Flawfinder version 2.0.10, (C) 2001-2019 David A. Wheeler.
Number of rules (primarily dangerous function names) in C/C++ ruleset: 223
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotestlib.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/null_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/example_benchmark.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/main.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/null_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_qpsk_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_rrrf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ampmodem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/asgramcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/asgramf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/autocorr_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bsequence_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cbufferf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cgsolve_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/chromosome_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/compand_cf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/compand_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/complementary_codes_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/conversion_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/crc_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cvsd_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/detector_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/dotprod_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/dotprod_rrrf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/dsssframesync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqrls_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fading_generator_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fft_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fftfilt_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdecim_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdes_kaiser_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_callback_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_lowpass_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfarrow_rrrf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_cccf_notch_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_crcf_dcblocker_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_rrrf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_decim_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_filter_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_interp_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_firdecim_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch2_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch_crcf_analysis_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch_crcf_synthesis_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbchr_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_reconfig_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/framesync64_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/freqmodem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskframesync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_waterfall_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_knapsack_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskmodem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_datafit_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdecim_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_analog_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_pll_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_crcf_dcblocker_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirhilb_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirhilb_filter_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirinterp_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_soft_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/kbd_window_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/libliquid_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/lpc_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/matched_filter_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/math_lngamma_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/math_primitive_root_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_arb_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_soft_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modular_arithmetic_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msequence_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msequence_generator_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msourcecf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp2_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_noise_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_crcf_mix_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_modem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nyquist_filter_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframegen_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ordfilt_rrrf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/pll_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/poly_findroots_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/polyfit_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/polyfit_lagrange_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qdetector_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qnsearch_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/quantize_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/random_histogram_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/repack_bytes_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_decim_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_filter_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_interp_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_noise_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ricek_channel_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_rnyquist_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_rrrf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/scramble_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/smatrix_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/spgramcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/spgramf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/spwaterfallcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symstreamcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symtrack_cccf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/wdelayf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/windowf_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_dsb_peak_detect_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_dsb_pll_carrier_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_dsb_pll_costas_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_ssb_pll_carrier_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/count_ones_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/cpmodem_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/crc_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ellip_func_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ellip_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/eqlms_cccf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fct_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming128_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming128_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming128_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming3126_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming74_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming84_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_ldpc_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_rep3_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_rep5_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_sumproduct_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_hamming128_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_dual_radix_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_mixed_radix_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_r2r_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_rader_prime_radix2_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_rader_prime_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_recursive_plan_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_recursive_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_energy_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_fexp_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_gmskrx_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_length_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firfarrow_rrrf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firfilt_dcblocker_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch2_analysis_equivalence_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch2_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch_analysis_alignment_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch_analysis_equivalence_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch_analysis_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch_synthesis_equivalence_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskcorr_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskmodem_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_coherent_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/householder_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/iirdes_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/iirfilt_intdiff_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/levinson_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_cfo_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_cacosf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_casinf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_catanf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_cexpf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_clogf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_csqrtf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/math_lngamma_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matrix_eig_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matrix_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mdct_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/minsearch2_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/minsearch_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_arb_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_soft_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_soft_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/msresamp_crcf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/newbench_example.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmoqam_firpfbch_cfo_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmoqam_firpfbch_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/pll_3rd_order_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/pll_design_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/quasinewton_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/recursive_qpsk_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/resamp2_crcf_filterbank_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/resamp2_crcf_interp_recreate_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/reverse_byte_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/rkaiser2_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/shadowing_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/simplex_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/svd_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/thiran_allpass_iir_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/throttle_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/vectorcf_test.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/example_autotest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/example_benchmark.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/main.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/agc/bench/agc_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/agc/src/agc.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/agc/src/agc_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/agc/src/agc_rrrf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/agc/tests/agc_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/audio/bench/cvsd_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/audio/src/cvsd.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/audio/tests/cvsd_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/bench/cbuffercf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/bench/window_push_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/bench/window_read_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffer.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffercf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/bufferf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/cbuffer.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/wdelay.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/window.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/tests/cbuffer_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/tests/sbuffer_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/tests/wdelay_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/tests/window_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/channel/src/channel.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/channel/src/channel_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/channel/src/tvmpch.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/bench/dotprod_cccf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/bench/dotprod_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/bench/dotprod_rrrf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/bench/sumsqcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/bench/sumsqf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_cccf.mmx.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_cccf.neon.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_crcf.av.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_crcf.mmx.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_crcf.neon.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_rrrf.av.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_rrrf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_rrrf.mmx.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_rrrf.neon.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/dotprod_rrrf.sse4.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/sumsq.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/src/sumsq.mmx.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/tests/dotprod_cccf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/tests/dotprod_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/tests/dotprod_rrrf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/tests/sumsqcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/dotprod/tests/sumsqf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/bench/eqlms_cccf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/bench/eqrls_cccf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/src/eqlms.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/src/eqrls.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/src/equalizer_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/src/equalizer_rrrf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/tests/eqlms_cccf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/equalization/tests/eqrls_rrrf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/crc_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_decode_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_encode_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fecsoft_decode_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/interleaver_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/packetizer_decode_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/c_ones_mod2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/c_ones_mod2_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/crc.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_conv.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_conv_pmatrix.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_conv_poly.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_conv_punctured.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_golay2412.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming128.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming128_gentab.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming1511.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming3126.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming74.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming84.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_pass.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_rep3.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_rep5.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_rs.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/interleaver.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/packetizer.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/sumproduct.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/crc_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_golay2412_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming128_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming1511_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming3126_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming74_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming84_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_reedsolomon_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_rep3_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_rep5_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_soft_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/packetizer_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/bench/fft_composite_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/bench/fft_prime_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/bench/fft_r2r_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/bench/fft_radix2_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/bench/fft_runbench.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/bench/fft_runbench.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/asgram.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/dct_execute.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fct_execute.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_common.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_dft.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_mixed_radix.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_r2r_1d.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_rader.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_rader2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_radix2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fft_utilities.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/fftf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spgram.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spgramcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spgramf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_10.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_120.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_130.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_157.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_16.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_17.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_192.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_20.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_21.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_22.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_24.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_26.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_3.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_30.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_317.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_32.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_35.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_36.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_4.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_43.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_48.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_5.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_509.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_6.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_63.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_7.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_79.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_8.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_9.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_92.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_data_96.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_r2rdata_27.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_r2rdata_32.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/data/fft_r2rdata_8.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_composite_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_prime_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_r2r_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_radix2_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_runtest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_runtest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_shift_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/tests/fft_small_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/fftfilt_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/firdecim_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/firfilt_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/firhilb_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/firinterp_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/iirdecim_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/iirfilt_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/iirinterp_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/resamp2_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/resamp_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/rresamp_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/bench/symsync_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/autocorr.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/bessel.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/bilinear.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/butter.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/cheby1.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/cheby2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/ellip.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/fftfilt.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/filter_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/filter_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/filter_rrrf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firdecim.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firdes.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firdespm.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firfarrow.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firfilt.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firhilb.