:37:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      std::swap( access::rw(A.mem), access::rw(B.mem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1001:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(A.mem) = A_mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1002:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(B.mem) = B_mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1016:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(A.mem) = B.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1017:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(B.mem) = B_mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1027:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(B.mem) = A.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1028:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(A.mem) = A_mem_local;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1031:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows),  access::rw(B.n_rows)  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1031:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows),  access::rw(B.n_rows)  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1032:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols),  access::rw(B.n_cols)  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1032:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols),  access::rw(B.n_cols)  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1033:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem),  access::rw(B.n_elem)  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1033:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem),  access::rw(B.n_elem)  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1034:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_alloc), access::rw(B.n_alloc) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1034:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_alloc), access::rw(B.n_alloc) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1039:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows), access::rw(B.n_rows) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1039:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_rows), access::rw(B.n_rows) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1040:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols), access::rw(B.n_cols) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1040:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_cols), access::rw(B.n_cols) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1109:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_rows)    = x_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1110:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_cols)    = x_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1111:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_elem)    = x_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1112:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_alloc)   = x_n_alloc;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1113:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem_state) = x_mem_state;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1114:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem)       = x.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1116:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_rows)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1117:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_cols)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1118:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_elem)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1119:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.n_alloc)   = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1120:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.mem_state) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1121:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(x.mem)       = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1166:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_rows)    = alt_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1167:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_cols)    = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1168:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_elem)    = alt_n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1169:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_alloc)   = x_n_alloc;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1170:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(mem_state) = x_mem_state;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1171:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(mem)       = x.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1173:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.n_rows)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1174:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.n_cols)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1175:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.n_elem)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1176:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.n_alloc)   = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1177:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.mem_state) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:1178:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(x.mem)       = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:2648:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(mem[cur_loc]) *= (*it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:4132:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      std::swap( access::rw(mem[pos1]), access::rw(mem[pos2]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:4132:41:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      std::swap( access::rw(mem[pos1]), access::rw(mem[pos2]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:5869:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[ii]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:5893:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[ii]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:5917:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[ii]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:5942:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[in_row + in_col*n_rows]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:5967:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( mem[in_row + in_col*n_rows] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:6430:12:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return & access::rw(mem[in_col*n_rows]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:9046:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[0]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:9070:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[n_elem-1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp:9562:12:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return & access::rw(mem_actual[in_col*fixed_n_rows]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:145:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:146:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:178:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:179:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:247:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:248:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:264:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_rows)  = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:265:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_cols)  = X.n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:266:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_elem)  = X.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:267:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::n_alloc) = X.n_alloc;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:271:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Mat<eT>::mem_state) = X.mem_state;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:272:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Mat<eT>::mem)       = X.mem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:274:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_rows)    = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:275:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_cols)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:276:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_elem)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:277:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_alloc)   = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:278:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem_state) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:279:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem)       = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:289:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_rows)  = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:290:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_cols)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:291:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.n_elem)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:292:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(X.mem)     = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:310:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_rows)  = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:311:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_cols)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:312:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.n_elem)  = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:313:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(X.mem)     = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:413:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 2;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:426:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 2;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:442:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 2;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:456:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 2;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:484:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(Mat<eT>::vec_state) = 2;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:1012:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(Mat<eT>::mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/Row_meat.hpp:1034:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( Mat<eT>::mem[in_col] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpBase_meat.hpp:435:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      const T val_real = access::tmp_real(val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpBase_meat.hpp:436:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      const T val_imag = access::tmp_imag(val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp:318:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::values) = new_values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp:319:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp:321:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::n_nonzero) -= elem_diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp:322:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::col_ptrs[1]) -= elem_diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp:325:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(SpMat<eT>::n_rows) -= diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpCol_meat.hpp:326:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(SpMat<eT>::n_elem) -= diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp:324:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp:325:6:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp:935:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp:936:8:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:52:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(values     )  { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:53:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:54:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(col_ptrs   )  { memory::release(access::rw(col_ptrs));    }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:138:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(x.row_indices)  { arrayops::copy(access::rwp(row_indices), x.row_indices, x.n_nonzero + 1); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:139:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(x.col_ptrs   )  { arrayops::copy(access::rwp(col_ptrs),    x.col_ptrs,    x.n_cols    + 1); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:574:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy(access::rwp(row_indices), rowind.memptr(), rowind.n_elem );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:575:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy(access::rwp(col_ptrs),    colptr.memptr(), colptr.n_elem );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:576:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy(access::rwp(values),      vals.memptr(),   vals.n_elem   );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:579:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs[n_cols + 1]) = std::numeric_limits<uword>::max();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:600:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(values[0]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:601:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(row_indices[0]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:602:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[1]) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:628:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT* vals = access::rwp(values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:667:14:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* vals = access::rwp(values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:879:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[cur_pos]) = std::complex<T>((T) *x_it, (T) *y_it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:880:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[cur_pos]) = x_it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:881:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      ++access::rw(col_ptrs[x_it.col() + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:890:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[cur_pos]) = std::complex<T>((T) *x_it, T(0));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:891:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[cur_pos]) = x_it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:892:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        ++access::rw(col_ptrs[x_it.col() + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:898:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[cur_pos]) = std::complex<T>(T(0), (T) *y_it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:899:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[cur_pos]) = y_it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:900:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        ++access::rw(col_ptrs[y_it.col() + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:912:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[c]) += col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:995:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[n])      = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:996:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[n]) = i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:997:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[j + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1005:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[c]) += col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1111:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(z.values[cur_pos]) = partial_sums[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1112:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(z.row_indices[cur_pos]) = i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1113:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        ++access::rw(z.col_ptrs[lcol + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1124:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(z.col_ptrs[c]) += z.col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1225:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[count])      = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1226:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[count]) = i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1227:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[i + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1235:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[i]) += col_ptrs[i - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1239:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(         n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1240:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(     values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1241:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1382:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[count]) = m_it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1383:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[count]) = (*m_it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1384:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        ++access::rw(col_ptrs[m_it_col_adjusted + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1400:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[it_pos]) = it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1401:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[it_pos]) = (*it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1402:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        ++access::rw(col_ptrs[it.col() + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:1410:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[c]) += col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2977:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[loc1]) = values[loc2];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2978:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[loc2]) = tmp;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2988:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[loc1]) = values[loc1 + 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2989:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[loc1 + 1]) = tmp;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2992:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[loc1]) = row_indices[loc1 + 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2993:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[loc1 + 1]) = tmp_index;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:2999:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[loc1]) = in_row2;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3010:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[loc2]) = values[loc2 - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3011:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[loc2 - 1]) = tmp;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3014:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[loc2]) = row_indices[loc2 - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3015:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[loc2 - 1]) = tmp_index;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3021:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[loc2]) = in_row1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3120:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(newmat.col_ptrs[i]) = col_ptrs[i] - col_ptrs[i - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3140:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      --access::rw(newmat.col_ptrs[lcol + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3148:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(newmat.row_indices[j]) = lrow - (in_row2 - in_row1 + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3152:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(newmat.row_indices[j]) = lrow;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3155:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(newmat.values[j]) = (*it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3165:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(newmat.col_ptrs[i]) += newmat.col_ptrs[i - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3216:40:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    if(values)       { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3217:40:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3219:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(values)      = new_values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3220:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3223:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_nonzero) -= diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3245:35:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(col_ptrs)  { memory::release(access::rw(col_ptrs)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3246:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs) = new_col_ptrs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3249:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols) = new_n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:3250:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem) = n_cols * n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4115:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(new_row_indices[n_nonzero]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4132:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(new_col_ptrs[i]) += new_col_ptrs[i - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4136:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4137:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(col_ptrs)     { memory::release(access::rw(col_ptrs));    } 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4139:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4140:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs)    = new_col_ptrs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4143:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows) = in_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4144:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols) = in_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4172:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(row_indices[i]) = t_index;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4175:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices[n_nonzero]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4177:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs[0]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4178:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs[1]) = n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4179:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs[2]) = std::numeric_limits<uword>::max();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4181:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows) = (n_rows * n_cols);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4182:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4200:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* rw_values = access::rwp(values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4260:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* rw_values = access::rwp(values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4296:23:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    arrayops::replace(access::rwp(values), n_nonzero, old_val, new_val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4318:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::clean(access::rwp(values), n_nonzero, threshold);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4421:25:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::inplace_set(access::rwp(values), eT(1), N);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4423:35:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  for(uword i = 0; i <  N; ++i) { access::rw(row_indices[i]) = i; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4425:35:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  for(uword i = 0; i <= N; ++i) { access::rw(col_ptrs[i])    = i; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4428:46:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  for(uword i = (N+1); i <= in_cols; ++i)  { access::rw(col_ptrs[i]) = N; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4430:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) = N;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4500:30:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arma_rng::randu<eT>::fill( access::rwp(values), new_n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4534:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[cur_index]) = lrow;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4535:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[lcol + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4551:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[lcol]) += col_ptrs[lcol - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4586:30:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arma_rng::randn<eT>::fill( access::rwp(values), new_n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4620:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[cur_index]) = lrow;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4621:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[lcol + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:4637:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[lcol]) += col_ptrs[lcol - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5149:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(values     )  { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5150:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5151:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(col_ptrs   )  { memory::release(access::rw(col_ptrs));    }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5198:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs)    = memory::acquire<uword>(in_cols + 2);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5199:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(values)      = memory::acquire<eT>   (new_n_nonzero + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5200:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices) = memory::acquire<uword>(new_n_nonzero + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5205:24:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::fill_zeros(access::rwp(col_ptrs), in_cols + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5207:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs[in_cols + 1]) = std::numeric_limits<uword>::max();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5209:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(     values[new_n_nonzero]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5210:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices[new_n_nonzero]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5213:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows)    = in_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5214:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols)    = in_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5215:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem)    = (in_rows * in_cols);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5216:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) = new_n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5234:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5235:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5243:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.n_rows) = 1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5244:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.n_cols) = tmp.