                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-124-Check out a copy of the Bats repository. Then, either add the Bats `bin`
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:125:directory to your `$PATH`, or run the provided `install.sh` command with the
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-126-location to the prefix in which you want to install Bats. For example, to
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:138:Check out a copy of the Bats repository and install it to `$HOME`. This
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:139:will place the `bats` executable in `$HOME/bin`, which should already be
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:140:in `$PATH`.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:288:The `$status` variable contains the status code of the command, and the
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:289:`$output` variable contains the combined contents of the command's standard
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-290-output and standard error streams.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:292:A third special variable, the `$lines` array, is available for easily accessing
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-293-individual lines of output. For example, if you want to test that invoking `foo`
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:454:* `$BATS_TEST_FILENAME` is the fully expanded path to the Bats test file.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:455:* `$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME` is the directory in which the Bats test file is located.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:456:* `$BATS_TEST_NAMES` is an array of function names for each test case.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:457:* `$BATS_TEST_NAME` is the name of the function containing the current test
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-458-  case.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:459:* `$BATS_TEST_DESCRIPTION` is the description of the current test case.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:460:* `$BATS_TEST_NUMBER` is the (1-based) index of the current test case in the
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-461-  test file.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md:462:* `$BATS_TMPDIR` is the location to a directory that may be used to store
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/README.md-463-  temporary files.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CHANGELOG.md-102-* Added bats(1) and bats(7) manual pages.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CHANGELOG.md:103:* Modified the `bats` command to default to TAP output when the `$CI` variable
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CHANGELOG.md-104-  is set, to better support environments such as Travis CI.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md-218-  - If the variable itself contains a glob pattern, make sure to set
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md:219:    `IFS=$'\n'` before using it so that the pattern itself and any matching
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md-220-    file names containing spaces are not split apart.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md-221-  - Exceptions: Quotes are not required within math contexts, i.e. `(( ))` or
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md:222:    `$(( ))`, and must not be used for variables on the right side of the `=~`
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md-223-    operator.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md-301-  which to write the result; the caller can supply this name as a parameter.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md:302:- If you must use command substituion, use `$()` instead of backticks, as it's
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md-303-  more robust, more searchable, and can be nested.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test-226-# command failure, but the `EXIT` trap will. Also, some command failures may not
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test:227:# set `$?` properly. See #72 and #81 for details.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test-230-# `bats_teardown_trap` (the `DEBUG` trap for the call will fix the stack trace)
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test:231:# and check the value of `$BATS_TEST_COMPLETED` before taking other actions.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test-232-# We also adjust the exit status value if needed.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test:234:# See `bats_exit_trap` for an additional EXIT error handling case when `$?`
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test-235-# isn't set properly during `teardown()` errors.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test-276-    if [[ "$BATS_ERROR_STATUS" -eq 0 ]]; then
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test:277:      # For some versions of bash, `$?` may not be set properly for some error
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test-278-      # conditions before triggering the EXIT trap directly (see #72 and #81).
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:50:The `$status` variable contains the status code of the command, and
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:51:the `$output` variable contains the combined contents of the command's
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn-52-standard output and standard error streams.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:54:A third special variable, the `$lines` array, is available for easily
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn-55-accessing individual lines of output. For example, if you want to test
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:138:* `$BATS_TEST_FILENAME` is the fully expanded path to the Bats test
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:140:* `$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME` is the directory in which the Bats test file is
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:142:* `$BATS_TEST_NAMES` is an array of function names for each test case.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:143:* `$BATS_TEST_NAME` is the name of the function containing the current
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn-144-test case.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:145:* `$BATS_TEST_DESCRIPTION` is the description of the current test
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:147:* `$BATS_TEST_NUMBER` is the (1-based) index of the current test case
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn-148-in the test file.
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn:149:* `$BATS_TMPDIR` is the location to a directory that may be used to
bats-1.1.0+git104-g1c83a1b/man/bats.7.ronn-150-store temporary files.