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firinterp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firpfb.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/fnyquist.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/gmsk.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/group_delay.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/hM3.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirdecim.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirdes.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirdes.pll.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirfilt.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirfiltsos.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirhilb.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirinterp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/lpc.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/msresamp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/msresamp2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/ordfilt.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/rcos.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/resamp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/resamp.fixed.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/resamp2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/rkaiser.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/rrcos.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/rresamp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/symsync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_cccf_data_h13x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_cccf_data_h23x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_cccf_data_h4x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_cccf_data_h7x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_crcf_data_h13x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_crcf_data_h23x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_crcf_data_h4x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_crcf_data_h7x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_rrrf_data_h13x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_rrrf_data_h23x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_rrrf_data_h4x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/fftfilt_rrrf_data_h7x256.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_cccf_data_M2h4x20.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_cccf_data_M3h7x30.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_cccf_data_M4h13x40.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_cccf_data_M5h23x50.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_crcf_data_M2h4x20.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_crcf_data_M3h7x30.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_crcf_data_M4h13x40.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_crcf_data_M5h23x50.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_rrrf_data_M2h4x20.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_rrrf_data_M3h7x30.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_rrrf_data_M4h13x40.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firdecim_rrrf_data_M5h23x50.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_cccf_data_h13x32.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_cccf_data_h23x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_cccf_data_h4x8.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_cccf_data_h7x16.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_crcf_data_h13x32.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_crcf_data_h23x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_crcf_data_h4x8.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_crcf_data_h7x16.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_rrrf_data_h13x32.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_rrrf_data_h23x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_rrrf_data_h4x8.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/firfilt_rrrf_data_h7x16.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_cccf_data_h3x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_cccf_data_h5x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_cccf_data_h7x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_crcf_data_h3x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_crcf_data_h5x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_crcf_data_h7x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_rrrf_data_h3x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_rrrf_data_h5x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/data/iirfilt_rrrf_data_h7x64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/fftfilt_autotest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/fftfilt_runtest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/fftfilt_xxxf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/filter_crosscorr_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firdecim_autotest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firdecim_runtest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firdecim_xxxf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firdes_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firdespm_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firfilt_autotest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firfilt_cccf_notch_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firfilt_runtest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firfilt_xxxf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firhilb_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firinterp_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/firpfb_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/groupdelay_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/iirdes_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/iirfilt_autotest.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/iirfilt_runtest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/iirfilt_xxxf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/iirfiltsos_rrrf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/lpc_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/msresamp_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/resamp2_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/resamp_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/rresamp_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/symsync_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/symsync_rrrf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/bpacketsync_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/bpresync_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/bsync_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/detector_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/flexframesync_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/framesync64_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/gmskframesync_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/presync_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/qdetector_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpacketgen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpacketsync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpresync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpresync_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bsync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bsync_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bsync_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bsync_rrrf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/detector_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/dsssframegen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/dsssframesync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/flexframegen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/flexframesync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framedatastats.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framegen64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framesync64.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framesyncstats.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/fskframegen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/fskframesync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/gmskframegen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/gmskframesync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/msource.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/msourcecf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/ofdmflexframegen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/ofdmflexframesync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/presync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/presync_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qpacketmodem.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qpilotgen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qpilotsync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qsource.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/symstream.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/symstreamcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/symtrack.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/symtrack_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/bpacketsync_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/bsync_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/detector_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/flexframesync_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/framesync64_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qdetector_cccf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpacketmodem_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpilotsync_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/libliquid.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/bench/polyfit_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/math.bessel.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/math.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/math.complex.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/math.gamma.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/math.trig.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/modular_arithmetic.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/poly.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/poly.common.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/poly.expand.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/poly.findroots.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/poly.lagrange.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/polyc.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/polycf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/polyf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/windows.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/gcd_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/kbd_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/math_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/math_bessel_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/math_complex_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/math_gamma_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/polynomial_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/polynomial_findroots_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/tests/prime_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/bench/matrixf_inv_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/bench/matrixf_linsolve_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/bench/matrixf_mul_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/bench/smatrixf_mul_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.base.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.cgsolve.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.chol.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.gramschmidt.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.inv.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.linsolve.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.ludecomp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.math.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrix.qrdecomp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrixc.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrixcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/matrixf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/smatrix.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/smatrix.common.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/smatrixb.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/smatrixf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/src/smatrixi.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_add.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_aug.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_chol.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_inv.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_linsolve.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_ludecomp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_mul.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_qrdecomp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixcf_data_transmul.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_add.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_aug.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_cgsolve.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_chol.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_gramschmidt.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_inv.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_linsolve.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_ludecomp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_mul.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_qrdecomp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/data/matrixf_data_transmul.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/matrix_data.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/matrixcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/matrixf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixi_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/freqdem_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/freqmod_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/fskdem_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/fskmod_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/gmskmodem_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/modem_demodsoft_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/modem_demodulate_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/modem_modulate_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/ampmodem.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/cpfskdem.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/cpfskmod.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/freqdem.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/freqmod.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/fskdem.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/fskmod.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/gmskmod.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_arb.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_arb_const.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_ask.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_bpsk.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_common.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_dpsk.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_ook.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_psk.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_qam.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_qpsk.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_sqam128.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_sqam32.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_utilities.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modemf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/gmskdem.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/ampmodem_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/cpfskmodem_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/freqmodem_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/fskmodem_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/modem_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/modem_demodsoft_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/modem_demodstats_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/bench/firpfbch2_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/bench/firpfbch_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/bench/firpfbchr_crcf_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/bench/ofdmframesync_acquire_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/bench/ofdmframesync_rxsymbol_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/firpfbch.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/firpfbch2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/firpfbch_cccf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/firpfbch_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/firpfbch_old.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/firpfbchr.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/ofdmframe.common.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/ofdmframegen.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/ofdmframesync.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/tests/firpfbch2_crcf_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/tests/firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/tests/firpfbch_crcf_synthesizer_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/tests/ofdmframesync_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/bench/nco_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/bench/vco_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/src/nco.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/src/nco.utilities.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/src/nco_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/src/synth.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/src/synth_crcf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/data/nco_sincos_fsqrt1_2.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/data/nco_sincos_fsqrt1_3.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/data/nco_sincos_fsqrt1_5.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/data/nco_sincos_fsqrt1_7.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/nco_crcf_frequency_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/nco_crcf_mix_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/nco_crcf_phase_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/nco_crcf_pll_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/tests/unwrap_phase_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/chromosome.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/gasearch.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/gradsearch.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/optim.common.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/optim.h
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/qnsearch.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/src/utilities.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/optim/tests/gradsearch_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/bench/compander_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/bench/quantizer_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/src/compand.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/src/quantizer.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/src/quantizer.inline.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/src/quantizercf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/src/quantizerf.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/tests/compand_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/quantization/tests/quantize_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/bench/random_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/rand.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/randexp.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/randgamma.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/randn.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/randnakm.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/randricek.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/randweib.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/src/scramble.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/random_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/bench/bsequence_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/src/bsequence.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/src/msequence.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/complementary_codes_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/msequence_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/bench/byte_utilities_benchmark.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/bshift_array.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/byte_utilities.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/msb_index.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/pack_bytes.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/shift_array.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/utility.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/count_bits_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vector_add.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vector_mul.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vector_norm.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vector_trig.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorcf_add.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorcf_mul.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorcf_norm.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorcf_trig.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorf_add.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorf_mul.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorf_norm.port.c
Examining data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/vector/src/vectorf_trig.port.c


data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:200:13:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
            strcpy(filename, optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c:165:13:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
            strcpy(fftbench.filename, optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:54:33:  [4] (format) printf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited
  (CWE-134). Use a constant for the format specification.
#define PRINTVAL_FLOAT(X,F)     printf(#F,crealf(X));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:55:33:  [4] (format) printf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited
  (CWE-134). Use a constant for the format specification.
#define PRINTVAL_CFLOAT(X,F)    printf(#F "+j*" #F, crealf(X), cimagf(X));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:246:5:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
    strcpy(tag+1, _q->type);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:301:5:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
    strcpy(tag+5, _q->type);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:281:23:  [4] (buffer) sscanf:
  The scanf() family's %s operation, without a limit specification, permits
  buffer overflows (CWE-120, CWE-20). Specify a limit to %s, or use a
  different input function.
