Flawfinder version 2.0.10, (C) 2001-2019 David A. Wheeler.
Number of rules (primarily dangerous function names) in C/C++ ruleset: 223
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/associated_allocator.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/associated_executor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/async_result.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_datagram_socket.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_deadline_timer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_io_object.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_raw_socket.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_seq_packet_socket.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_signal_set.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_iostream.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_streambuf.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_stream_socket.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_streambuf.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_streambuf_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_waitable_timer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/bind_executor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffered_read_stream.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffered_read_stream_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffered_stream.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffered_stream_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffered_write_stream.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffered_write_stream_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffers_iterator.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/completion_condition.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/connect.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/coroutine.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/datagram_socket_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/deadline_timer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/deadline_timer_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/defer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/array.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/array_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/assert.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/atomic_count.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/base_from_completion_cond.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/buffer_resize_guard.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/buffered_stream_storage.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/call_stack.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/chrono.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/chrono_time_traits.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/completion_handler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/concurrency_hint.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/conditionally_enabled_event.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/conditionally_enabled_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/config.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/consuming_buffers.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/cstddef.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/cstdint.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/date_time_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/deadline_timer_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/dependent_type.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/descriptor_ops.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/descriptor_read_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/descriptor_write_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/epoll_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/event.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/executor_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/fd_set_adapter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/functional.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/future.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/gcc_arm_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/gcc_hppa_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/gcc_sync_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/gcc_x86_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/global.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/handler_alloc_helpers.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/handler_cont_helpers.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/handler_invoke_helpers.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/handler_tracking.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/handler_work.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/hash_map.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/dev_poll_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/epoll_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/kqueue_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/select_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/service_registry.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/strand_executor_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/strand_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/win_iocp_io_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/impl/winrt_timer_scheduler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/io_control.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/is_buffer_sequence.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/is_executor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/keyword_tss_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/kqueue_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/limits.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/local_free_on_block_exit.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/macos_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/memory.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_event.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_global.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_signal_blocker.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_socket_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_static_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_tss_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/object_pool.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/old_win_sdk_compat.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/op_queue.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/operation.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/pipe_select_interrupter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_event.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_fd_set_adapter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_global.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_signal_blocker.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_static_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/posix_tss_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/push_options.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_descriptor_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_null_buffers_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_serial_port_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_accept_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_connect_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_recv_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_recvfrom_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_recvmsg_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_send_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_sendto_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_wait_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactor_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactor_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactor_op_queue.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/recycling_allocator.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/regex_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolve_endpoint_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolve_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolve_query_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolver_service_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/scheduler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/scheduler_operation.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/scheduler_thread_info.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/scoped_lock.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/scoped_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/select_reactor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/service_registry.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/signal_blocker.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/signal_handler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/signal_init.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/signal_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/signal_set_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_holder.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_ops.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_option.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_select_interrupter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/solaris_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/static_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/std_event.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/std_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/std_global.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/std_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/std_static_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/std_thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/strand_executor_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/strand_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/string_view.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/thread_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/thread_group.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/thread_info_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/throw_exception.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/timer_queue.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/timer_queue_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/timer_queue_ptime.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/timer_queue_set.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/timer_scheduler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/timer_scheduler_fwd.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/tss_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/variadic_templates.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/wait_handler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/wait_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_event.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_fd_set_adapter.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_fenced_block.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_global.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_handle_read_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_handle_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_handle_write_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_io_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_null_buffers_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_operation.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_overlapped_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_serial_port_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_accept_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_connect_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_recv_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_recvfrom_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_recvmsg_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_send_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_thread_info.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_wait_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_object_handle_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_static_mutex.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_tss_ptr.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winapp_thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/wince_thread.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_async_manager.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_async_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_resolve_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_resolver_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_socket_connect_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_socket_recv_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_socket_send_op.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_ssocket_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_ssocket_service_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_timer_scheduler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_utils.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winsock_init.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/work_dispatcher.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/wrapped_handler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/dispatch.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/error.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/error_code.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/execution_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/executor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/executor_work_guard.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/co_spawn.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/detached.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/impl/co_spawn.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/impl/detached.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/impl/redirect_error.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/redirect_error.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/generic/basic_endpoint.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/generic/datagram_protocol.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/generic/detail/endpoint.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/generic/raw_protocol.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/generic/seq_packet_protocol.