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5350:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(values[i])      = x_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5351:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(row_indices[i]) = x_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5353:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[ x_col + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5361:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[i + 1]) += col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5405:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(x.values     )  { arrayops::copy(access::rwp(values),      x.values,      x.n_nonzero + 1); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5406:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(x.row_indices)  { arrayops::copy(access::rwp(row_indices), x.row_indices, x.n_nonzero + 1); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5407:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(x.col_ptrs   )  { arrayops::copy(access::rwp(col_ptrs),    x.col_ptrs,    x.n_cols    + 1); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5423:24:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::fill_zeros(access::rwp(col_ptrs), n_cols + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5496:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[i])      = vals[index];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5497:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[i]) = row_i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5499:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(col_ptrs[ col_i + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5536:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[i])      = vals[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5537:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[i]) = row_i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5539:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[ col_i + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5546:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[i + 1]) += col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5566:24:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::fill_zeros(access::rwp(col_ptrs), n_cols + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5624:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[count])      = vals[ sorted_indices[i] ];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5625:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[count]) = locs_i[0];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5627:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(col_ptrs[ locs_i[1] + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5639:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(values[count]) += vals[ sorted_indices[i] ];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5644:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(values[count])      = vals[ sorted_indices[i] ];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5645:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(row_indices[count]) = locs_i[0];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5647:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(col_ptrs[ locs_i[1] + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5681:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[count])      = vals[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5682:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[count]) = locs_i[0];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5684:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[ locs_i[1] + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5702:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[count]) += vals[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5708:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values[count])      = vals[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5709:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices[count]) = locs_i[0];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5711:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(col_ptrs[ locs_i[1] + 1 ])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5719:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[i + 1]) += col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5791:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(values)       { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5792:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5794:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(values)      = new_values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5795:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5799:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(     values[new_n_nonzero]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5800:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices[new_n_nonzero]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5802:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) = new_n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5857:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.values[new_index])      = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5858:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.row_indices[new_index]) = it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5859:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[it.col() + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5866:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += tmp.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5924:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(values     )  { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5925:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5926:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(col_ptrs   )  { memory::release(access::rw(col_ptrs));    }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5928:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows)    = x.n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5929:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols)    = x.n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5930:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem)    = x.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5931:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) = x.n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5933:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(values)      = x.values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5934:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices) = x.row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5935:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(col_ptrs)    = x.col_ptrs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5938:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_rows)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5939:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_cols)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5940:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_elem)    = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5941:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.n_nonzero) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5943:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.values)      = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5944:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.row_indices) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5945:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(x.col_ptrs)    = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:5965:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT* t_values = access::rwp(values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6010:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      arrayops::copy(access::rwp(row_indices), x.row_indices, x.n_nonzero + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6011:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      arrayops::copy(access::rwp(col_ptrs),    x.col_ptrs,    x.n_cols    + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6020:27:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          eT*  t_values = access::rwp(values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6052:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(row_indices[it_pos]) = it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6053:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[it_pos]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6054:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      ++access::rw(col_ptrs[it.col() + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6061:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(col_ptrs[c]) += col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6552:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(*val_ptr) = in_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6578:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(*val_ptr) = new_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6604:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(*val_ptr) = new_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6630:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(*val_ptr) = new_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6656:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(*val_ptr) = new_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6703:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(values[pos]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6705:14:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      return access::rw(values[pos]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6717:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(col_ptrs[i])++; // We are only inserting one new element.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6722:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero)++; // Add to count of nonzero elements.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6744:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(values)       { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6745:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6747:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(values)      = new_values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6748:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6750:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(values[pos]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6781:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        --access::rw(n_nonzero); // Remove one from the count of nonzero elements.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6798:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        if(values)       { memory::release(access::rw(values));      }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6799:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        if(row_indices)  { memory::release(access::rw(row_indices)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6801:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(values)      = new_values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6802:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp:6807:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          --access::rw(col_ptrs[i]); // We only removed one element.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp:294:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::values) = new_values;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp:295:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::row_indices) = new_row_indices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp:297:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(SpMat<eT>::n_nonzero) -= elem_diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp:319:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(SpMat<eT>::col_ptrs) = new_col_ptrs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp:321:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(SpMat<eT>::n_cols) -= diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpRow_meat.hpp:322:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(SpMat<eT>::n_elem) -= diff;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:186:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(m_local.values[offset]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:277:25:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      eT& m_local_val = access::rw(m_local.values[offset]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:350:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(Y.row_indices[count]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:351:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(Y.values     [count]) = X_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:353:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        ++access::rw(Y.col_ptrs[i + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:361:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Y.col_ptrs[i+1]) += Y.