                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md:132:By default, ARIBA will look for the dependencies in your `$PATH`, using
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md-133-the names in the table below. This behaviour can be overridden and
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md-135-The environment variable is checked first and is used if it is set.
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md:136:Otherwise ARIBA looks in your `$PATH` for the default name. This applies
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md-137-to the following dependencies.
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md:141:| Bowtie2        | `bowtie2`              | `$ARIBA_BOWTIE2`          |
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md:142:| CD-HIT (est)   | `cd-hit-est`           | `$ARIBA_CDHIT`            |
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md-166-1. The value of the option `--tmp_dir` (if that option was used)
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md:167:2. The environment variable `$ARIBA_TMPDIR` (if it is set)
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md:168:3. The environment variable `$TMPDIR` (if it is set)
ariba-2.14.6+ds/README.md-169-4. If none of the above is found, then use the run's output directory.
ariba-2.14.6+ds/debian/make_man-7-	my ($name, $desc) = split(/\s{2,}/);
ariba-2.14.6+ds/debian/make_man:8:	`echo '#!/bin/sh\ncat <<HERE\n' > ariba-$name;PYTHONPATH=. scripts/ariba $name --help 2>&1 |  sed 's/usage/Usage/g' | egrep -v '^ARIBA:' >> ariba-$name; echo "HERE\n" >> ariba-$name; chmod +x ariba-$name`;
ariba-2.14.6+ds/debian/make_man:9:	`help2man -I debian/extra-man-info.txt -n '$desc' --version-string='$v' -N ./ariba-$name > debian/man/ariba-$name.1`;
ariba-2.14.6+ds/debian/make_man:10:	`sed -i 's/ariba $name/ariba_$name/' debian/man/ariba-$name.1`;
ariba-2.14.6+ds/debian/make_man:11:	`rm ariba-$name`;