                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
album-4.15/Docs/make_docs-69-	my $flag = flag($from,$to);
album-4.15/Docs/make_docs:70:	system("cp $flags/$to.png $flag ; chmod ugo+r $flag") if -f "$flags/$to.png" && ! -f $flag;
album-4.15/Docs/make_docs-71-	$flag = -f $flag ? "<img src=\"$flag\">" : "-";
album-4.15/galbum-518-			Wx::Yield();
album-4.15/galbum:519:			system($CONVERT,'-geometry','180x200',"$path/snapshot.jpg","$path/thumb.jpg");
album-4.15/galbum-520-			$self->{progressText}->SetLabel("");
album-4.15/galbum-834-	(open(STDERR,">&STDOUT")) || return undef;
album-4.15/galbum:835:	exec($cmd,@args);
album-4.15/album-409-  $SIG{__DIE__} = 'ignore';
album-4.15/album:410:	### could replace this with: eval("use $_[0]") so we can 'use' instead of require
album-4.15/album-411-	### could also add "; import $_[0]"
album-4.15/album-488-			push(@tcap,$opt->{cmdproxy}) if $opt->{cmdproxy};
album-4.15/album:489:      system(@tcap,'-c',$cmd,@args);
album-4.15/album-490-      (open($fh, "$opt->{tcap_out}"))
album-4.15/album-503-    (open(STDERR,">&STDOUT")) || fatal($opt,"open_pipe(): Can't dup stdout\n");
album-4.15/album:504:    exec($cmd,@args);
album-4.15/album-505-  }
album-4.15/album-1784-		my $Data = $data eq 'plugins' ? $Plugins : $Lang;
album-4.15/album:1785:		my ($path,$found) = search_path_exec($opt,$data, @DATA_PATH);
album-4.15/album-1786-		if ($found) {
album-4.15/album-1870-	print STDERR "\n";
album-4.15/album:1871:	install_find_exec($opt,'convert');
album-4.15/album:1872:	install_find_exec($opt,'identify',1);
album-4.15/album:1873:	install_find_exec($opt,'ffmpeg',1);
album-4.15/album-1941-	return 0 unless -x $mv;
album-4.15/album:1942:	system($mv,$from,$to);
album-4.15/album-1943-	return prterr($opt,"Move successful.\n") unless $?;	#LVL=100
album-4.15/album-1961-		my @path = get_path($opt);
album-4.15/album:1962:		my $found = search_path_exec($opt,$exec,@path);
album-4.15/album-1963-		return prterr($opt,"Found [_1] in path:  [_2]\n",$exec,$found) if -x $found;	#LVL=100
album-4.15/album-2054-		if (install_get_yn($opt,'y')) {
album-4.15/album:2055:			system("tar","xzf",$targz);
album-4.15/album-2056-			if ($?) {
album-4.15/album-2057-				# Try gunzip/tar
album-4.15/album:2058:				system("gunzip",$targz);
album-4.15/album:2059:				system("tar","xf",$tar) unless $?;
album-4.15/album-2060-			}
album-4.15/album-2070-		if (install_get_yn($opt,'y')) {
album-4.15/album:2071:			system("unzip",$zip);
album-4.15/album-2072-			return $what unless $? || !-d $what;
album-4.15/album-2379-#$path =~ s|/|\\|g;
album-4.15/album:2380:  my $try = search_path_exec($opt, $path, @dir);
album-4.15/album-2381-  return $try if -x $try;
album-4.15/album-2382-# To be complete we could check everything in $ENV{PATHEXT}..
album-4.15/album:2383:  $try = search_path_exec($opt, $path.'.exe', @dir);
album-4.15/album-2384-  return $try if -x $try;
album-4.15/album:2385:  $try = search_path_exec($opt, $path.'.com', @dir);
album-4.15/album-2386-  return $try if -x $try;
album-4.15/album-7086-  print STDERR "movie_frame() run: $cmd\n" if $opt->{d};
album-4.15/album:7087:  system("$cmd > $opt->{dev_null} 2>&1");
album-4.15/album-7088-  return $img unless $?;