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/generic/stream_protocol.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/handler_alloc_hook.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/handler_continuation_hook.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/handler_invoke_hook.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/handler_type.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/high_resolution_timer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/buffered_read_stream.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/buffered_write_stream.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/connect.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/defer.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/dispatch.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/execution_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/executor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/io_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/post.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read_at.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read_until.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/serial_port_base.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/spawn.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/src.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/src.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/system_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/system_executor.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/thread_pool.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/use_future.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/write.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/write_at.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/io_context.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/io_context_strand.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/io_service.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/io_service_strand.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/address.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/address_v4.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/address_v4_iterator.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/address_v4_range.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/address_v6.hpp
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Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/reply.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/reply.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request_handler.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request_handler.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request_parser.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request_parser.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/server.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/invocation/prioritised_handlers.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/iostreams/http_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/connect_pair.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/iostream_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/stream_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/stream_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/multicast/receiver.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/multicast/sender.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/nonblocking/third_party_lib.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_1.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_2.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_3.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_4.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_5.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/socks4/socks4.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/socks4/sync_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/spawn/echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/spawn/parallel_grep.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/async_tcp_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/blocking_tcp_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/blocking_token_tcp_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/blocking_udp_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timers/time_t_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/actor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/async_1.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/async_2.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/bank_account_1.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/bank_account_2.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/fork_join.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/pipeline.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/executors/priority_scheduler.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/iostreams/http_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/chat_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/double_buffered_echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/range_based_for.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/refactored_echo_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/allocator.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/high_res_clock.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/client.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/handler_allocator.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/server.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/async_ops.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/async_result.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/deprecated_async_ops.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/deprecated_async_result.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/gettable_socket_option.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/io_control_command.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/archetypes/settable_socket_option.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/associated_allocator.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/associated_executor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/async_result.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_datagram_socket.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_deadline_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_raw_socket.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_seq_packet_socket.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_serial_port.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_signal_set.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_socket_acceptor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_stream_socket.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_streambuf.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/basic_waitable_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/bind_executor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_read_stream.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_stream.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_write_stream.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffers_iterator.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/completion_condition.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/connect.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/coroutine.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/datagram_socket_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/deadline_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/deadline_timer_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/defer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/dispatch.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/error.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/execution_context.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/executor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/executor_work_guard.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/basic_endpoint.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/datagram_protocol.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/raw_protocol.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/seq_packet_protocol.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/stream_protocol.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/high_resolution_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/io_context.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address_v4.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address_v4_iterator.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address_v4_range.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address_v6.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address_v6_iterator.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/address_v6_range.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/basic_endpoint.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/basic_resolver.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/basic_resolver_entry.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/basic_resolver_query.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/host_name.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/multicast.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/network_v4.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/network_v6.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/resolver_query_base.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/resolver_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/unicast.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/v6_only.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/is_read_buffered.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/is_write_buffered.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/basic_endpoint.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/connect_pair.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/datagram_protocol.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/stream_protocol.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/packaged_task.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/placeholders.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/basic_descriptor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/basic_stream_descriptor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/descriptor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/descriptor_base.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/stream_descriptor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/stream_descriptor_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/post.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/raw_socket_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_until.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/seq_packet_socket_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port_base.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/signal_set.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/signal_set_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/socket_acceptor_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/socket_base.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/context.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/context_base.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/error.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/rfc2818_verification.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/stream.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/stream_base.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/steady_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/strand.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/stream_socket_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/streambuf.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/system_context.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/system_executor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/system_timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/thread.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/time_traits.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/buffer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/executor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/internet.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/io_context.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/net.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/netfwd.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/socket.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ts/timer.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/unit_test.hpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/use_future.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/uses_executor.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/wait_traits.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/waitable_timer_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/basic_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/basic_object_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/basic_random_access_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/basic_stream_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/object_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/object_handle_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/overlapped_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/overlapped_ptr.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/random_access_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/random_access_handle_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/stream_handle.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/stream_handle_service.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/write.cpp
Examining data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/write_at.cpp


data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_iostream.hpp:57:13:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); \
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_iostream.hpp:75:13:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); \
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_iostream.hpp:270:13:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_iostream.hpp:290:13:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_iostream.hpp:300:13:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_mutex.hpp:49:7:  [3] (misc) EnterCriticalSection:
  On some versions of Windows, exceptions can be thrown in low-memory
  situations. Use InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount instead.
