                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
cccc-3.1.4/cccc/cccc.g:175:#token ASM "asm" << ; >>
cccc-3.1.4/cccc/cccc.g-176-#token AUTO "auto" << ; >>
cccc-3.1.4/cccc/cccc.g-1157-keyword :
cccc-3.1.4/cccc/cccc.g:1158:	  ASM | AUTO | KW_BOOL | BREAK | CASE | CATCH | KW_CHAR | CLASS | KW_CONST 
cccc-3.1.4/cccc/cccc.g-1159-	| CONTINUE | DEFAULT | DELETE | KW_DOUBLE | DO | DYNAMIC_CAST | ELSE 
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1937-		$eh = (ExceptionHandler *)calloc(1, sizeof(ExceptionHandler));
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g:1938:		require($eh!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate handler");
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1939-		>>
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1942-			$eh->signalname = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char));
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g:1943:			require($eh->signalname!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate sig name");
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1944-			strcpy($eh->signalname, LATEXT(1));
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1948-			$eh->signalname = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char));
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g:1949:			require($eh->signalname!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate sig name");
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1950-			strcpy($eh->signalname, LATEXT(1));
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1957-			$eh->action = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char));
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g:1958:			require($eh->action!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate action");
cccc-3.1.4/pccts/antlr/antlr.g-1959-			strcpy($eh->action, LATEXT(1));
cccc-3.1.4/test/test4.cc-3-//## of being able to define an options file which affects the 
cccc-3.1.4/test/test4.cc:4://## execution of CCCC in a number of ways.
cccc-3.1.4/test/test4.cc-5-//## There is a companion file test4.opt which modifies the behaviour