        int results = sscanf(buffer,"%d %s %lu %f %f %f\n",
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:355:5:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
    sprintf(filename,"%s.bin", _base);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:399:5:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
    sprintf(filename,"%s.gnu", _base);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:144:16:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((d = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:p:rR:Llxs:vqo:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:197:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:136:16:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((d = getopt(argc,argv,"hvqec:n:b:p:t:lLs:o:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c:146:16:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((d = getopt(argc,argv,"hvqn:N:t:o:m:l:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_example.c:35:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:N:s:b:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:32:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:N:s:b:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_rrrf_example.c:34:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:N:s:b:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ampmodem_example.c:46:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hm:f:p:n:S:t:s")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/autocorr_cccf_example.c:47:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhm:n:w:d:es:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:49:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:60:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:e:v:c:k:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c:37:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c:50:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:n:b:t:F:t:S:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c:55:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hk:m:b:H:n:s:w:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/compand_example.c:39:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhvqn:m:r:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/complementary_codes_example.c:35:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c:47:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:p:H:k:m:b:n:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c:46:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hp:H:k:m:b:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/crc_example.c:37:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:v:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cvsd_example.c:42:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:f:b:z:a:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/detector_cccf_example.c:47:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:T:F:S:t:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/dsssframesync_example.c:41:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/dsssframesync_example.c:55:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc, argv, "uhs:F:n:m:v:c:k:d")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:59:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:s:c:k:m:b:p:u:M:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:50:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:c:k:m:b:p:u:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:39:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:55:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:s:c:k:m:b:p:u:M:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c:40:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:c:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:42:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhvqn:c:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fft_example.c:33:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hvqn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdecim_crcf_example.c:39:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hM:m:s:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdes_kaiser_example.c:36:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhf:n:s:m:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_lowpass_example.c:35:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:f:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfarrow_rrrf_example.c:36:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_cccf_example.c:34:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_crcf_example.c:38:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:s:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_firdecim_crcf_example.c:44:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hk:m:b:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch2_crcf_example.c:39:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hM:m:s:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_example.c:71:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhs:F:n:m:v:c:k:d")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_reconfig_example.c:28:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_reconfig_example.c:37:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhvqs:f:m:p:n:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/framesync64_example.c:52:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/framesync64_example.c:64:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hdS:F:P:T:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/freqmodem_example.c:34:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:S:k:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskframesync_example.c:47:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskframesync_example.c:65:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hdS:F:P:T:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_example.c:43:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hm:k:b:n:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_waterfall_example.c:38:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hm:b:n:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_knapsack_example.c:55:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:i:c:p:m:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c:49:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c:63:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hdn:v:c:k:s:F:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskmodem_example.c:37:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:n:b:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_example.c:32:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:t:u:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdecim_crcf_example.c:33:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhM:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_analog_example.c:56:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:n:r:s:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_example.c:56:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:b:n:r:s:f:c:o:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_pll_example.c:35:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_pll_example.c:46:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhb:z:K:n:p:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_cccf_example.c:53:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:b:n:r:s:f:c:o:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirinterp_crcf_example.c:33:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c:36:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:d:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/matched_filter_example.c:38:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:k:m:b:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_arb_example.c:37:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhp:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_example.c:37:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hvqm:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_soft_example.c:46:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhm:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msequence_generator_example.c:25:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhd:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp2_crcf_example.c:37:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hr:s:n:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_example.c:37:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hr:s:n:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_noise_example.c:34:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hr:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_example.c:37:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_example.c:46:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhb:n:p:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_modem_example.c:38:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_modem_example.c:48:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhs:b:n:P:F:m:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nyquist_filter_example.c:35:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:k:m:b:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c:64:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhds:F:M:C:n:m:v:c:k:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:53:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:65:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hdM:C:T:s:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c:44:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:v:c:k:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c:43:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:v:c:k:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qdetector_cccf_example.c:53:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:k:m:b:F:T:S:t:r:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_example.c:50:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:m:v:c:k:s:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:56:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hp:m:v:c:k:s:x:n:t:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c:44:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:p:s:m:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/quantize_example.c:32:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhb:m:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/random_histogram_example.c:45:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/random_histogram_example.c:75:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hN:n:d:u:v:e:s:l:a:b:g:A:B:m:o:K:O:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_decim_example.c:42:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:m:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_interp_example.c:42:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:m:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_example.c:44:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hr:m:b:s:p:n:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_noise_example.c:38:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hr:m:s:w:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ricek_channel_example.c:45:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:f:K:O:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_example.c:41:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hP:Q:m:s:w:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_rnyquist_example.c:42:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hP:Q:m:b:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_rrrf_example.c:40:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hP:Q:m:s:w:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:36:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:46:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hk:m:b:B:s:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:42:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:65:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hT:k:K:m:b:B:s:w:n:t:r:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:38:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:54:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:b:B:s:w:n:t:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symtrack_cccf_example.c:57:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hk:m:b:s:w:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c:47:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c:59:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hvqk:n:F:S:t:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/cpmodem_test.c:35:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
    srand( time(NULL) );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/cpmodem_test.c:43:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhm:n:p:f:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:60:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:71:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hp:s:x:n:t:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:140:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:35:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:47:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhs:x:n:t:f:c:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:33:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:45:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhs:x:n:t:c:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:26:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_dual_radix_test.c:61:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhp:q:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_mixed_radix_test.c:185:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_r2r_test.c:56:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_rader_prime_radix2_test.c:78:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_rader_prime_test.c:76:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_recursive_plan_test.c:57:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_recursive_test.c:67:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_energy_test.c:30:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhf:t:s:m:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_fexp_test.c:59:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:b:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_gmskrx_test.c:35:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:b:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_length_test.c:32:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:a:A:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskmodem_test.c:48:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hm:k:b:n:s:F:P:T:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_coherent_test.c:41:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hk:m:b:n:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:35:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:47:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:k:m:b:p:u:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:35:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:n:b:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/iirdes_example.c:53:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:b:n:r:s:f:c:o:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_cfo_test.c:49:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:k:m:b:n:P:F:c")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_test.c:33:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:b:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_arb_gentab.c:65:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhp:m:r:a:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_soft_gentab.c:45:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_soft_test.c:18:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c:78:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:k:b:H:B:n:s:F:P:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/msresamp_crcf_test.c:36:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hr:s:n:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c:30:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c:42:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hs:M:C:m:n:c:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:36:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:47:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hM:C:T:N:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:35:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:48:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hM:C:T:S:t:s:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:44:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:58:19:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhs:x:n:t:f:v:c:k:")) != EOF){
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c:33:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c:49:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:n:b:t:F:P:s:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/recursive_qpsk_test.c:34:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hb:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/shadowing_test.c:19:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c:47:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c:63:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhT:m:b:B:s:w:n:t:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:40:5:  [3] (random) srand:
  This function is not sufficiently random for security-related functions
  such as key and nonce creation (CWE-327). Use a more secure technique for
  acquiring random values.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:58:20:  [3] (buffer) getopt:
  Some older implementations do not protect against internal buffer overflows
  (CWE-120, CWE-20). Check implementation on installation, or limit the size
  of all string inputs.
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhk:m:b:n:B:w:p:W:s:c:t:")) != EOF) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:137:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char         search_string[128] = "";
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:138:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char         filename[256]      = "";
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:150:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            autotest_id = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:154:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            package_id = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:161:21:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            rseed = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:287:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:131:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[128];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:132:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char search_string[128];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:153:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            num_base_trials = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:157:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            benchmark_id = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:166:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            package_id = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:261:15:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/example_benchmark.h:31:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
const char * mybench_opts[3] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c:97:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[128];     // output filename
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c:152:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            fftbench.nfft_min = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c:155:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            fftbench.nfft_max = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/fftbench.c:203:24:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        fftbench.fid = fopen(fftbench.filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_example.c:38:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_example.c:87:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_qpsk_example.c:90:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:94:13:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            char mode_str[20] = "";
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:96:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_ENABLED:  sprintf(mode_str,"squelch enabled");  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:97:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_RISE:     sprintf(mode_str,"signal detected");  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:98:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_SIGNALHI: sprintf(mode_str,"signal high");      break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:99:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_FALL:     sprintf(mode_str,"signal falling");   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:100:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_SIGNALLO: sprintf(mode_str,"signal low");       break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:101:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_TIMEOUT:  sprintf(mode_str,"signal timed out"); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:102:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            case LIQUID_AGC_SQUELCH_DISABLED: sprintf(mode_str,"squelch disabled"); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:103:47:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
            default:                          sprintf(mode_str,"(unknown)");        break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_crcf_squelch_example.c:115:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_rrrf_example.c:37:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/agc_rrrf_example.c:82:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ampmodem_example.c:52:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ampmodem_example.c:123:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/autocorr_cccf_example.c:56:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 's': SNRdB = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/autocorr_cccf_example.c:126:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:64:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:114:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];   // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:115:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[k];   // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:116:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[k+1]; // recieved message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpacketsync_example.c:117:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];   // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c:53:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c:54:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c:55:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_sync_symbols = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bpresync_example.c:161:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/bsequence_example.c:22:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[4] = {0x35, 0x35};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c:58:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c:59:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c:61:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'H':   hc_len      = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c:62:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/channel_cccf_example.c:146:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/compand_cf_example.c:19:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/compand_example.c:45:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/compand_example.c:65:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/complementary_codes_example.c:39:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   n = atoi(optarg);       break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/complementary_codes_example.c:82:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/conversion_example.c:104:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c:64:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': bps   = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c:66:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k     = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c:67:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m     = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c:69:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_example.c:137:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c:49:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': bps         = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c:51:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c:52:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c:54:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cpfskmodem_psd_example.c:126:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/crc_example.c:41:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/crc_example.c:59:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char data[n+4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cvsd_example.c:46:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cvsd_example.c:48:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'b': nbits = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cvsd_example.c:61:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char b[n];     // encoded bit pattern