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_static_mutex.hpp:44:7:  [3] (misc) EnterCriticalSection:
  On some versions of Windows, exceptions can be thrown in low-memory
  situations. Use InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount instead.
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/impl/network_v4.hpp:39:10:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
      os.setstate(std::basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>::failbit);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/impl/network_v6.hpp:38:10:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
      os.setstate(std::basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>::failbit);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/ipv4_header.hpp:86:10:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/ipv4_header.hpp:89:10:  [3] (random) setstate:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp:87:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp:107:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp:204:8:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  void open(const std::string& device)
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp:207:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp:220:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const std::string& device,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_serial_port.hpp:223:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:113:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:138:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:326:8:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  void open(const protocol_type& protocol = protocol_type())
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:329:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:352:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const protocol_type& protocol,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:355:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:759:27:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:800:27:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket.hpp:867:27:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
      this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp:125:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp:162:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp:345:8:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  void open(const protocol_type& protocol = protocol_type())
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp:348:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp:372:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const protocol_type& protocol,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_acceptor.hpp:375:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/basic_socket_streambuf.hpp:634:16:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
      socket().open(ep.protocol(), ec_);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffer.hpp:1888:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(target.data(), source.data(), n);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/datagram_socket_service.hpp:141:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/datagram_socket_service.hpp:145:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
      service_impl_.open(impl, protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/descriptor_ops.hpp:62:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
ASIO_DECL int open(const char* path, int flags,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/null_socket_service.hpp:94:20:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  asio::error_code open(implementation_type&,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/old_win_sdk_compat.hpp:52:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char __ss_pad1[sockaddr_storage_pad1size];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/old_win_sdk_compat.hpp:54:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char __ss_pad2[sockaddr_storage_pad2size];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_serial_port_service.hpp:82:30:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_DECL asio::error_code open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp:123:20:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  asio::error_code open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolve_endpoint_op.hpp:70:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char host_name[NI_MAXHOST];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolve_endpoint_op.hpp:71:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char service_name[NI_MAXSERV];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp:109:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char host_name[NI_MAXHOST];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp:110:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char service_name[NI_MAXSERV];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp:106:33:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
struct in6_addr_type { unsigned char s6_addr[16]; };
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp:116:12:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  unsigned char ss_bytes[128 - sizeof(int)]; };
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_serial_port_service.hpp:80:30:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_DECL asio::error_code open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_accept_op.hpp:155:12:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  unsigned char output_buffer_[(sizeof(sockaddr_storage_type) + 16) * 2];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_accept_op.hpp:283:12:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  unsigned char output_buffer_[(sizeof(sockaddr_storage_type) + 16) * 2];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp:197:20:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  asio::error_code open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_ssocket_service.hpp:111:20:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  asio::error_code open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_utils.hpp:71:10:  [2] (integer) _wtoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  return _wtoi(from->Data());
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/impl/co_spawn.hpp:121:30:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  alignas(Executor) unsigned char executor_[sizeof(Executor)];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/experimental/impl/co_spawn.hpp:380:23:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  alignas(T) unsigned char result_[sizeof(T)];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/basic_resolver_results.hpp:146:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(endpoint.data(), address_info->ai_addr,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/detail/socket_option.hpp:403:7:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      memcpy(ipv6_value_.ipv6mr_multiaddr.s6_addr, bytes.data(), 16);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/detail/socket_option.hpp:438:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(ipv6_value_.ipv6mr_multiaddr.s6_addr, bytes.data(), 16);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/is_read_buffered.hpp:34:36:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
struct is_read_buffered_big_type { char data[10]; };
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/is_write_buffered.hpp:34:37:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
struct is_write_buffered_big_type { char data[10]; };
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/raw_socket_service.hpp:141:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/raw_socket_service.hpp:145:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
      service_impl_.open(impl, protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/seq_packet_socket_service.hpp:143:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/seq_packet_socket_service.hpp:147:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
      service_impl_.open(impl, protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port.hpp:111:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port.hpp:131:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port.hpp:272:8:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  void open(const std::string& device)
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port.hpp:275:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port.hpp:288:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const std::string& device,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port.hpp:291:25:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port_service.hpp:112:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/serial_port_service.hpp:115:19:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    service_impl_.open(impl, device, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/socket_acceptor_service.hpp:140:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/socket_acceptor_service.hpp:143:19:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    service_impl_.open(impl, protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/stream_socket_service.hpp:141:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/stream_socket_service.hpp:145:21:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
      service_impl_.open(impl, protocol, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/allocation/server.cpp:275:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/buffers/reference_counted.cpp:121:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_client.cpp:157:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char line[chat_message::max_body_length + 1];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_client.cpp:163:7:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      memcpy(msg.body(), line, msg.body_length());
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:69:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char header[header_length + 1] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:71:20:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    body_length_ = atoi(header);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:83:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char header[header_length + 1] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:84:5:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