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:503:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(Y.row_indices[count]) = X_col_it.row();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:504:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(Y.values     [count]) = (*X_col_it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:506:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      ++access::rw(Y.col_ptrs[i + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:514:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(Y.col_ptrs[i+1]) += Y.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:641:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values     [out_n_nonzero]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:642:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[out_n_nonzero]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:644:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_col_list_meat.hpp:655:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[i+1]) += out.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_iterators_meat.hpp:525:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_iterators_meat.hpp:526:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    &(access::rw(iterator_base::M->m.values[iterator_base::internal_pos + const_iterator::skip_pos])));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_iterators_meat.hpp:1127:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_iterators_meat.hpp:1128:6:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:50:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:121:32:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    m_values      = access::rwp(m.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:149:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:153:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_nonzero) = n_nonzero - (old_m_n_nonzero - m.n_nonzero); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:181:32:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    m_values      = access::rwp(m.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:209:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:213:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_nonzero) = n_nonzero - (old_m_n_nonzero - m.n_nonzero); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:490:32:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    m_values      = access::rwp(m.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:518:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:522:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_nonzero) = n_nonzero - (old_m_n_nonzero - m.n_nonzero); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:585:32:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    m_values      = access::rwp(m.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:613:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:617:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(n_nonzero) = n_nonzero - (old_m_n_nonzero - m.n_nonzero); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:655:32:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    m_values      = access::rwp(m.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:698:27:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if(new_val == eT(0))  { access::rw(m).remove_zeros(); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:765:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:766:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_nonzero) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:792:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.values[tmp_count])      = (*m_it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:793:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.row_indices[tmp_count]) = m_it_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:794:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[m_it_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:801:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += tmp.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:804:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:806:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1167:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(m).submat(in_row1 + aux_row1, in_col1 + aux_col1, in_row2 + aux_row1, in_col2 + aux_col1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1334:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    const eT val = access::rw(m).at(in_row1 + aux_row1, c);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1335:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(m).at(in_row2 + aux_row1, c) = eT( access::rw(m).at(in_row1 + aux_row1, c) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1335:51:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(m).at(in_row2 + aux_row1, c) = eT( access::rw(m).at(in_row1 + aux_row1, c) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1336:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(m).at(in_row1 + aux_row1, c) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1356:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    const eT val = access::rw(m).at(r, in_col1 + aux_col1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1357:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(m).at(r, in_col1 + aux_col1) = eT( access::rw(m).at(r, in_col2 + aux_col1) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1357:51:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(m).at(r, in_col1 + aux_col1) = eT( access::rw(m).at(r, in_col2 + aux_col1) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1358:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(m).at(r, in_col2 + aux_col1) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1549:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT& retval = access::rw(m).insert_element(in_row + aux_row1, in_col + aux_col1, in_val);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1551:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) += (m.n_nonzero - old_n_nonzero);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1567:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(m).delete_element(in_row + aux_row1, in_col + aux_col1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpSubview_meat.hpp:1568:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_nonzero) -= (old_n_nonzero - m.n_nonzero);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpValProxy_meat.hpp:349:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return T( access::tmp_real( (val_ptr) ? eT(*val_ptr) : eT(0) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/SpValProxy_meat.hpp:361:13:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return T( access::tmp_imag( (val_ptr) ? eT(*val_ptr) : eT(0) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/access.hpp:21:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
class access
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:110:28:  [4] (format) snprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      required_size = std::snprintf(buffer, size_t(buffer_size), X.A.A.c_str(), X.B);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:164:28:  [4] (format) snprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      required_size = std::snprintf(buffer, size_t(buffer_size), X.A.A.A.c_str(), X.A.B, X.B);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:218:28:  [4] (format) snprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      required_size = std::snprintf(buffer, size_t(buffer_size), X.A.A.A.A.c_str(), X.A.A.B, X.A.B, X.B);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:272:28:  [4] (format) snprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      required_size = std::snprintf(buffer, size_t(buffer_size), X.A.A.A.A.A.c_str(), X.A.A.A.B, X.A.A.B, X.A.B, X.B);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:326:28:  [4] (format) snprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      required_size = std::snprintf(buffer, size_t(buffer_size), X.A.A.A.A.A.A.c_str(), X.A.A.A.A.B, X.A.A.A.B, X.A.A.B, X.A.B, X.B);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:380:28:  [4] (format) snprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      required_size = std::snprintf(buffer, size_t(buffer_size), X.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.c_str(), X.A.A.A.A.A.B, X.A.A.A.A.B, X.A.A.A.B, X.A.A.B, X.A.B, X.B);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:71:56:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:609:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    sword sign = (is_cx<eT>::no) ? ( (access::tmp_real( tmp.at(0,0) ) < T(0)) ? -1 : +1 ) : +1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:610:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT    val  = (is_cx<eT>::no) ? std::log( (access::tmp_real( tmp.at(0,0) ) < T(0)) ? tmp.at(0,0)*T(-1) : tmp.at(0,0) ) : std::log( tmp.at(0,0) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:616:36:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      sign *= (is_cx<eT>::no) ? ( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? -1 : +1 ) : +1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:617:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      val  += (is_cx<eT>::no) ? std::log( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? x*T(-1) : x ) : std::log(x);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:660:39:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    sword sign = (is_cx<eT>::no) ? ( (access::tmp_real( tmp.at(0,0) ) < T(0)) ? -1 : +1 ) : +1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:661:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT    val  = (is_cx<eT>::no) ? std::log( (access::tmp_real( tmp.at(0,0) ) < T(0)) ? tmp.at(0,0)*T(-1) : tmp.at(0,0) ) : std::log( tmp.at(0,0) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:667:36:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      sign *= (is_cx<eT>::no) ? ( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? -1 : +1 ) : +1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:668:44:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      val  += (is_cx<eT>::no) ? std::log( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? x*T(-1) : x ) : std::log(x);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:2529:48:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
       lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:2832:54:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:2940:54:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:3036:54:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:3130:54:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:3307:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:3495:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:3731:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:3897:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:4089:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:4261:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:5172:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:5270:47:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:5442:54:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real(work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp:5564:54:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    blas_int lwork_proposed = static_cast<blas_int>( access::tmp_real( work_query[0]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3021:37:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(access::rwp(x.values)),      std::streamsize(x.n_nonzero*sizeof(eT))     );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3025:37:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(access::rwp(x.row_indices)), std::streamsize(x.n_nonzero*sizeof(uword))  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3026:37:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(access::rwp(x.col_ptrs)),    std::streamsize((x.n_cols+1)*sizeof(uword)) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3059:29:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          arrayops::convert(access::rwp(x.row_indices), tmp_a.memptr(), x.n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3060:29:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          arrayops::convert(access::rwp(x.col_ptrs),    tmp_b.memptr(), x.n_cols + 1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4527:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      tmp[i+0] = u8( access::tmp_real( x.at(row,col,0) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4528:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      tmp[i+1] = u8( access::tmp_real( x.at(row,col,1) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4529:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      tmp[i+2] = u8( access::tmp_real( x.at(row,col,2) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4750:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    tmp[i+0] = u8( access::tmp_real( R.at(row,col) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4751:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    tmp[i+1] = u8( access::tmp_real( G.at(row,col) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4752:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    tmp[i+2] = u8( access::tmp_real( B.at(row,col) ) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:419:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_rows  ) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:420:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_cols  ) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:421:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_slices) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:422:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_elem  ) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:423:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.mem     ) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:437:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_rows  ) = X.n_rows;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:438:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_cols  ) = X.n_cols;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:439:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_slices) = X.n_slices;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:440:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem  ) = X.n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:452:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_rows  ) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:453:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_cols  ) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:454:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_elem  ) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:455:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.n_slices) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:456:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(X.mem     ) = nullptr;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1956:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_rows)   = n_rows_in;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1957:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_cols)   = n_cols_in;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1958:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_slices) = n_slices_in;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1986:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_rows)   = n_rows_in;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1987:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_cols)   = n_cols_in;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1988:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_slices) = n_slices_in;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/field_meat.hpp:1989:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(n_elem)   = n_elem_new;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_clamp.hpp:81:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* out_values = access::rwp(out.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_conv_to.hpp:539:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::convert( access::rwp(out.values), X.values, X.n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_conv_to.hpp:563:25:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::convert_cx( access::rwp(out.values), X.values, X.n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_log_det.hpp:86:34:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  T  sign = (is_cx<eT>::no) ? ( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? -1 : +1 ) : +1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_log_det.hpp:87:42:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT val  = (is_cx<eT>::no) ? std::log( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? x*T(-1) : x ) : std::log(x);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_log_det.hpp:93:34:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    sign *= (is_cx<eT>::no) ? ( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? -1 : +1 ) : +1;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_log_det.hpp:94:42:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    val  += (is_cx<eT>::no) ? std::log( (access::tmp_real(x) < T(0)) ? x*T(-1) : x ) : std::log(x);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_norm.hpp:194:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    Col<eT> fake_vector( access::rwp(A.values), A.n_nonzero, false );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_norm.hpp:265:24:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Col<eT> fake_vector( access::rwp(A.values), A.n_nonzero, false );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_spones.hpp:38:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::inplace_set( access::rwp(out.values), eT(1), out.n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sprandn.hpp:118:30:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arma_rng::randn<eT>::fill( access::rwp(out.values), out.n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/fn_sprandu.hpp:118:30:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arma_rng::randu<eT>::fill( access::rwp(out.values), out.n_nonzero );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:163:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = in_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:164:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(dcovs) = in_dcovs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:165:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) = in_hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:187:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = in_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:208:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(dcovs) = in_dcovs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:238:28:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:245:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) /= accu(hefts);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:296:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) = Q.slice(0).row(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:297:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = Q.slice(0).submat(1, 0, Q.n_rows-1, Q.n_cols-1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:298:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(dcovs) = Q.slice(1).submat(1, 0, Q.n_rows-1, Q.n_cols-1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:829:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(means) = user_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:840:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(means).zeros(X.n_rows, N_gaus);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:885:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(t.means) = x.means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:886:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(t.dcovs) = x.dcovs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:887:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(t.hefts) = x.hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:902:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) = x.hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:903:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = x.means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:908:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:914:20:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT* dcov_mem = access::rw(dcovs).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:934:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means).zeros(in_n_dims, in_n_gaus);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:936:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(dcovs).ones(in_n_dims, in_n_gaus);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:938:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:940:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts).fill(eT(1) / eT(in_n_gaus));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:993:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:1820:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(means) = X.cols(initial_indices);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:1836:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(means).col(0) = X.unsafe_col(start_index);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:1884:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(means).col(g) = X.unsafe_col(best_i);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2019:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2027:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT* mean = access::rw(means).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2028:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT* dcov = access::rw(dcovs).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2196:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      eT* new_mean = access::rw(new_means).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2274:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = old_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2441:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2495:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      eT* mean_mem = access::rw(means).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2496:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      eT* dcov_mem = access::rw(dcovs).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2598:30:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*   dcovs_mem    = access::rw(dcovs).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2610:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp:2644:89:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if((heft_sum < (eT(1) - Datum<eT>::eps)) || (heft_sum > (eT(1) + Datum<eT>::eps)))  { access::rw(hefts) /= heft_sum; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:167:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = in_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:168:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(fcovs) = in_fcovs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:169:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) = in_hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:191:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = in_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:216:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(fcovs) = in_fcovs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:246:28:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT*    hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:253:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) /= accu(hefts);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:315:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = storage_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:316:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) = storage_hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:329:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(fcovs).slice(g) = storage_fcov;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:847:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(t.means) = x.means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:848:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(t.fcovs) = x.fcovs;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:849:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(t.hefts) = x.hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:864:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts) = x.hefts;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:865:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = x.means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:870:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:874:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    Mat<eT>& fcov = access::rw(fcovs).slice(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:896:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means).zeros(in_n_dims, in_n_gaus);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:898:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(fcovs).zeros(in_n_dims, in_n_dims, in_n_gaus);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:902:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:905:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:906:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(hefts).fill(eT(1) / eT(in_n_gaus));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:974:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:1847:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(means) = X.cols(initial_indices);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:1863:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(means).col(0) = X.unsafe_col(start_index);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:1911:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(means).col(g) = X.unsafe_col(best_i);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2046:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2054:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT* mean = access::rw(means).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2056:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    Mat<eT>& fcov = access::rw(fcovs).slice(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2225:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      eT* new_mean = access::rw(new_means).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2303:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(means) = old_means;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2477:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2553:22:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      eT* mean_mem = access::rw(means).colptr(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2560:23:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      Mat<eT>& fcov = access::rw(fcovs).slice(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2633:27:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      Mat<eT>& acc_fcov = access::rw(acc_fcovs).slice(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2678:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    Mat<eT>& fcov = access::rw(fcovs).slice(g);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2691:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  eT* hefts_mem = access::rw(hefts).memptr();