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/cvsd_example.c:102:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/detector_cccf_example.c:50:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n         = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/detector_cccf_example.c:159:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/dsssframesync_example.c:61:33:  [2] (integer) atol:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': payload_len = atol(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:62:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols   = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:64:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'c': hc_len        = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:65:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:66:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:68:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': p             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_blind_example.c:233:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:53:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples   = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:54:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'c': hc_len        = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:55:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:56:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:58:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': p             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_block_example.c:115:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:58:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols   = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:60:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'c': hc_len        = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:61:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:62:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:64:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': p             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_decisiondirected_example.c:205:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqlms_cccf_example.c:95:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/eqrls_cccf_example.c:95:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fading_generator_example.c:30:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c:44:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c:64:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char data[n];          // original data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c:65:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];   // encoded data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c:66:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor[n_enc];   // corrupted data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_example.c:67:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];       // decoded data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:48:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:68:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char data[n];               // original data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:69:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];        // encoded data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:70:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor_soft[8*n_enc]; // corrupted data message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:71:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor_hard[n_enc];   // corrupted data message (hard bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fec_soft_example.c:72:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];            // decoded data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fft_example.c:38:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': nfft = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fftfilt_crcf_example.c:94:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdecim_crcf_example.c:42:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdecim_crcf_example.c:43:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdecim_crcf_example.c:45:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdecim_crcf_example.c:95:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdes_kaiser_example.c:41:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': h_len = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdes_kaiser_example.c:74:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_callback_example.c:61:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_example.c:43:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_lowpass_example.c:38:24:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n  = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firdespm_lowpass_example.c:61:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfarrow_rrrf_example.c:71:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_cccf_example.c:38:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 's': SNRdB = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_cccf_example.c:100:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_cccf_notch_example.c:47:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_crcf_dcblocker_example.c:51:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_crcf_example.c:66:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firfilt_rrrf_example.c:53:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_decim_example.c:52:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_example.c:61:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_filter_example.c:65:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firhilb_interp_example.c:51:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_crcf_example.c:42:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_crcf_example.c:43:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_crcf_example.c:45:30:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_syms = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_crcf_example.c:108:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_firdecim_crcf_example.c:47:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_firdecim_crcf_example.c:48:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_firdecim_crcf_example.c:50:30:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_syms = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firinterp_firdecim_crcf_example.c:146:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch2_crcf_example.c:42:36:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M':   num_channels = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch2_crcf_example.c:43:36:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m            = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch2_crcf_example.c:115:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch_crcf_analysis_example.c:80:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch_crcf_example.c:236:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbch_crcf_synthesis_example.c:89:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/firpfbchr_crcf_example.c:88:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_example.c:77:35:  [2] (integer) atol:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': payload_len   = atol(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_reconfig_example.c:42:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_frames = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/flexframesync_reconfig_example.c:54:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char   header[14];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/framesync64_example.c:47:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char header[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/framesync64_example.c:48:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char payload[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/framesync64_example.c:143:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/freqmodem_example.c:37:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/freqmodem_example.c:89:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskframesync_example.c:42:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char header[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskframesync_example.c:43:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char payload[200];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskframesync_example.c:142:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_example.c:46:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_example.c:47:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_example.c:49:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_example.c:130:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_waterfall_example.c:41:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/fskmodem_waterfall_example.c:43:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_example.c:33:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_knapsack_example.c:59:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_items = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_knapsack_example.c:60:36:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'i': num_iterations = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_knapsack_example.c:62:37:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': population_size = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gasearch_knapsack_example.c:108:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c:68:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': payload_len   = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c:110:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c:111:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskframesync_example.c:171:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskmodem_example.c:41:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskmodem_example.c:42:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskmodem_example.c:43:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_data_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gmskmodem_example.c:109:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_datafit_example.c:71:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_example.c:35:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_parameters = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_example.c:36:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't':   num_iterations = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/gradsearch_example.c:60:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdecim_crcf_example.c:37:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M = atoi(optarg);             break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdecim_crcf_example.c:38:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdecim_crcf_example.c:100:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_analog_example.c:79:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': order = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_analog_example.c:182:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_example.c:94:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': order = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_example.c:156:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_pll_example.c:53:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   n = atoi(optarg);               break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirdes_pll_example.c:116:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_cccf_example.c:77:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': order = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_cccf_example.c:130:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_crcf_dcblocker_example.c:49:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirfilt_crcf_example.c:66:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirhilb_example.c:62:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirhilb_filter_example.c:60:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirinterp_crcf_example.c:36:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirinterp_crcf_example.c:37:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_samples = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/iirinterp_crcf_example.c:82:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_example.c:29:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[n]; // original message data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_example.c:30:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[n]; // interleaved data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_example.c:31:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char z[n]; // de-interleaved data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c:40:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c:41:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'd': depth = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c:52:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[n]; // original message data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c:53:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[n]; // interleaved data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_scatterplot_example.c:85:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_soft_example.c:19:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];   // original message data (bytes)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_soft_example.c:20:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_int[n];   // interleaved data (bytes)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_soft_example.c:21:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[8*n]; // interleaved data (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_soft_example.c:22:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[8*n]; // de-interleaved data (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/interleaver_soft_example.c:23:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_ppp[n];   // de-interleaved data (bytes)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/kbd_window_example.c:22:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/lpc_example.c:86:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/matched_filter_example.c:55:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/matched_filter_example.c:56:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/matched_filter_example.c:58:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/matched_filter_example.c:156:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/math_lngamma_example.c:26:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_arb_example.c:41:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': bps = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_arb_example.c:103:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_example.c:65:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/modem_soft_example.c:75:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char soft_bits[bps];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msequence_example.c:71:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msequence_generator_example.c:28:28:  [2] (integer) atol:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'd': degree = atol(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msourcecf_example.c:87:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp2_crcf_example.c:42:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n       = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp2_crcf_example.c:167:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_example.c:42:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n       = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_example.c:154:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/msresamp_crcf_noise_example.c:106:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_crcf_mix_example.c:76:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_example.c:53:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_example.c:51:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   n = atoi(optarg);               break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_example.c:109:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_modem_example.c:54:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   n = atoi(optarg);               break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nco_pll_modem_example.c:70:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nyquist_filter_example.c:59:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nyquist_filter_example.c:60:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/nyquist_filter_example.c:93:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c:71:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c:72:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'C': cp_len      = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c:73:33:  [2] (integer) atol:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': payload_len = atol(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c:92:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmflexframesync_example.c:93:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframegen_example.c:28:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:68:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M         = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:69:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'C': cp_len    = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:70:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'T': taper_len = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:85:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char p[M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ofdmframesync_example.c:176:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ordfilt_rrrf_example.c:40:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c:49:17:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            n = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c:91:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];   // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c:92:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[k];   // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c:93:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[k];   // recieved message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_example.c:94:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];   // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c:48:17:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
            n = atoi(optarg);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c:90:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];   // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c:91:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[k];   // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c:92:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[8*k]; // recieved message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/packetizer_soft_example.c:93:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];   // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/pll_example.c:72:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/polyfit_example.c:18:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/polyfit_lagrange_example.c:20:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qdetector_cccf_example.c:56:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': sequence_len  = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qdetector_cccf_example.c:57:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qdetector_cccf_example.c:58:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m             = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qdetector_cccf_example.c:195:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qnsearch_example.c:25:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_example.c:53:33:  [2] (integer) atol:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': payload_len = atol(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_example.c:74:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_tx[payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_example.c:75:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_rx[payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_example.c:113:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:59:39:  [2] (integer) atol:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': payload_len       = atol(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:66:39:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_snr           = atoi(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:67:39:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_packet_trials = atoi(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:88:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_tx       [payload_len]; // payload (transmitted)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:89:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_rx       [payload_len]; // payload (received)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpacketmodem_performance_example.c:146:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c:47:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': payload_len   = atoi(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c:48:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': pilot_spacing = atoi(optarg);                  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c:69:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_sym_tx[payload_len];  // transmitted payload symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c:74:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_sym_rx[payload_len];  // received payload symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/qpilotsync_example.c:123:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/quantize_example.c:36:30:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'b': num_bits = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/quantize_example.c:94:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/random_histogram_example.c:80:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'N': num_trials = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/random_histogram_example.c:81:30:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_bins = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/random_histogram_example.c:315:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/repack_bytes_example.c:42:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[3] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/repack_bytes_example.c:49:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_cccf_example.c:60:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_decim_example.c:45:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_decim_example.c:46:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_decim_example.c:91:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_example.c:73:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_filter_example.c:58:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_interp_example.c:45:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_interp_example.c:46:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp2_crcf_interp_example.c:91:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_example.c:48:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_example.c:51:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p':   npfb = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_example.c:52:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   n    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_example.c:167:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_noise_example.c:42:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/resamp_crcf_noise_example.c:113:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ricek_channel_example.c:48:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/ricek_channel_example.c:118:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_example.c:44:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'P':   P    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_example.c:45:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'Q':   Q    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_example.c:46:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_example.c:110:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_rnyquist_example.c:45:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'P':   P    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_rnyquist_example.c:46:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'Q':   Q    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_rnyquist_example.c:47:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_crcf_rnyquist_example.c:78:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_rrrf_example.c:43:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'P':   P    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_rrrf_example.c:44:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'Q':   Q    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_rrrf_example.c:45:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/rresamp_rrrf_example.c:110:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/scramble_example.c:27:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[n]; // input data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/scramble_example.c:28:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[n]; // scrambled data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/scramble_example.c:29:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char z[n]; // unscrambled data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/smatrix_example.c:41:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[N];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/smatrix_example.c:42:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/spgramcf_example.c:69:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/spgramf_example.c:60:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symstreamcf_example.c:61:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:49:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:50:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:52:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'B':   num_filters = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:53:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_example.c:130:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:81:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:82:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'K':   k_out       = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:83:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:85:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'B':   num_filters = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:88:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_full_example.c:235:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:57:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:58:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:60:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'B':   num_filters = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:63:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symsync_crcf_kaiser_example.c:154:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symtrack_cccf_example.c:60:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symtrack_cccf_example.c:61:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symtrack_cccf_example.c:65:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/symtrack_cccf_example.c:150:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/wdelayf_example.c:21:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.h:1037:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern const char * crc_scheme_str[LIQUID_CRC_NUM_SCHEMES][2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.h:1128:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern const char * fec_scheme_str[LIQUID_FEC_NUM_SCHEMES][2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.h:5872:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern const char * liquid_window_str[LIQUID_WINDOW_NUM_FUNCTIONS][2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:221:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char hamming74_enc_gentab[16];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:222:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char hamming74_dec_gentab[128];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:242:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char hamming84_enc_gentab[16];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:243:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char hamming84_dec_gentab[256];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:285:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char fecsoft_hamming128_n3[256][17];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:353:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char secded2216_P[12];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:356:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char secded2216_syndrome_w1[22];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:397:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char secded3932_P[28];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:400:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char secded3932_syndrome_w1[39];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:440:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char secded7264_P[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:441:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern unsigned char secded7264_syndrome_w1[72];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:1869:23:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern const unsigned char liquid_c_ones[256];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:1903:23:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern const unsigned char liquid_c_ones_mod2[256];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/include/liquid.internal.h:1925:23:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
extern const unsigned char liquid_reverse_byte_gentab[256];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_dsb_peak_detect_test.c:68:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_dsb_pll_carrier_test.c:81:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_dsb_pll_costas_test.c:79:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/am_demod_ssb_pll_carrier_test.c:98:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c:64:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg);                 break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c:65:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_sync_symbols = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c:68:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_trials = atoi(optarg);        break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/bpresync_test.c:130:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/cpmodem_test.c:46:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m = atoi(optarg);               break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/cpmodem_test.c:47:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/cpmodem_test.c:113:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/eqlms_cccf_test.c:146:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c:79:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[144];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c:80:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[576];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c:81:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[576];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c:82:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[144];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c:174:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_buf[576]; // 24 x 24 message array
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_g2412product_test.c:175:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char reg0[24];     // 24 value register
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:36:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char P[144] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:52:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char G[288];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:56:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char H[288];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:154:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char err[24] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:159:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[12];    // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:160:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[24];    // encoded/transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:161:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[24];    // error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:162:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char r[24];    // received vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:163:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char s[12];    // syndrome vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:164:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[24];// estimated error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:165:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v_hat[24];// estimated transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:166:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[24];// estimated original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:225:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char spj[12];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:250:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sP[12];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_golay2412_test.c:268:26:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
                unsigned char sPpj[12];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_hamming128_test.c:20:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char hamming128_P[4] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_ldpc_test.c:23:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char H[32] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_ldpc_test.c:30:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c[8] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_ldpc_test.c:50:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_hat[n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_ldpc_test.c:51:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity[m];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:43:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char P[12] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:91:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char err[3] = {0x00, 0x0000, 0x0001};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:94:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[2] = {0x0000, 0x0001};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:99:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[3];     // encoded/transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:100:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[3];     // error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:101:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char r[3];     // received vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:103:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[3] = {0,0,0};  // estimated error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:104:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v_hat[3]; // estimated transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:105:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[2]; // estimated original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded2216_test.c:175:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char e_test[3]  = {0x00, 0x0000, 0x0001};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:44:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char P[28] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:94:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char err[5] = {0,0,0,0,2};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:97:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[4] = {0,0,0,1};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:102:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[5];     // encoded/transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:103:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[5];     // error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:104:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char r[5];     // received vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:106:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};  // estimated error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:107:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v_hat[5]; // estimated transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:108:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[4]; // estimated original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded3932_test.c:196:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char e_test[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:45:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char P[64] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:96:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:99:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:102:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[9];     // encoded/transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:103:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char r[9];     // received vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:105:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v_hat[9]; // estimated transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:106:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[8]; // estimated original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:170:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; 
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded7264_test.c:182:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char e_test[9]  = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:74:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': p          = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:77:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_steps  = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:78:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_trials = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:106:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[p];     // original message [64 x 1]
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:107:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[p+1];   // encoded/transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:109:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char r[p+1];   // received vector (hard decision)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:110:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[p]; // estimated original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:210:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:254:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:273:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[9];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_secded_punctured_test.c:278:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:144:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[61];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:154:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[32];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:157:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[61];    // encoded/transmitted message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:158:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char r[61];    // received vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:159:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[32];// estimated original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:203:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec_soft[8*61];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:236:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec_soft[22] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:267:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[32];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:268:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[61];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:269:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor[61];      // corrupted message (hard bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:270:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_LLR[8*61];    // corrupted message (soft-bit log-likelihood ratio)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:271:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_hard[32];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:272:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_soft[32];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:356:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:400:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_row[16];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:401:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_col[22];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:408:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char w[44];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:420:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_row[16];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:421:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_col[22];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:422:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m_hat[32];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:423:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char w[44];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:430:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[3];   // encoded 22-bit message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:431:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[3];     // estimated error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:712:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_row[16];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:713:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_col[22];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:714:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char m[32];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:777:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char w[256];           // 256 = 16 x 16 bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:778:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_row[96];   //  96 = 16 rows @ 6 bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:779:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity_col[132];  // 132 = 22 cols @ 6 bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:809:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_rec[22];  // encoded 22-bit message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:810:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec[22];  // decoded 22-bit message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:921:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[3] = {0, 0, 0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:922:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_spc2216_test.c:978:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec_soft[22];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_sumproduct_test.c:17:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char Hb[32] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_sumproduct_test.c:27:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c[8] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fec_sumproduct_test.c:46:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_hat[n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:53:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_snr = atoi(optarg);       break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:54:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_trials = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:55:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'f': n = atoi(optarg);             break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:75:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];            // original data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:76:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];        // encoded data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:78:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor_soft[8*n_enc]; // corrupted data message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:79:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor_hard[n_enc];   // corrupted data message (hard bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:80:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_soft[n];       // decoded data message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:81:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_hard[n];       // decoded data message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ber_test.c:184:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:51:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_snr = atoi(optarg);       break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:52:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_trials = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:85:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];           // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:86:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[k];           // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:88:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec_soft[8*k];    // received 'soft' bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:89:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec_hard[8*k];    // received 'hard' bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:90:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_soft[n];      // soft-decision decoding
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:91:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_hard[n];      // hard-decision decoding
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_conv_test.c:200:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_hamming128_gentab.c:21:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym3[17]; // ...