    sprintf(header, "%4d", static_cast<int>(body_length_));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:85:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(data_, header, header_length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:89:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[header_length + max_body_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_server.cpp:234:41:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
      tcp::endpoint endpoint(tcp::v4(), atoi(argv[i]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp:73:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp:127:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp:66:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp:82:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:41:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:46:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp:29:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char data[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp:71:24:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:40:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:45:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp:24:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char data[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp:45:24:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/fork/daemon.cpp:151:9:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    if (open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) < 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/fork/daemon.cpp:161:9:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    if (open(output, flags, mode) < 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/fork/process_per_connection.cpp:152:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server/request_handler.cpp:72:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buf[512];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server/server.cpp:41:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server2/request_handler.cpp:72:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buf[512];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server2/server.cpp:39:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server3/request_handler.cpp:72:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buf[512];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server3/server.cpp:41:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server4/file_handler.cpp:72:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buf[512];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/icmp_header.hpp:71:12:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  unsigned char rep_[8];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/ipv4_header.hpp:99:12:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  unsigned char rep_[60];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/iostream_client.cpp:41:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/iostream_client.cpp:46:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/stream_client.cpp:39:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/stream_client.cpp:44:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/multicast/receiver.cpp:29:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/multicast/receiver.cpp:64:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/nonblocking/third_party_lib.cpp:230:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/porthopper/protocol.hpp:97:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[control_request_size];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/porthopper/protocol.hpp:153:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[frame_size];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/porthopper/server.cpp:179:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/serialization/connection.hpp:178:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char inbound_header_[header_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/services/daytime_client.cpp:18:1:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
char read_buffer[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/services/logger_service.hpp:117:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/spawn/echo_server.cpp:53:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char data[128];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/spawn/echo_server.cpp:112:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
          boost::ref(io_context), atoi(argv[1]), _1));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/ssl/client.cpp:47:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char subject_name[256];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/ssl/client.cpp:123:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char request_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/ssl/client.cpp:124:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char reply_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/ssl/server.cpp:89:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/ssl/server.cpp:160:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/timeouts/blocking_udp_client.cpp:124:14:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/timeouts/blocking_udp_client.cpp:130:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char data[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/timeouts/server.cpp:414:46:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    tcp::endpoint listen_endpoint(tcp::v4(), atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/timeouts/server.cpp:417:42:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        asio::ip::make_address(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime4/client.cpp:34:12:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/windows/transmit_file.cpp:157:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]), argv[2]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/allocation/server.cpp:246:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/buffers/reference_counted.cpp:112:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_client.cpp:148:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char line[chat_message::max_body_length + 1];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_client.cpp:153:12:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      std::memcpy(msg.body(), line, msg.body_length());
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:68:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char header[header_length + 1] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:70:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    body_length_ = std::atoi(header);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:81:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char header[header_length + 1] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:82:10:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
    std::sprintf(header, "%4d", static_cast<int>(body_length_));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:83:10:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    std::memcpy(data_, header, header_length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:87:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[header_length + max_body_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_server.cpp:215:46:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
      tcp::endpoint endpoint(tcp::v4(), std::atoi(argv[i]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp:62:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp:104:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp:57:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp:72:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:37:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:42:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp:27:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char data[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp:66:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:39:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:44:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp:24:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char data[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp:44:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/daemon.cpp:151:9:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    if (open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) < 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/daemon.cpp:161:9:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    if (open(output, flags, mode) < 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/process_per_connection.cpp:154:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request_handler.cpp:71:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buf[512];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/server.cpp:41:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/iostream_client.cpp:40:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/iostream_client.cpp:45:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/stream_client.cpp:38:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/stream_client.cpp:43:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/multicast/receiver.cpp:29:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/nonblocking/third_party_lib.cpp:202:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/spawn/echo_server.cpp:39:13:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            char data[128];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/spawn/echo_server.cpp:89:43:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), std::atoi(argv[1])));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/client.cpp:51:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char subject_name[256];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/client.cpp:133:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char request_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/client.cpp:134:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char reply_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/server.cpp:74:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/server.cpp:133:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/blocking_udp_client.cpp:126:14:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/blocking_udp_client.cpp:132:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char data[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/server.cpp:418:46:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    tcp::endpoint listen_endpoint(tcp::v4(), atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/timeouts/server.cpp:421:42:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        asio::ip::make_address(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp:63:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/async_tcp_echo_server.cpp:107:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp:58:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/async_udp_echo_server.cpp:73:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server s(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:37:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:42:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp:28:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char data[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_server.cpp:69:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:40:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char request[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:45:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char reply[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp:25:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char data[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_server.cpp:45:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    server(io_context, std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/chat_server.cpp:207:34:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
