                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
bmt-0.6/make_web.pl-120-    warn "$logfile has size ".(-s $logfile).", running bzip2\n";
bmt-0.6/make_web.pl:121:    system("bzip2 $destdir/$aliases{$logfile}");
bmt-0.6/make_web.pl-122-    $aliases{$logfile} .= ".bz2";
bmt-0.6/make_graph.pl:468:system("TEXMFHOME=base:pgfplots ".($opt_X ? "xelatex" : "pdflatex")." --jobname=$fn $fn");
bmt-0.6/make_graph.pl-469-# This is dangerous in Windows as convert changes the file system...
bmt-0.6/make_graph.pl:470:system("convert -density 96 -units PixelsPerInch $fn.pdf $fn.png");
bmt-0.6/make_graph.pl:472:system("rm -r pgfplots") if($pgfplotsdl);
bmt-0.6/make_graph.pl:473:system("rm -r base") if($pgfbasedl);
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-52-  [ -f $patch ] || die "Patch file $patch not found" 
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:53:  lc=`patch -f -p1 --dry-run < $patch 2>&1 | egrep -v "^(patching|checking) file" | wc -l`
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-54-  if [ $lc -ne 0 ] ; then
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-55-    patch -f -p1 --dry-run < $patch || true
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:56:    die "Failed to apply patch `basename $patch`"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-57-  fi
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:59:  echo "Applying patch `basename $patch`"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-60-  patch -p1 < $patch
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-82-if echo $SOURCE | grep -q "^http://" ; then
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:83:  source_file_name="`echo $SOURCE | sed 's#.*/##'`"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-84-  [ -f $source_file_name ] && die "File target $source_file_name for download already exists"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-103-TMP_UNPACK="`TMPDIR=. mktemp -d -t cproverbm.XXXXXX`"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:104:PKG_NAME="`basename $BM_PKG | sed 's#\.cprover-bm\.tar\.gz$##'`"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-105-[ -d $PKG_NAME ] && die "Target directory $PKG_NAME already exists"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-109-    unzip -n -d $TMP_UNPACK $SOURCE
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:110:    [ `find $TMP_UNPACK -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l` -eq 2 ] || \
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-111-      die "Source $SOURCE must contain exactly one directory"
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh:112:    [ `find $TMP_UNPACK -maxdepth 1 | wc -l` -eq 2 ] || \
bmt-0.6/unpack.sh-113-      die "Source $SOURCE must not contain anything other than one directory"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-69-  local suffix=$3
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:70:  local tmpf="`TMPDIR=. mktemp -t $prefix.XXXXXX`"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-71-  TMP_FILES="$TMP_FILES $tmpf"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:72:  local rand="`echo $tmpf | sed "s#^./$prefix\\\.##"`"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-73-  eval $varname=\"${prefix}_$rand$suffix\"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-111-  tmp_files=$TMP_FILES
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:112:  cl="`echo $CLAIM | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/ /+/g'`"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:113:  mktemp_local_prefix_suffix claim_out "`basename $MAIN_SOURCE`_${cl}_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`" .log
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-114-  # we want to keep this file
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-121-    *pblast.opt)
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:122:      version_info=`$TOOL 2>&1 | grep ^BLAST`
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-123-      ;;
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-130-    *cream)
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:131:      version_info=`$TOOL --help | grep "Cream ver " | awk '{ print $4 }'`
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-132-      ;;
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-133-    *)
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:134:      version_info=`$TOOL --version || true`
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-135-      ;;
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-205-### /usr/bin/time -v:
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:206:`cat $time_out`
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-211-### /usr/bin/time -l:
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:212:`cat $claim_out | perl -n -e '$do = 1 if(/.* real .* user .* sys$/); print $_ if($do);'`