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_full_meat.hpp:2725:89:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  if((heft_sum < (eT(1) - Datum<eT>::eps)) || (heft_sum > (eT(1) + Datum<eT>::eps)))  { access::rw(hefts) /= heft_sum; }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/injector_meat.hpp:57:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.mem),    access::rw(B.mem)    );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/injector_meat.hpp:57:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.mem),    access::rw(B.mem)    );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/injector_meat.hpp:58:16:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem), access::rw(B.n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/injector_meat.hpp:58:38:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    std::swap( access::rw(A.n_elem), access::rw(B.n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_index_max_meat.hpp:116:71:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        T  col_val = (is_cx<eT>::yes) ? T(std::abs(col_mem[row])) : T(access::tmp_real(col_mem[row]));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_index_min_meat.hpp:116:71:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        T  col_val = (is_cx<eT>::yes) ? T(std::abs(col_mem[row])) : T(access::tmp_real(col_mem[row]));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_orth_null_meat.hpp:32:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  const T tol = access::tmp_real(expr.aux);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_orth_null_meat.hpp:108:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  const T tol = access::tmp_real(expr.aux);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/op_pinv_meat.hpp:32:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  const T tol = access::tmp_real(in.aux);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_div.hpp:226:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(result.values[cur_pos]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_div.hpp:227:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(result.row_indices[cur_pos]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_div.hpp:228:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      ++access::rw(result.col_ptrs[col + 1]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/operator_div.hpp:236:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(result.col_ptrs[col]) += result.col_ptrs[col - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/podarray_meat.hpp:186:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/podarray_meat.hpp:210:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw(mem[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/podarray_meat.hpp:391:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(n_elem) = new_n_elem;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_vec_meat.hpp:66:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(calc_cov) = in_rsv.calc_cov;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:212:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp1.values[i]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:709:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:710:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count])      = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:715:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.col_ptrs[0]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:716:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.col_ptrs[1]) = d_n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:881:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(tmp.values[count])      = (*it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:882:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(tmp.row_indices[count]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:883:11:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
          access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:890:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += tmp.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:894:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         tmp.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:895:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     tmp.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:896:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:898:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spdiagview_meat.hpp:912:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:239:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy( access::rwp(out.values),          A.values, A_n_nz   );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:240:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy( access::rwp(out.values) + A_n_nz, B.values, B_n_nz+1 );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:242:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy( access::rwp(out.row_indices),          A.row_indices, A_n_nz   );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:243:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy( access::rwp(out.row_indices) + A_n_nz, B.row_indices, B_n_nz+1 );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:245:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy( access::rwp(out.col_ptrs),            A.col_ptrs, A_n_cols   );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:246:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::copy( access::rwp(out.col_ptrs) + A_n_cols, B.col_ptrs, B_n_cols+2 );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_join_meat.hpp:248:27:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::inplace_plus( access::rwp(out.col_ptrs) + A_n_cols, A_n_nz, B_n_cols+1 );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_kron_meat.hpp:69:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.col_ptrs[0]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_kron_meat.hpp:84:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.values[count])      = A_val * B.values[B_i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_kron_meat.hpp:85:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row + B.row_indices[B_i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_kron_meat.hpp:91:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[A_col * B_n_cols + B_col + 1]) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:114:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:119:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:120:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:129:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:146:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:147:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_max_meat.hpp:148:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:34:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  SpMat<eT>& A = access::rw(sv.m);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:59:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.values[tmp_count])      = (*B_it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:60:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.row_indices[tmp_count]) = B_it.row() + sv_row_start;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:61:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[B_it.col() + sv_col_start + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:67:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += tmp.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:72:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(sv.n_nonzero) = B.n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:163:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:168:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:169:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:181:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:190:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(sv.n_nonzero) = B.n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:217:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  SpMat<eT>& A = access::rw(sv.m);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:246:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.values[tmp_count])      = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:247:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.row_indices[tmp_count]) = B_it.row() + sv_row_start;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:248:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[B_it.col() + sv_col_start + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:255:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(tmp.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += tmp.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:260:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(sv.n_nonzero) = B_n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:351:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:356:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:357:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:369:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:378:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(sv.n_nonzero) = B_n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:440:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:445:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:446:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:452:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:461:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:462:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:463:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:525:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:530:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:531:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:537:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:546:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:547:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_merge_meat.hpp:548:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:114:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:119:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:120:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:129:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:146:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:147:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_min_meat.hpp:148:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:119:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:124:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:125:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:134:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:151:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:152:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:153:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:206:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:227:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:244:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_minus_meat.hpp:245:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:119:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:124:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:125:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:134:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:151:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:152:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:153:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:206:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:227:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:244:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_plus_meat.hpp:245:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:114:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:119:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:120:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:129:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:146:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:147:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:148:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:251:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:256:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:257:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:266:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:283:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:284:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:285:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:365:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count]) = uword(1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:367:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = x_it_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:368:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[x_it_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:391:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:408:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:409:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:410:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:503:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.values[count]) = uword(1);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:508:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:509:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[out_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:517:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:534:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:535:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_relational_meat.hpp:536:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:97:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.values[count]) = out_val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:99:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = x_it_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:100:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.col_ptrs[x_it_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:124:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  uword* col_ptrs = access::rwp(out.