      unsigned short port = std::atoi(argv[i]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/double_buffered_echo_server.cpp:34:4:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
   char data1[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/double_buffered_echo_server.cpp:35:4:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
   char data2[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/echo_server.cpp:34:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char data[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp17/coroutines_ts/refactored_echo_server.cpp:32:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data[128];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_client.cpp:48:58:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  unsigned short port = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi(argv[2]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_client.cpp:49:30:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  int num_connections = std::atoi(argv[3]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_client.cpp:50:56:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  std::size_t buf_size = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::atoi(argv[4]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_server.cpp:94:58:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  unsigned short port = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_server.cpp:95:30:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  int max_connections = std::atoi(argv[2]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_server.cpp:96:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  std::size_t buf_size = std::atoi(argv[3]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_client.cpp:37:64:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  unsigned short first_port = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi(argv[2]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_client.cpp:38:63:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  unsigned short num_ports = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi(argv[3]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_client.cpp:39:56:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  std::size_t buf_size = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::atoi(argv[4]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_server.cpp:105:64:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  unsigned short first_port = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi(argv[1]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_server.cpp:106:63:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  unsigned short num_ports = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi(argv[2]));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/udp_server.cpp:107:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
  std::size_t buf_size = std::atoi(argv[3]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/client.cpp:250:24:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    int thread_count = atoi(argv[3]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/client.cpp:251:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    size_t block_size = atoi(argv[4]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/client.cpp:252:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    size_t session_count = atoi(argv[5]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/client.cpp:253:19:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    int timeout = atoi(argv[6]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/server.cpp:153:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/server.cpp:201:18:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    short port = atoi(argv[2]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/server.cpp:202:24:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    int thread_count = atoi(argv[3]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/performance/server.cpp:203:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
    size_t block_size = atoi(argv[4]);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffer.cpp:44:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char raw_data[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffer.cpp:45:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_raw_data[1024] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffer.cpp:360:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char dest_data[256];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_read_stream.cpp:67:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_read_stream.cpp:68:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_read_stream.cpp:179:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_data[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_read_stream.cpp:295:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_data[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_stream.cpp:71:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_stream.cpp:72:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_stream.cpp:191:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_data[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_stream.cpp:317:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_data[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_write_stream.cpp:67:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_write_stream.cpp:68:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_write_stream.cpp:180:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_data[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffered_write_stream.cpp:306:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_data[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffers_iterator.cpp:51:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char data1[16], data2[16];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/buffers_iterator.cpp:52:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char cdata1[16] = "", cdata2[16] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/datagram_protocol.cpp:63:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/datagram_protocol.cpp:64:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/datagram_protocol.cpp:113:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(dp(af_inet, ipproto_udp));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/datagram_protocol.cpp:114:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(dp(af_inet, ipproto_udp), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/raw_protocol.cpp:63:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/raw_protocol.cpp:64:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/raw_protocol.cpp:113:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(rp(af_inet, ipproto_icmp));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/raw_protocol.cpp:114:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(rp(af_inet, ipproto_icmp), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/seq_packet_protocol.cpp:61:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/seq_packet_protocol.cpp:62:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/seq_packet_protocol.cpp:109:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(spp(af_inet, 0));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/seq_packet_protocol.cpp:110:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(spp(af_inet, 0), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/stream_protocol.cpp:71:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/stream_protocol.cpp:72:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/stream_protocol.cpp:123:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(sp(af_inet, ipproto_tcp));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/generic/stream_protocol.cpp:124:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(sp(af_inet, ipproto_tcp), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp:79:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp:80:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp:139:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp:140:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp:141:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(ip::icmp::v4(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/icmp.cpp:142:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(ip::icmp::v6(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/multicast.cpp:124:11:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  sock_v4.open(ep_v4.protocol(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/multicast.cpp:130:11:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  sock_v6.open(ep_v6.protocol(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:221:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:222:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:287:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:288:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:289:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(ip::tcp::v4(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:290:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(ip::tcp::v6(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:700:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buffer[sizeof(write_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:856:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:857:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:858:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    