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-260-      ulimit -S -v $(( $2 * 1024 )) ; shift 2;;
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:261:	  --unknown|--valid|--invalid) EXPECT_RESULT="`echo $1 | cut -b3-`" ; shift 1;;
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-262-    --cmd) TOOL="$2" ; shift 2;;
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-293-      [ -f "$o" ] || die "Source file $o not found"
bmt-0.6/verify.sh:294:      if [ "$TOOL" = "scratch" -a "`file -b $o`" = "data" ] ; then
bmt-0.6/verify.sh-295-        SOURCES="$SOURCES --binary $o"
bmt-0.6/make_piechart.pl:348:  system("TEXMFHOME=base:pgfplots ".($opt_X ? "xelatex" : "pdflatex")." --jobname=$fn $fn");
bmt-0.6/make_piechart.pl:349:  system("convert -density 96 -units PixelsPerInch $fn.pdf $fn.png");
bmt-0.6/make_piechart.pl:352:system("rm -r pgfplots") if($pgfplotsdl);
bmt-0.6/make_piechart.pl:353:system("rm -r base") if($pgfbasedl);
bmt-0.6/rules.cpbm.generic-56-	cd $(dir $@) ; \
bmt-0.6/rules.cpbm.generic:57:	claims=`cpbm list-claims --cmd $$tool $(realpath $<) -- $(TOOL_OPTS)` ; \
bmt-0.6/rules.cpbm.generic-58-	for c in $$claims ; do \
bmt-0.6/rules.cpbm.generic:59:	  cl=`echo $$c | cut -f1 -d:` ; \
bmt-0.6/rules.cpbm.generic:60:	  st=`echo $$c | cut -f2 -d:` ; \
bmt-0.6/rules.cpbm.generic-61-	  if [ "$$st" = "TRUE" ] ; then st="--valid" ; else st="--unknown" ; fi ; \
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-69-  local suffix=$3
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh:70:  local tmpf="`TMPDIR=. mktemp -t $prefix.XXXXXX`"
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-71-  TMP_FILES="$TMP_FILES $tmpf"
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh:72:  local rand="`echo $tmpf | sed "s#^./$prefix\\\.##"`"
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-73-  eval $varname=\"${prefix}_$rand$suffix\"
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-112-print_claims() {
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh:113:  for i in `seq 1 $NUMBER_CLAIMS` ; do
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-114-    claim_id_var="CLAIM_${i}_claim_id"
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-184-          [ -f "$o" ] || die "Source file $o not found"
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh:185:          if [ "$TOOL" = "scratch" -a "`file -b $o`" = "data" ] ; then
bmt-0.6/list_claims.sh-186-            SOURCES="$SOURCES --binary $o"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-72-  local suffix=$3
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:73:  local tmpf="`TMPDIR=. mktemp -t $prefix.XXXXXX`"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-74-  TMP_FILES="$TMP_FILES $tmpf"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:75:  local rand="`echo $tmpf | sed "s#^./$prefix\\\.##"`"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-76-  eval $varname=\"${prefix}_$rand$suffix\"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:102:opts=`getopt -n "$0" -o "hD:I:o:" --long "help,no-cleanup,no-simplify,blast" -- "$@"`
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-103-eval set -- "$opts"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-125-    if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ] ; then
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:126:      OUTPUT="`basename $MAIN_SOURCE .c`.i"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-127-    fi
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-162-    TMP_DIRS="$d"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:163:    mv $d/`basename $preproc_files` $OUTPUT
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-164-  else
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:165:    CILLY_DONT_LINK_AFTER_MERGE=1 cilly --save-temps -x c --dosimplify --printCilAsIs --domakeCFG -o `basename $OUTPUT` $preproc_files
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-166-    cd ..
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-167-    TMP_DIRS="$d"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:168:    mv $d/`basename $preproc_files .i`.cil.c $OUTPUT
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-169-  fi
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:171:  CILLY_DONT_LINK_AFTER_MERGE=1 cilly --save-temps -x c --merge --keepmerged -o `basename $OUTPUT` $preproc_files
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-172-  if [ -n "$NO_SIMPLIFY" ] ; then
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-174-    TMP_DIRS="$d"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:175:    mv $d/`basename ${OUTPUT}_comb.c` $OUTPUT
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-176-  else
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:177:    CILLY_DONT_LINK_AFTER_MERGE=1 cilly --save-temps -x c --dosimplify --printCilAsIs --domakeCFG -o `basename $OUTPUT` `basename ${OUTPUT}_comb.c`
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-178-    cd ..