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:42:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char Gs[n*m];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:45:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char Hs[m*n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:73:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[m];     // original message signal
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:74:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c[n];     // transmitted codeword
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:77:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_hat[n]; // estimated codeword
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:78:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x_hat[n]; // estimated message signal
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fecsoft_ldpc_test.c:145:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_dual_radix_test.c:65:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': p = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_dual_radix_test.c:66:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'q': q = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_mixed_radix_test.c:188:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   nfft = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_r2r_test.c:60:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_rader_prime_radix2_test.c:81:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   nfft = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_rader_prime_test.c:79:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   nfft = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_recursive_plan_test.c:60:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': nfft = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fft_recursive_test.c:70:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': nfft = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_fexp_test.c:63:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k     = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_fexp_test.c:64:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m     = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_fexp_test.c:153:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_gmskrx_test.c:39:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k  = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_gmskrx_test.c:40:26:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m  = atoi(optarg);  break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_gmskrx_test.c:178:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_length_test.c:39:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_As = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firdes_length_test.c:61:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firfarrow_rrrf_test.c:28:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firfilt_dcblocker_test.c:36:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/firpfbch_analysis_alignment_test.c:131:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskcorr_test.c:79:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen("fskcorr_test.m","w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskmodem_test.c:51:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskmodem_test.c:52:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskmodem_test.c:54:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/fskmodem_test.c:251:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_coherent_test.c:44:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_coherent_test.c:45:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_coherent_test.c:47:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_coherent_test.c:103:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:50:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:51:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:52:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:54:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p': p           = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_equalizer_test.c:191:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:39:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:40:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:41:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_data_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:64:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_in[num_symbols];      // input symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:70:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_out[num_symbols];     // output symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/gmskmodem_test.c:139:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/iirdes_example.c:91:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': n = atoi(optarg);         break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/iirdes_example.c:218:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/iirfilt_intdiff_test.c:144:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_cfo_test.c:67:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_cfo_test.c:68:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_cfo_test.c:70:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_cfo_test.c:184:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_test.c:37:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/matched_filter_test.c:38:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m = atoi(optarg);           break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mdct_test.c:40:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_arb_gentab.c:117:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char unassigned[M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_arb_gentab.c:150:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_arb_gentab.c:249:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char selected[_M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_soft_gentab.c:267:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/modem_demodulate_soft_test.c:99:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c:95:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg);                break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c:96:25:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'b': bps = atoi(optarg);              break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c:99:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_data_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c:117:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_in[num_symbols];      // input symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/mskmodem_test.c:305:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/msresamp_crcf_test.c:41:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   nx  = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/msresamp_crcf_test.c:94:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c:46:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M      = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c:47:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'C': cp_len = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c:55:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdm_ber_test.c:56:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'c': hc_len      = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:50:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M           = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:51:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'C': cp_len      = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:52:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'T': taper_len   = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:53:33:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'N': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:65:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char p[M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframe_papr_test.c:164:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:51:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'M': M         = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:52:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'C': cp_len    = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:53:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'T': taper_len = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:55:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_trials= atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:56:31:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 's': num_steps = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:73:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char p[M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmframesync_cfo_test.c:111:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmoqam_firpfbch_cfo_test.c:211:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/ofdmoqam_firpfbch_test.c:37:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:64:29:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_snr = atoi(optarg);       break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:65:32:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 't': num_trials = atoi(optarg);    break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:66:23:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'f': n = atoi(optarg);             break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:101:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[n];       // original data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:102:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[k];       // encoded data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:104:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_cor[k];       // corrupted data message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:105:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_per0[n];  // decoded data message (regular decoding)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:106:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec_per2[n];  // decoded data message (persistent decoding)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:199:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/packetizer_persistent_ber_test.c:299:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char packetizer_persistent_mask2[28] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/pll_3rd_order_test.c:29:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/pll_design_test.c:102:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c:52:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k': k     = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c:53:27:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm': m     = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c:54:38:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n': num_sync_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/predemod_sync_test.c:161:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/recursive_qpsk_test.c:65:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/resamp2_crcf_filterbank_test.c:74:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/resamp2_crcf_interp_recreate_test.c:28:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/rkaiser2_test.c:87:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/shadowing_test.c:59:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c:80:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c:82:28:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'B':   npfb = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c:85:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_crcf_test.c:224:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:63:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'k':   k           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:64:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'm':   m           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:66:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'n':   num_symbols = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:68:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'B':   npfb        = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:71:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'p':   p           = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:75:35:  [2] (integer) atoi:
  Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range
  (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the
  input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number;
  consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended).
        case 'c':   hc_len      = atoi(optarg);     break;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/symsync_eqlms_test.c:240:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:40:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char name[NAME_LEN];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:45:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char name[NAME_LEN];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:46:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[NAME_LEN];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:52:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char type[NAME_LEN];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:100:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char package_name[NAME_LEN];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:175:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char space[max_len+1];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:244:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char tag[tag_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:292:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename,"r");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:299:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char tag[tag_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:300:5:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
    strcpy(tag, "void ");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:307:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char buffer[1024];      // line buffer
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:308:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char basename[1024];    // base script name
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:43:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char name[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:256:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename,"r");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:263:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char buffer[256];   // line buffer
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:266:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char name[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/example_benchmark.h:31:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
const char * mybench_opts[3] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/audio/bench/cvsd_benchmark.c:86:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char b[8] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffer.c:218:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(_b->v + _b->write_index, _v, k*sizeof(T));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffer.c:219:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(_b->v, &_v[k], (_n-k)*sizeof(T));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffer.c:222:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(_b->v + _b->write_index, _v, _n*sizeof(T));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffer.c:234:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(_b->v + _b->num_elements, _v, _n*sizeof(T));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/buffer/src/buffer.c:272:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(_b->v + _b->len, _b->v, (_b->write_index)*sizeof(T));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/crc_benchmark.c:50:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_decode_benchmark.c:117:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg[_n];          // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_decode_benchmark.c:118:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];   // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_decode_benchmark.c:119:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[_n];      // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_encode_benchmark.c:114:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg[_n];          // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fec_encode_benchmark.c:115:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];   // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fecsoft_decode_benchmark.c:119:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg[_n];          // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fecsoft_decode_benchmark.c:120:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];   // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fecsoft_decode_benchmark.c:121:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_soft[8*n_enc];// encoded message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/fecsoft_decode_benchmark.c:122:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[_n];      // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/interleaver_benchmark.c:48:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/interleaver_benchmark.c:49:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/packetizer_decode_benchmark.c:56:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[msg_enc_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/packetizer_decode_benchmark.c:57:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[msg_dec_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c:63:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char Gs[_m*_n]; // generator matrix [m x n]
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c:64:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char Hs[_m*_n]; // parity check matrix [m x n]
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c:75:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[_m];     // original message signal
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c:76:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c[_n];     // transmitted codeword
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c:78:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_hat[_n]; // estimated codeword
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/bench/sumproduct_benchmark.c:128:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char p[_m];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/c_ones_mod2_gentab.c:34:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_ones_mod2[256];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/crc.c:36:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
const char * crc_scheme_str[LIQUID_CRC_NUM_SCHEMES][2] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec.c:35:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