acceptor1.open(ip::tcp::v4(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/tcp.cpp:859:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    acceptor1.open(ip::tcp::v6(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:95:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:96:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:155:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:156:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:157:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(ip::udp::v4(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:158:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(ip::udp::v6(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:577:6:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/udp.cpp:582:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char recv_msg[sizeof(send_msg)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/unicast.cpp:77:11:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  sock_v4.open(ep_v4.protocol(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/unicast.cpp:83:11:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  sock_v6.open(ep_v6.protocol(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/v6_only.cpp:80:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  acceptor_v6.open(ep_v6.protocol(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ip/v6_only.cpp:84:15:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  acceptor_v6.open(ep_v6.protocol(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/datagram_protocol.cpp:55:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/datagram_protocol.cpp:56:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/datagram_protocol.cpp:85:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/datagram_protocol.cpp:86:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(dp(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/stream_protocol.cpp:63:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/stream_protocol.cpp:64:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/stream_protocol.cpp:93:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/local/stream_protocol.cpp:94:13:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    socket1.open(sp(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/stream_descriptor.cpp:54:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/posix/stream_descriptor.cpp:55:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:65:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(data_, data, length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:135:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:158:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:187:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:260:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:293:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:374:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:584:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1031:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1296:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1869:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1930:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1993:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:2055:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:2179:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:2521:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:2865:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:3208:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:66:7:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      memcpy(data_ + length_, data, length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:140:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:152:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:201:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:304:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:360:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:489:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:906:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:1793:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:2319:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:3440:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:3537:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:3636:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:3734:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:3931:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:4630:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:5331:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_at.cpp:6031:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char read_buf[sizeof(read_data)];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_until.cpp:56:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(data_, data, length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read_until.cpp:98:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port.cpp:63:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port.cpp:64:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port.cpp:109:11:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/serial_port.cpp:110:11:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    port1.open("null", ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/socket_base.cpp:42:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char buf[1024];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/stream.cpp:66:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/ssl/stream.cpp:67:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/streambuf.cpp:36:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char buf[1];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/random_access_handle.cpp:50:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/random_access_handle.cpp:51:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/stream_handle.cpp:50:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char mutable_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/windows/stream_handle.cpp:51:11:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    const char const_char_buffer[128] = "";
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/write.cpp:135:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/write_at.cpp:133:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char data_[max_length];
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffers_iterator.hpp:306:14:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
    return a.equal(b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffers_iterator.hpp:312:15:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
    return !a.equal(b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/buffers_iterator.hpp:348:8:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
  bool equal(const buffers_iterator& other) const
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/detail/winrt_utils.hpp:42:38:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  std::wstring tmp(from, from + std::strlen(from));
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:64:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:75:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:81:35:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  std::size_t bytes_transferred = read(s, buffers, transfer_all(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:87:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:93:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  return read(s, buffers, transfer_all(), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:98:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:105:35:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  std::size_t bytes_transferred = read(s, buffers, completion_condition, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:112:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:144:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:151:35:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  std::size_t bytes_transferred = read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:158:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:165:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  return read(s, ASIO_MOVE_CAST(DynamicBuffer)(buffers),
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:171:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:179:35:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  std::size_t bytes_transferred = read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:191:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:195:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  return read(s, basic_streambuf_ref<Allocator>(b), completion_condition, ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:199:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:202:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  return read(s, basic_streambuf_ref<Allocator>(b));
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:206:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:210:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  return read(s, basic_streambuf_ref<Allocator>(b), ec);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:215:20:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
inline std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/impl/read.hpp:219:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  return read(s, basic_streambuf_ref<Allocator>(b), completion_condition);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp:146:14:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
    return a.equal(b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp:153:15:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
    return !a.equal(b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp:167:8:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
  bool equal(const basic_resolver_iterator& other) const
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/basic_resolver_results.hpp:292:14:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
    return a.equal(b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ip/basic_resolver_results.hpp:299:15:  [1] (buffer) equal:
  Function does not check the second iterator for over-read conditions
  (CWE-126). This function is often discouraged by most C++ coding standards
  in favor of its safer alternatives provided since C++14. Consider using a
  form of this function that checks the second iterator before potentially
  overflowing it.