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-179-    TMP_DIRS="$d"
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh:180:    mv $d/`basename ${OUTPUT}_comb.cil.c` $OUTPUT
bmt-0.6/cil_wrapper.sh-181-  fi
bmt-0.6/make_csv.pl-230-    ($config eq "cbmc") or die "Benchmark name only acceptable for cbmc\n";
bmt-0.6/make_csv.pl:231:    my $mm = `grep memory-model $fname | sed 's/.*memory-model //' | awk '{ print \$1 }' | head -n 1`;
bmt-0.6/make_csv.pl-232-    chomp $mm;
bmt-0.6/update.sh-53-  [ -f $patch ] || die "Patch file $patch not found" 
bmt-0.6/update.sh:54:  echo -n "Checking patch `basename $patch` ... "
bmt-0.6/update.sh:55:  lc=`patch -f -p1 --dry-run < $patch 2>&1 | egrep -v "^patching file" | wc -l`
bmt-0.6/update.sh-56-  if [ $lc -ne 0 ] ; then
bmt-0.6/update.sh-58-    patch -f -p1 --dry-run < $patch || true
bmt-0.6/update.sh:59:    die "Failed to apply patch `basename $patch`"
bmt-0.6/update.sh-60-  fi
bmt-0.6/update.sh:82:SELF_DIR=`dirname $0`
bmt-0.6/update.sh-83-PKG_NAME="`basename \`pwd\``"
bmt-0.6/update.sh-101-      cd ..
bmt-0.6/update.sh:102:      tar czf `basename $BM_PKG` --exclude-vcs $PKG_NAME/cprover
bmt-0.6/update.sh-103-      cd $PKG_NAME
bmt-0.6/update.sh-140-    unzip -n -d $TMP_UNPACK $SOURCE
bmt-0.6/update.sh:141:    [ `find $TMP_UNPACK -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l` -eq 2 ] || \
bmt-0.6/update.sh-142-      die "Source $SOURCE must contain exactly one directory"
bmt-0.6/update.sh:143:    [ `find $TMP_UNPACK -maxdepth 1 | wc -l` -eq 2 ] || \
bmt-0.6/update.sh-144-      die "Source $SOURCE must not contain anything other than one directory"
bmt-0.6/update.sh-170-cd ..
bmt-0.6/update.sh:171:TMP_UNPACK="`basename $TMP_UNPACK`"
bmt-0.6/update.sh-172-patch_tmp="`mktemp cproverbm.XXXXXX`"
bmt-0.6/update.sh-185-  fi
bmt-0.6/update.sh:186:  patch_idx="`printf "%03d" \`ls $PKG_NAME/cprover/patches | wc -l\``"
bmt-0.6/update.sh:187:  new_patch="`TMPDIR=$PKG_NAME/cprover/patches mktemp -t "$patch_idx-new_patch.XXXXXX"`"
bmt-0.6/update.sh-188-  mv $patch_tmp $new_patch
bmt-0.6/update.sh:189:  echo "`basename $new_patch`" >> $PKG_NAME/cprover/patches/series
bmt-0.6/update.sh-190-  echo "Added patch $new_patch to record the following changes:"
bmt-0.6/update.sh:194:tar czf `basename $BM_PKG` --exclude-vcs $PKG_NAME/cprover
bmt-0.6/debian/patches/debian-changes-0.2-1-31- SELF=$0
bmt-0.6/debian/patches/debian-changes-0.2-1:32:-SCRIPT_HOME=`dirname $0`
bmt-0.6/.pc/debian-changes-0.2-1/cpbm:84:SCRIPT_HOME=`dirname $0`