const char * fec_scheme_str[LIQUID_FEC_NUM_SCHEMES][2] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec.c:743:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char msg_enc_hard[enc_msg_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming128_gentab.c:63:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char fecsoft_hamming128_n3[256][17] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming74.c:34:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char hamming74_enc_gentab[16] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming74.c:39:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char hamming74_dec_gentab[128] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming84.c:34:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char hamming84_enc_gentab[16] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_hamming84.c:39:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char hamming84_dec_gentab[256] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_rep3.c:72:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(&_msg_enc[i*_dec_msg_len], _msg_dec, _dec_msg_len);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_rep5.c:72:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(&_msg_enc[i*_dec_msg_len], _msg_dec, _dec_msg_len);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:47:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char secded2216_P[12] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:56:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char secded2216_syndrome_w1[22] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:133:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[3] = {0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:256:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char m[2] = {_msg_dec[i], 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:259:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char v[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:308:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char v[3] = {_msg_enc[j+0], _msg_enc[j+1], 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded2216.c:311:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char m_hat[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:48:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char secded3932_P[28] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:59:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char secded3932_syndrome_w1[39] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:145:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};    // estimated error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:274:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char m[4] = {0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:280:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char v[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:329:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char v[5] = {_msg_enc[j+0], 0, 0, 0, 0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded3932.c:335:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char m_hat[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c:49:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char secded7264_P[64] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c:60:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char secded7264_syndrome_w1[72] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c:148:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e_hat[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c:267:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char v[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c:319:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char v[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};   // received message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec_secded7264.c:320:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char c[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};     // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/interleaver.c:232:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char tmp[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/sumproduct.c:69:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char parity[_m];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/crc_autotest.c:84:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char data[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/crc_autotest.c:97:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char data_corrupt[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_autotest.c:60:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg[_n];          // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_autotest.c:61:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];   // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_autotest.c:62:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[_n];      // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming128_autotest.c:77:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_soft[12];   // soft bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming74_autotest.c:37:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming74_autotest.c:38:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming74_autotest.c:78:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_soft[7];    // soft bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming84_autotest.c:37:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming84_autotest.c:38:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_hamming84_autotest.c:77:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_soft[8];    // soft bits
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_reedsolomon_autotest.c:46:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[dec_msg_len]; // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_reedsolomon_autotest.c:47:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[enc_msg_len]; // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_reedsolomon_autotest.c:48:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rec[enc_msg_len]; // received message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_reedsolomon_autotest.c:49:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[dec_msg_len]; // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_rep3_autotest.c:37:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_rep3_autotest.c:38:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_rep5_autotest.c:37:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_rep5_autotest.c:38:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:35:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_org[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:40:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:44:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:61:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_org[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:66:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_enc[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:70:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char e[3] = {0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:75:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_rec[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:81:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_dec[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:106:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_org[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:111:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_enc[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:115:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char e[3] = {0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:124:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_rec[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded2216_autotest.c:130:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_dec[2];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:35:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_org[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:42:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:46:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:65:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_org[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:72:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_enc[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:76:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char e[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:81:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_rec[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:89:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        unsigned char sym_dec[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:116:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_org[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:123:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_enc[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:127:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char e[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:136:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_rec[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded3932_autotest.c:144:22:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
            unsigned char sym_dec[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:35:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_org[8];   // original symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:36:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[9];   // encoded symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:37:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec[8];   // decoded symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:72:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_org[8];   // original symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:73:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[9];   // encoded symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:74:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[9];         // error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:75:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_rec[9];   // received symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:76:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec[8];   // decoded symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:116:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_org[8];   // original symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:117:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_enc[9];   // encoded symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:118:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char e[9];         // error vector
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:119:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_rec[9];   // received symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_secded7264_autotest.c:120:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sym_dec[8];   // decoded symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_soft_autotest.c:63:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg[_n];              // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_soft_autotest.c:64:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];       // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_soft_autotest.c:65:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_soft[8*n_enc];    // encoded message (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/fec_soft_autotest.c:66:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[_n];          // decoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c:34:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c:35:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c:36:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char z[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c:59:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[8*_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c:60:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[8*_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/interleaver_autotest.c:61:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char z[8*_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/packetizer_autotest.c:32:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_tx[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/packetizer_autotest.c:33:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_rx[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/tests/packetizer_autotest.c:35:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char packet[pkt_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/asgram.c:44:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char         levelchar[10]; // characters representing levels
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/asgram.c:232:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char ascii[_q->nfft+1];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spgram.c:413:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:354:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[n+5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:358:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:398:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[n+5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:402:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/firdespm.c:919:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/iirdes.c:72:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char paired[_n];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/rkaiser.c:271:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen("rkaiser_debug.m", "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/rkaiser.c:392:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen("rkaiser_debug.m", "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/src/symsync.c:561:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/msresamp_crcf_autotest.c:141:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/resamp2_crcf_autotest.c:75:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen("resamp2_test.m", "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/resamp2_crcf_autotest.c:150:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen("resamp2_test.m", "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/resamp_crcf_autotest.c:141:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/rresamp_crcf_autotest.c:131:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[256] = "";
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/rresamp_crcf_autotest.c:132:5:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
    sprintf(filename,"rresamp_crcf_autotest_P%u_Q%u.m", _P, _Q);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/filter/tests/rresamp_crcf_autotest.c:133:16:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE*fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/bpacketsync_benchmark.c:66:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[dec_msg_len]; // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/bpacketsync_benchmark.c:67:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[enc_msg_len]; // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/flexframesync_benchmark.c:84:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[14];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/flexframesync_benchmark.c:85:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/framesync64_benchmark.c:63:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/framesync64_benchmark.c:64:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/gmskframesync_benchmark.c:87:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[14];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/bench/gmskframesync_benchmark.c:88:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpacketgen.c:60:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header_dec[6];    // uncoded bytes
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpacketgen.c:61:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header_enc[12];   // 12 = 6 + crc16 at hamming(12,8)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpacketsync.c:65:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header_dec[6];    // uncoded bytes
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/bpacketsync.c:66:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header_enc[12];   // 12 = 6 + crc16 at hamming(12,8)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/detector_cccf.c:487:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/flexframesync.c:875:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framegen64.c:42:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char   payload_dec[150];   // 600 = 150 bytes * 8 bits/bytes / 2 bits/symbol
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framesync64.c:98:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_dec[ 72]; // decoded payload bytes
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/framesync64.c:507:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/fskframesync.c:696:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/gmskframesync.c:901:17:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE* fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c:496:9:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
        char filename[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c:497:9:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
        sprintf(filename,"qdetector_out_%u_%d.m", _q->num_transforms, offset+2);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c:498:22:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        FILE * fid = fopen(filename, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c:603:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c:604:5:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/src/qdetector_cccf.c:605:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename, "w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/bpacketsync_autotest.c:65:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[dec_msg_len]; // original message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/bpacketsync_autotest.c:66:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[enc_msg_len]; // encoded message
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/flexframesync_autotest.c:55:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[14] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/flexframesync_autotest.c:56:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[_payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/framesync64_autotest.c:58:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char header[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/framesync64_autotest.c:59:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qdetector_cccf_autotest.c:209:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char sequence[_sequence_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpacketmodem_autotest.c:48:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_tx[_payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpacketmodem_autotest.c:49:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_rx[_payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpacketmodem_autotest.c:105:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_tx[_payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpacketmodem_autotest.c:106:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_rx[_payload_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpacketmodem_autotest.c:118:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char frame_syms[frame_len];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpilotsync_autotest.c:61:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_sym_tx[_payload_len]; // transmitted payload symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpilotsync_autotest.c:66:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char payload_sym_rx[_payload_len]; // received payload symbols
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpilotsync_autotest.c:138:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char filename[256];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpilotsync_autotest.c:139:5:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
    sprintf(filename,"qpilotsync_autotest_%u_%u_debug.m", _payload_len, _pilot_spacing);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/framing/tests/qpilotsync_autotest.c:140:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/windows.c:46:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