    return !a.equal(b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:77:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:119:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:173:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:220:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:254:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:287:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:332:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:378:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:415:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b);
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:444:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:484:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/read.hpp:525:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ssl/detail/engine.hpp:92:18:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  ASIO_DECL want read(const asio::mutable_buffer& data,
data/asio-1.12.2/include/asio/ssl/detail/read_op.hpp:46:16:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    return eng.read(buffer, ec, bytes_transferred);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_client.cpp:162:23:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/chat/chat_message.hpp:70:5:  [1] (buffer) strncat:
  Easily used incorrectly (e.g., incorrectly computing the correct maximum
  size to add) [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Consider strcat_s, strlcat, snprintf,
  or automatically resizing strings.
    strncat(header, data_, header_length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:43:29:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:47:33:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    size_t reply_length = asio::read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:42:29:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/fork/daemon.cpp:128:5:  [1] (access) umask:
  Ensure that umask is given most restrictive possible setting (e.g., 066 or
  077) (CWE-732).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/client/sync_client.cpp:94:18:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    while (asio::read(socket, response,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server/request_handler.cpp:73:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  while (is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)).gcount() > 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server2/request_handler.cpp:73:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  while (is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)).gcount() > 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server3/request_handler.cpp:73:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  while (is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)).gcount() > 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/http/server4/file_handler.cpp:73:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  while (is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)).gcount() > 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/icmp_header.hpp:56:17:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    { return is.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(header.rep_), 8); }
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/ipv4_header.hpp:84:8:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    is.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(header.rep_), 20);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/icmp/ipv4_header.hpp:91:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
      is.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(header.rep_) + 20, options_length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/connect_pair.cpp:124:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
      asio::read(socket, asio::buffer(reply));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/iostream_client.cpp:43:21:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t length = strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/iostream_client.cpp:47:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    s.read(reply, length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/stream_client.cpp:41:29:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/local/stream_client.cpp:45:33:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    size_t reply_length = asio::read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/socks4/sync_client.cpp:57:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    asio::read(socket, socks_reply.buffers());
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp03/ssl/client.cpp:75:31:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      size_t request_length = strlen(request_);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_client.cpp:152:28:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/chat/chat_message.hpp:69:10:  [1] (buffer) strncat:
  Easily used incorrectly (e.g., incorrectly computing the correct maximum
  size to add) [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Consider strcat_s, strlcat, snprintf,
  or automatically resizing strings.