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:141:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:142:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:143:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:205:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(        out.values[count]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:206:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(   out.row_indices[count]) = it_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:207:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[it_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:219:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[c]) += out.col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:231:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(         out.n_nonzero) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:232:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(     out.values[count]) = eT(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:233:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = uword(0);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:270:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:291:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:308:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:309:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:365:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(        out.values[count]) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:366:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(   out.row_indices[count]) = it2_row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:367:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.col_ptrs[it2_col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_schur_meat.hpp:377:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[c]) += out.col_ptrs[c - 1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:154:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(c.col_ptrs[old_col + 1]) = cur_col_length;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:171:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(c.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += c.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:195:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(c.col_ptrs[cur_col]) = cur_pos;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:205:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(c.col_ptrs[cur_col]) = cur_pos;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:268:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(c.row_indices[cur_pos]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:269:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(c.values[cur_pos]) = sums[row];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:280:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(c.col_ptrs[c.n_cols]) = cur_pos;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:504:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:525:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:542:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:543:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:577:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:612:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < A.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(AA.values[i]) = out_eT(A.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:667:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spglue_times_meat.hpp:685:45:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    for(uword i=0; i < B.n_nonzero; ++i)  { access::rw(BB.values[i]) = out_eT(B.values[i]); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_htrans_meat.hpp:51:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    eT& val = access::rw(out.values[i]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_misc_meat.hpp:558:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = i;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_misc_meat.hpp:559:7:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      access::rw(out.values[count])      = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_misc_meat.hpp:564:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.col_ptrs[0]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_misc_meat.hpp:565:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.col_ptrs[1]) = n_nonzero;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_repmat_meat.hpp:65:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw(out.col_ptrs[0]) = 0;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_repmat_meat.hpp:78:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.values[count])      = B.values[B_i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_repmat_meat.hpp:79:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.row_indices[count]) = out_row + B.row_indices[B_i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_repmat_meat.hpp:85:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[A_col * B_n_cols + B_col + 1]) = count;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_strans_meat.hpp:41:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        eT* b = access::rwp(B.values);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_strans_meat.hpp:46:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        uword* ib = access::rwp(B.col_ptrs);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_strans_meat.hpp:47:21:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        uword* jb = access::rwp(B.row_indices);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:75:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.values[new_index])      = (*it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:76:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.row_indices[new_index]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:77:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.col_ptrs[col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:95:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.values[new_index])      = (*it);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:96:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.row_indices[new_index]) = row;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:97:9:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
        access::rw(out.col_ptrs[col + 1])++;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/spop_trimat_meat.hpp:107:5:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    access::rw(out.col_ptrs[i + 1]) += out.col_ptrs[i];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:99:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:124:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:149:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:174:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:199:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:224:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& C = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:275:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:314:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:353:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:392:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_each_meat.hpp:431:17:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  Cube<eT>& p = access::rw(subview_cube_each_common<eT>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp:1457:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Cube<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp:1497:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Cube<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp:1532:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Cube<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp:1558:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Cube<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp:1580:12:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return & access::rw((const_cast< Cube<eT>& >(m)).mem[  (in_slice + aux_slice1)*m.n_elem_slice + (in_col + aux_col1)*m.n_rows + aux_row1  ]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:146:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:183:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:220:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:257:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:294:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:374:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:429:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:482:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:535:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_each_meat.hpp:588:15:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  parent& p = access::rw(subview_each_common<parent,mode>::P);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1112:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1144:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1175:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1201:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1225:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1252:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:1277:12:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return & access::rw((const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(m)).mem[ (in_col + aux_col1)*m.n_rows + aux_row1 ]);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:2419:18:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      std::swap( access::rw(mem[pos1]), access::rw(mem[pos2]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:2419:41:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
      std::swap( access::rw(mem[pos1]), access::rw(mem[pos2]) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3172:3:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  access::rw( colmem[0] ) = val;
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3252:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::inplace_set( access::rwp(colmem), val, subview<eT>::n_rows );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3264:25:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::fill_zeros( access::rwp(colmem), subview<eT>::n_rows );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3276:26:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  arrayops::inplace_set( access::rwp(colmem), eT(1), subview<eT>::n_rows );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3299:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( colmem[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3321:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( colmem[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3345:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( colmem[in_row] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3367:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( colmem[in_row] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3851:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(subview<eT>::m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3877:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(subview<eT>::m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3905:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(subview<eT>::m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:3931:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::rw( (const_cast< Mat<eT>& >(subview<eT>::m)).mem[index] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:4365:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    out_mem[ii] = access::alt_conj( X.at(row, start_col+ii) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:4376:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( sv_row[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:4386:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( sv_row[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:4396:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( sv_row(ii) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:4406:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( sv_row(in_col, in_row) );  // deliberately swapped
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp:4416:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( sv_row.at(0, in_row) );  // deliberately swapped
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xtrans_mat_meat.hpp:79:30:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return really_do_conj ? eT(access::alt_conj(X.at(in_col, in_row))) : eT(X.at(in_col, in_row));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xvec_htrans_meat.hpp:50:19:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
    out_mem[ii] = access::alt_conj( in_mem[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xvec_htrans_meat.hpp:61:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( mem[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xvec_htrans_meat.hpp:71:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( mem[ii] );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/xvec_htrans_meat.hpp:83:10:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  return access::alt_conj( mem[in_row + in_col] );  // either in_row or in_col must be zero, as we're storing a vector
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng_cxx98.hpp:49:8:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:8705:18:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