const char * liquid_window_str[LIQUID_WINDOW_NUM_FUNCTIONS][2] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c:71:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[12]     = {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c:72:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y_test[8] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c:73:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c:119:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char a_test[96] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c:130:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char b_test[60] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/matrix/tests/smatrixb_autotest.c:145:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char c_test[40] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/bench/modem_demodsoft_benchmark.c:74:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char soft_bits[bps];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/gmskdem.c:262:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:38:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk4_map[4]      = {3,2,1,0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:55:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk8_map[8] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:73:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk16_map[16] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:100:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk32_map[32] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:128:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk64_map[64] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:162:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk128_map[128] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_apsk_const.c:208:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned char apsk256_map[256] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_arb.c:221:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename, "r");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/ampmodem_autotest.c:57:26:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = debug ? fopen(filename_debug,"w") : NULL;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/tests/modem_demodsoft_autotest.c:43:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char soft_bits[bps];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/src/ofdmframesync.c:1160:18:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FILE * fid = fopen(_filename,"w");
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/multichannel/tests/ofdmframesync_autotest.c:75:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char p[M];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/nco/src/synth.c:62:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(q->tab, _table, q->length * sizeof(TC));
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:51:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char x[_n];    // input data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:52:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char y[_n];    // scrambled data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:53:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char z[_n];    // unscrambled data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:81:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_org[_n];      // input data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:82:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_enc[_n];      // scrambled data 
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:83:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_soft[8*_n];   // scrambled data (soft bits)
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/random/tests/scramble_autotest.c:84:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char msg_dec[_n];      // unscrambled data
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/src/bsequence.c:300:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char a[num_bytes];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/src/bsequence.c:301:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char b[num_bytes];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:32:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[2] = {0xf0, 0xca};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:71:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v0[2] = {0xf0, 0xca};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:72:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v1[2] = {0xcb, 0x1e};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:97:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v0[2] = {0xf0, 0xca};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:98:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v1[2] = {0xcb, 0x1e};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:145:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v0[2] = {0xf0, 0xca};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:146:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v1[2] = {0xcb, 0x1e};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/sequence/tests/bsequence_autotest.c:191:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char v[2] = {0xf0, 0xca};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/byte_utilities.c:123:16:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned const char liquid_c_ones[256] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/byte_utilities.c:142:16:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned const char liquid_c_ones_mod2[256] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/src/byte_utilities.c:161:16:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
unsigned const char liquid_reverse_byte_gentab[256] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:41:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:43:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:44:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0x03, 0xDE, 0xBF, 0x54};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:45:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x07, 0xBD, 0x7E, 0xA8};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:46:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0x0F, 0x7A, 0xFD, 0x50};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:47:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x1E, 0xF5, 0xFA, 0xA0};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:48:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_5[4] = {0x3D, 0xEB, 0xF5, 0x40};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:49:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_6[4] = {0x7B, 0xD7, 0xEA, 0x80};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:50:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_7[4] = {0xF7, 0xAF, 0xD5, 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:52:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:89:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:91:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:92:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0x40, 0xF7, 0xAF, 0xD5};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:93:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x20, 0x7B, 0xD7, 0xEA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:94:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0x10, 0x3D, 0xEB, 0xF5};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:95:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x08, 0x1E, 0xF5, 0xFA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:96:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_5[4] = {0x04, 0x0F, 0x7A, 0xFD};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:97:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_6[4] = {0x02, 0x07, 0xBD, 0x7E};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:98:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_7[4] = {0x01, 0x03, 0xDE, 0xBF};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:100:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:137:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x91, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:139:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x91, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:140:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0x23, 0xDE, 0xBF, 0x55};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:141:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x47, 0xBD, 0x7E, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:142:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0x8F, 0x7A, 0xFD, 0x54};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:143:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x1E, 0xF5, 0xFA, 0xA9};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:144:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_5[4] = {0x3D, 0xEB, 0xF5, 0x52};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:145:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_6[4] = {0x7B, 0xD7, 0xEA, 0xA4};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:146:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_7[4] = {0xF7, 0xAF, 0xD5, 0x48};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:148:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:185:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x91, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:187:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x91, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:188:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0x48, 0xF7, 0xAF, 0xD5};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:189:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0xA4, 0x7B, 0xD7, 0xEA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:190:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0x52, 0x3D, 0xEB, 0xF5};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:191:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0xA9, 0x1E, 0xF5, 0xFA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:192:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_5[4] = {0x54, 0x8F, 0x7A, 0xFD};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:193:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_6[4] = {0xAA, 0x47, 0xBD, 0x7E};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:194:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_7[4] = {0x55, 0x23, 0xDE, 0xBF};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/bshift_array_autotest.c:196:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:33:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[9] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:47:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:48:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4]      = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:67:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:71:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test[9] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:83:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[9];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:100:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char src[n];   // original data array
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:101:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char dst[n];   // repacked data array
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:131:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[8];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:134:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[36] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:142:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_01[4] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:148:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_02[4] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0x0A};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:154:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_03[4] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0x01};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:160:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_04[3] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x0F};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:172:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[5] = {0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:174:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[64];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:177:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test[40] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:213:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[6];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:237:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:261:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[3];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:271:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[3] = {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/pack_bytes_autotest.c:285:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[5];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:37:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:39:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:40:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA, 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:41:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x5F, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:42:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:43:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:45:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:76:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:78:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:79:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0x00, 0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:80:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0xEF};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:81:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:82:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:84:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:115:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:117:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:118:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA, 0x81};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:119:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x5F, 0xAA, 0x81, 0xEF};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:120:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0xAA, 0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:121:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:123:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:154:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char input[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:156:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_0[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:157:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_1[4] = {0xAA, 0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:158:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_2[4] = {0x5F, 0xAA, 0x81, 0xEF};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:159:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_3[4] = {0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA, 0x81};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:160:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output_test_4[4] = {0x81, 0xEF, 0x5F, 0xAA};
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/utility/tests/shift_array_autotest.c:162:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char output[4];
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:176:13:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
            strncpy(search_string, optarg, 128);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/autotest/autotest.c:188:13:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/bench/bench.c:195:13:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
            strncpy(search_string, optarg, 128);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/asgramcf_example.c:59:9:  [1] (obsolete) usleep:
  This C routine is considered obsolete (as opposed to the shell command by
  the same name). The interaction of this function with SIGALRM and other
  timer functions such as sleep(), alarm(), setitimer(), and nanosleep() is
  unspecified (CWE-676). Use nanosleep(2) or setitimer(2) instead.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/examples/asgramf_example.c:55:9:  [1] (obsolete) usleep:
  This C routine is considered obsolete (as opposed to the shell command by
  the same name). The interaction of this function with SIGALRM and other
  timer functions such as sleep(), alarm(), setitimer(), and nanosleep() is
  unspecified (CWE-676). Use nanosleep(2) or setitimer(2) instead.
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/sandbox/throttle_test.c:44:13:  [1] (obsolete) usleep:
  This C routine is considered obsolete (as opposed to the shell command by
  the same name). The interaction of this function with SIGALRM and other
  timer functions such as sleep(), alarm(), setitimer(), and nanosleep() is
  unspecified (CWE-676). Use nanosleep(2) or setitimer(2) instead.
            usleep((unsigned int)sleep_time);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:65:5:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
    strncpy(q->type, _type, NAME_LEN-1);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:171:36:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
            unsigned int str_len = strlen(_q->packages[i].scripts[j].name);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:190:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:243:28:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    unsigned int tag_len = strlen(_q->type) + 2;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:270:5:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
    strncpy(_package_name, sptr, n);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:298:32:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    unsigned int tag_len = 5 + strlen(_q->type) + 2;
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:328:21:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
            sptr += strlen(tag);    // increment string by tag length
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:330:26:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
            if (cterm == strlen(sptr)) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:335:13:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
            strncpy( basename, sptr, cterm );
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:365:5:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
    strncpy(_q->packages[_q->num_packages-1].name, _package_name, NAME_LEN-1);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:369:5:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
    strncpy(_q->packages[_q->num_packages-1].filename, _filename, NAME_LEN-1);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/autoscript.c:408:5:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
    strncpy(p->scripts[p->num_scripts-1].name, _script_name, NAME_LEN-1);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:224:5:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
    strncpy(_q->benchmarks[_q->num_benchmarks-1].name, _name, 64);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/scripts/benchmark_compare.c:316:18:  [1] (buffer) fgetc:
  Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops
  (CWE-120, CWE-20).
    while ( (c = fgetc(_fid)) != EOF && c != '\n' && i < _n-1) {
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/crc.c:62:16:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        len += strlen(crc_scheme_str[i][0]);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fec/src/fec.c:85:16:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        len += strlen(fec_scheme_str[i][0]);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:247:22:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    unsigned int n = strlen(_commands);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:353:13:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    int n = strlen(_base);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/fft/src/spwaterfall.c:397:13:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    int n = strlen(_base);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/math/src/windows.c:74:16:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        len += strlen(liquid_window_str[i][0]);
data/liquid-dsp-1.3.2/src/modem/src/modem_utilities.c:134:16:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        len += strlen(modulation_types[i].name);


Hits = 1150
Lines analyzed = 160104 in approximately 5.19 seconds (30830 lines/second)
Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 101765
Hits@level = [0] 10920 [1]  27 [2] 961 [3] 153 [4]   9 [5]   0
Hits@level+ = [0+] 12070 [1+] 1150 [2+] 1123 [3+] 162 [4+]   9 [5+]   0
Hits/KSLOC@level+ = [0+] 118.607 [1+] 11.3005 [2+] 11.0352 [3+] 1.5919 [4+] 0.0884391 [5+]   0
Dot directories skipped = 1 (--followdotdir overrides)
Minimum risk level = 1
Not every hit is necessarily a security vulnerability.
There may be other security vulnerabilities; review your code!
See 'Secure Programming HOWTO'
(https://dwheeler.com/secure-programs) for more information.