    std::strncat(header, data_, header_length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:39:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = std::strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:43:33:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    size_t reply_length = asio::read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:41:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = std::strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/daemon.cpp:128:5:  [1] (access) umask:
  Ensure that umask is given most restrictive possible setting (e.g., 066 or
  077) (CWE-732).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/process_per_connection.cpp:88:15:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/process_per_connection.cpp:114:8:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  void read()
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/fork/process_per_connection.cpp:130:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/http/server/request_handler.cpp:72:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  while (is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)).gcount() > 0)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/connect_pair.cpp:27:5:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/connect_pair.cpp:31:8:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  void read()
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/connect_pair.cpp:60:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/connect_pair.cpp:112:13:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
      asio::read(socket, asio::buffer(reply));
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/iostream_client.cpp:42:26:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t length = std::strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/iostream_client.cpp:46:7:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    s.read(reply, length);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/stream_client.cpp:40:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = std::strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/local/stream_client.cpp:44:33:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    size_t reply_length = asio::read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_1.cpp:47:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      asio::buffer(message, std::strlen(message)),
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_2.cpp:77:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      asio::buffer(message, std::strlen(message)),
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/operations/composed_3.cpp:86:29:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  std::size_t length = std::strlen(message);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/socks4/sync_client.cpp:56:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    asio::read(socket, socks_reply.buffers());
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp11/ssl/client.cpp:96:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = std::strlen(request_);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:39:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = std::strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_tcp_echo_client.cpp:43:33:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    size_t reply_length = asio::read(s,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/examples/cpp14/echo/blocking_udp_echo_client.cpp:42:34:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    size_t request_length = std::strlen(request);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/latency/tcp_client.cpp:91:11:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/is_read_buffered.cpp:73:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t read(const Mutable_Buffers&)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/is_read_buffered.cpp:79:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t read(const Mutable_Buffers&, asio::error_code& ec)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/is_write_buffered.cpp:73:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t read(const Mutable_Buffers&)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/is_write_buffered.cpp:79:10:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t read(const Mutable_Buffers&, asio::error_code& ec)
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:150:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:164:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:171:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:178:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:195:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:202:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:209:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:222:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:230:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:238:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:251:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:267:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:275:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:283:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:302:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:310:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:318:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:333:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:342:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:351:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:380:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:388:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:396:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:403:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:411:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:419:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:426:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:434:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:442:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:449:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:457:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:465:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:472:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:480:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:488:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:495:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:503:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:511:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:518:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:526:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:534:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:541:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:548:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:555:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:561:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:568:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:575:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:592:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:600:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:608:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:615:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:623:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:631:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:638:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:646:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:654:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:661:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:669:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:677:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:684:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:692:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:700:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:707:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:715:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:723:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:730:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:738:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:746:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:753:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:760:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:767:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:773:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:780:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:787:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:800:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:809:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:818:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:826:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:835:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:844:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:852:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:861:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:870:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:878:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:887:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:896:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:904:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:913:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:922:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:930:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:939:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:948:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:956:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:965:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:974:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:982:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:990:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:998:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, old_style_transfer_all);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1005:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1013:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1021:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, short_transfer);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1038:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1048:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1058:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1067:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1077:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1087:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1096:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1106:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1116:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1125:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1135:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1145:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1154:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1164:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1174:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1183:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1193:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1203:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1212:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1222:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1232:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1240:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1250:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1260:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1268:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1277:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1286:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1305:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1315:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1325:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1334:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1344:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1354:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1363:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1373:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1383:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1392:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1402:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1412:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1421:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1431:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1441:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1450:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1460:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1470:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1479:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1489:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1499:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1507:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1517:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1527:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1535:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1544:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1553:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, buffers, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1568:36:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  size_t bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1579:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1590:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1600:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1611:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1622:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1632:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1643:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1654:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1664:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1675:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1686:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1696:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1707:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1718:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1728:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1739:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1750:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1760:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1771:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1782:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1791:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1802:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1813:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb,
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1822:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1832:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, short_transfer, error);
data/asio-1.12.2/src/tests/unit/read.cpp:1842:29:  [1] (buffer) read:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
  bytes_transferred = asio::read(s, sb, short_transfer, error);


Hits = 625
Lines analyzed = 159369 in approximately 3.87 seconds (41190 lines/second)
Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 102050
Hits@level = [0]  71 [1] 279 [2] 335 [3]  11 [4]   0 [5]   0
Hits@level+ = [0+] 696 [1+] 625 [2+] 346 [3+]  11 [4+]   0 [5+]   0
Hits/KSLOC@level+ = [0+] 6.82019 [1+] 6.12445 [2+] 3.39049 [3+] 0.10779 [4+]   0 [5+]   0
Dot directories skipped = 1 (--followdotdir overrides)
Minimum risk level = 1
Not every hit is necessarily a security vulnerability.
There may be other security vulnerabilities; review your code!
See 'Secure Programming HOWTO'
(https://dwheeler.com/secure-programs) for more information.