            std::srand( config.rngSeed() );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng.hpp:113:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char b[sizeof(seed_type)];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng.hpp:146:16:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      unsigned char b[sizeof(uword*)];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:93:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  local_buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:147:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  local_buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:201:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  local_buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:255:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  local_buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:309:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  local_buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_str.hpp:363:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  local_buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arrayops_meat.hpp:36:12:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      std::memcpy(dest, src, n_elem*sizeof(eT));
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arrayops_meat.hpp:41:28:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    if(n_elem > 0)  { std::memcpy(dest, src, n_elem*sizeof(eT)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/debug.hpp:1304:20:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
          unsigned char  b[sizeof(unsigned short)];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1157:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1272:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1433:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1815:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1928:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:2203:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:2574:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:2746:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:2978:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3512:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3673:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3899:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4297:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4374:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4560:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  f.open(name.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:240:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  which_sm[3] = "SM";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:241:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  which_lm[3] = "LM";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:242:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  which_sa[3] = "SA";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:243:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  which_la[3] = "LA";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:555:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_lm[3] = "LM";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:556:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_sm[3] = "SM";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:557:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_lr[3] = "LR";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:558:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_sr[3] = "SR";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:559:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_li[3] = "LI";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:560:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_si[3] = "SI";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:738:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_lm[3] = "LM";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:739:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_sm[3] = "SM";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:740:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_lr[3] = "LR";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:741:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_sr[3] = "SR";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:742:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_li[3] = "LI";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:743:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char which_si[3] = "SI";
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:1139:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char equed[8];       // extra characters for paranoia
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp:1144:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char  work[8];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:34:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char yes[1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:35:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char  no[2];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:48:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char yes[1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:49:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char  no[2];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:62:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char yes[1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:63:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char  no[2];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:1220:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char yes[1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:1221:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char  no[2];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:1232:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char yes[1];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/traits.hpp:1233:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  typedef char  no[2];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:203:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(Type)*armaMatrix.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:215:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(double)*armaMatrix.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:228:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(Type)*armaMatrix.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:240:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(double)*armaMatrix.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:407:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(Type)*armaCube.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:419:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(double)*armaCube.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:432:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(Type)*armaCube.n_elem);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:444:8:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  std::memcpy(dst_pointer, src_pointer, sizeof(double)*armaCube.n_elem); 
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:935:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:961:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:987:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/mex_interface/armaMex.hpp:1013:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[1024];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:1537:23:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    struct TrueType { char sizer[1]; };
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:1538:24:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    struct FalseType { char sizer[2]; };
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:3131:13:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            char storage[sizeof(T)];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:6142:14:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        void open() {
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:6236:17:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:6282:26:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:6471:16:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        static char altStackMem[SIGSTKSZ];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:7117:35:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            char **utf8Argv = new char *[ argc ];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:7631:9:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        char data[bufferSize];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:7668:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        m_ofs.open( filename.c_str() );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:8908:21:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
                    char asChar[sizeof (int)];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:9550:13:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            char buffer[maxDoubleSize];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:9557:13:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            sprintf(buffer, "%.3f", duration);
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:9784:16:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        static char line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH] = {0};
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:10364:13:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            char timeStamp[timeStampSize];
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_forward.hpp:292:26:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
      #pragma omp atomic read
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/arma_rng.hpp:120:25:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
      if(f.good())  { f.read((char*)(&(tmp.b[0])), sizeof(seed_type)); }
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:313:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(data_mem), std::streamsize(N_use) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1313:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(x.memptr()), std::streamsize(x.n_elem * uword(sizeof(eT))) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1855:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(x.memptr()), std::streamsize(x.n_elem*sizeof(eT)) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1981:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(tmp.memptr()), std::streamsize(n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:2000:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmp.memptr()), std::streamsize(n_elem*2) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:2240:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  f.read( header_mem, std::streamsize(ARMA_MAT_TXT_len) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3021:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(access::rwp(x.values)),      std::streamsize(x.n_nonzero*sizeof(eT))     );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3025:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(access::rwp(x.row_indices)), std::streamsize(x.n_nonzero*sizeof(uword))  );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3026:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(access::rwp(x.col_ptrs)),    std::streamsize((x.n_cols+1)*sizeof(uword)) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3047:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(tmp_a.memptr()), std::streamsize( x.n_nonzero   * sizeof(u32)) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3048:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(tmp_b.memptr()), std::streamsize((x.n_cols + 1) * sizeof(u32)) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3553:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(x.memptr()), std::streamsize(x.n_elem * uword(sizeof(eT))) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3715:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(x.memptr()), std::streamsize(x.n_elem*sizeof(eT)) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:3936:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  f.read( header_mem, std::streamsize(ARMA_CUB_TXT_len) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4330:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  f.read( raw_header.memptr(), std::streamsize(ARMA_FLD_BIN.length()) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4428:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(tmp.memptr()), std::streamsize(n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4449:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmp.memptr()), std::streamsize(2*n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4624:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(tmp.memptr()), std::streamsize(n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:4649:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
        f.read( reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmp.memptr()), std::streamsize(2*n_elem) );
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:7143:40:  [1] (buffer) getchar:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:7148:40:  [1] (buffer) getchar:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:8629:50:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
        return s.size() >= prefix.size() && std::equal(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), s.begin());
data/armadillo-10.1.2+dfsg/tests2/catch.hpp:8635:50:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
        return s.size() >= suffix.size() && std::equal(suffix.rbegin(), suffix.rend(), s.rbegin());


Hits = 1107
Lines analyzed = 223615 in approximately 4.80 seconds (46608 lines/second)
Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 147516
Hits@level = [0]   0 [1]  25 [2]  81 [3]   2 [4] 999 [5]   0
Hits@level+ = [0+] 1107 [1+] 1107 [2+] 1082 [3+] 1001 [4+] 999 [5+]   0
Hits/KSLOC@level+ = [0+] 7.50427 [1+] 7.50427 [2+] 7.3348 [3+] 6.7857 [4+] 6.77215 [5+]   0
Dot directories skipped = 1 (--followdotdir overrides)
Minimum risk level = 1
Not every hit is necessarily a security vulnerability.
There may be other security vulnerabilities; review your code!
See 'Secure Programming HOWTO'
(https://dwheeler.com/secure-programs) for more information.