                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-8-usage() {
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in:9:	echo "usage: `basename $0` [-f dbfile] [-t type] [is] <acronym>"
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-10-	exit 1
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in:15:args=`getopt f:t: $*`
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-16-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-43-if [ ! -f $acronyms ]; then
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in:44:	echo "`basename $0`: cannot open acronyms database file \`$acronyms'"
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-45-	exit 1
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-49-while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in:50:	target=`echo $1 | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-51-	ans=`fgrep $target < $acronyms 2>/dev/null \
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-55-	else
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in:56:		ans=`whatis $1 2> /dev/null | egrep "^$1[, ]" 2> /dev/null`
bsdgames-2.17/wtf/wtf.in-57-		if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
bsdgames-2.17/wargames/wargames:40:x=`echo $x | sed 's/[^-a-z0-9]//g'`
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:247:			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &hosts->sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-248-					sizeof hosts->sin_addr, AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-625-# endif
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:626:			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &hosts[i].sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-627-					sizeof hosts[i].sin_addr, AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:667:	hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &host.sin_addr, sizeof host.sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-668-								AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/configure-164-# Normalise white space in no_build_dirs
bsdgames-2.17/configure:165:no_build_dirs="`echo $no_build_dirs`"
bsdgames-2.17/configure-177-# Normalise white space in build_dirs
bsdgames-2.17/configure:178:build_dirs="`echo $build_dirs`"
bsdgames-2.17/configure-285-    askperms "Directory for hidden games" dmdir root games 0750
bsdgames-2.17/configure:286:    install_dmdir=`echo "$install_dmdir"| sed 's/install -c/install -d/'`
bsdgames-2.17/configure-287-    askperms "dm" dm root games 2755
bsdgames-2.17/configure-495-    askperms "Sail directory" sail_dir root root 0750
bsdgames-2.17/configure:496:    install_sail_dir=`echo "$install_sail_dir" |sed 's/install -c/install -d/'`
bsdgames-2.17/configure-534-    askperms "Hack directory" hack_dir root root 0755
bsdgames-2.17/configure:535:    install_hack_dir=`echo "$install_hack_dir" |sed 's/install -c/install -d/'`
bsdgames-2.17/configure-679-$dir/%.s:	$dir/%.cc
bsdgames-2.17/configure:680:	\$(CXX) \$(CXXFLAGS) \$(${udir}_CXXFLAGS) \$(${udir}_DEFS) \$(BASE_INCS) -I$dir \$(${udir}_INCS) -S -fverbose-asm \$< -o \$@
bsdgames-2.17/configure-696-$dir/%.s:	$dir/%.c
bsdgames-2.17/configure:697:	\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(${udir}_CFLAGS) \$(${udir}_DEFS) \$(BASE_INCS) -I$dir \$(${udir}_INCS) -S -fverbose-asm \$< -o \$@
bsdgames-2.17/mkdep:37:base_base_name=`basename $base_name`
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-4713-old only by deserting their ideals.  Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2:4714:enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.  Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear, and despair
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-4715--- these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2:33364:Nothing will dispel enthusiasm like a small admission fee.
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-33365-		-- Kim Hubbard
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2:54228:You can't cross a large chasm in two small jumps.
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/farber:712:If they do it there won't be a living orgasm left.
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes:1894:Be braver -- you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-3281-her hand as she measured it.  When the weapon had unfurled to a rosy seven and
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:3282:a half inches, the young man, unable to contain himself, had an orgasm with a
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-3283-tremendous discharge.  After recovering, he asked the widow if she could now
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-4377-something we badly need, our culture being very uptight about it -- and more
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:4378:because of its physical affects: slow orgasm when unable to move is a
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-4379-mind-blowing experience for anyone not too frightened of their own aggressive
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-5021-along your face to pick up whatever needs mopping along the route.  If,
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:5022:however, the substance was acquired as a result of enthusiasm of a more
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-5023-intimate nature, you may delicately retrieve it with a flick of your
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-5982-unsupervised, even briefly.  There was a nice spoof on this sex stunt in
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:5983:the movie "Soldier Blue".  A good many women can get an orgasm from this
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-5984-simply by struggling, especially if you put them in front of a mirror.
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-8309-or sobbing, or any of the other quite unexpected reactions that go along
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:8310:with complete orgasm in some people.  By contrast others simply shut their
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-8311-eyes, but enjoy it no less.  Sound and fury can be a flattering testimony
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-9722-them as to cause pain to a man, and when sitting on his thighs, she can
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:9723:induce orgasm without moving any other part of her person.  Such an artist
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-9724-is called by the Arabs Kabbazah, literally, a holder, and it's not surprising
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real:11486:The honest female orgasm is three to fifteen rhythmic contractions of the
bsdgames-2.17/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2-o.real-11487-outer third of the vagina at .8 second intervals, which is approximately
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/init.c-209-	dragon = vocab(DECR('d', 'r', 'a', 'g', 'o'), 1, 0);
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/init.c:210:	chasm = vocab(DECR('c', 'h', 'a', 's', 'm'), 1, 0);
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/init.c-211-	troll = vocab(DECR('t', 'r', 'o', 'l', 'l'), 1, 0);
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/glorkz-245-117     up from below obscures all view of the far side.  A SW path leads away
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/glorkz:246:117	from the chasm into a winding corridor.
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/glorkz-247-118	You are in a long winding corridor sloping out of sight in both
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/glorkz-252-122	You are on the far side of the chasm.  A NE path leads away from the
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/glorkz:253:122	chasm on this side.
bsdgames-2.17/adventure/glorkz-254-123	You're in a long east/west corridor.  A faint rumbling noise can be
bsdgames-2.17/debian/preinst-48-	for file in $SCOREFILES; do
bsdgames-2.17/debian/preinst:49:		oldfile=`echo $file | sed s:/var/games/:/var/lib/games/:`
bsdgames-2.17/debian/preinst-50-		if [ -e $oldfile ]; then
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:247:			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &hosts->sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-248-					sizeof hosts->sin_addr, AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-623-# endif
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:624:			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &hosts[i].sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-625-					sizeof hosts[i].sin_addr, AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:665:	hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &host.sin_addr, sizeof host.sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0007-Unsorted-Debian-patches.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-666-								AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:247:			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &hosts->sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-248-					sizeof hosts->sin_addr, AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-625-# endif
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:626:			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &hosts[i].sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-627-					sizeof hosts[i].sin_addr, AF_INET);
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c:667:	hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &host.sin_addr, sizeof host.sin_addr,
bsdgames-2.17/.pc/0011-Fix-format-security-compiling-errors.patch/hunt/hunt/hunt.c-668-								AF_INET);