                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
chake-0.21.2/README.md-210-* `port`: port number to connect to (default: 22)
chake-0.21.2/README.md:211:* `/path`:  where to store the cookbooks at the node (default: `/var/tmp/chef.$USERNAME`)
chake-0.21.2/README.md-246-If you need special SSH configuration parameters, you can create a file called
chake-0.21.2/README.md:247:`.ssh_config` (or whatever file name you have in the `$CHAKE_SSH_CONFIG`
chake-0.21.2/README.md-248-environment variable, see below for details) in at the root of your repository,
chake-0.21.2/README.md:253:To easily login to one of your host, just run `rake login:$HOSTNAME`. This will
chake-0.21.2/README.md-254-automatically use the repository-local SSH configuration as above so you don't
chake-0.21.2/README.md-260-prefix command in order to e.g. tunnel it through some central exit node. You
chake-0.21.2/README.md:261:can do this by setting `$CHAKE_SSH_PREFIX` on your environment. Example:
chake-0.21.2/README.md:315:* `$CHAKE_SSH_CONFIG`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-316-  Local SSH configuration file. Defaults to `.ssh_config`.
chake-0.21.2/README.md:317:* `$CHAKE_SSH_PREFIX`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-318-  Command to prefix SSH (and rsync over SSH) calls with.
chake-0.21.2/README.md:319:* `$CHAKE_RSYNC_OPTIONS`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-320-  extra options to pass to `rsync`. Useful to e.g. exclude large files from
chake-0.21.2/README.md-321-  being upload to each server.
chake-0.21.2/README.md:322:* `$CHAKE_NODES`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-323-  File containing the list of servers to be managed. Default: `nodes.yaml`.
chake-0.21.2/README.md:324:* `$CHAKE_NODES_D`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-325-  Directory containing node definition files servers to be managed. Default: `nodes.d`.
chake-0.21.2/README.md:326:* `$CHAKE_TMPDIR`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-327-  Directory used to store temporary cache files. Default: `tmp/chake`.
chake-0.21.2/README.md:328:* `$CHAKE_CHEF_CONFIG`:
chake-0.21.2/README.md-329-  Chef configuration file, relative to the root of the repository. Default: `config.rb`.
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-11714-    keyword:
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:11715:      'abstract alias as as? asm begin break case class def do else elsif end ensure enum extend for fun if ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-11716-      'include instance_sizeof is_a? lib macro module next nil? of out pointerof private protected rescue responds_to? ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-12290-    keyword:
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:12291:      'abstract alias align asm assert auto body break byte case cast catch class ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-12292-      'const continue debug default delete deprecated do else enum export extern final ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-12942-      {
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:12943:        begin: /\$[(.]/ // relevance booster for a pattern common to JS libs: `$(something)` and `$.something`
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-12944-      },
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-13195-      'unsigned long volatile static protected bool template mutable if public friend ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:13196:      'do goto auto void enum else break extern using asm case typeid ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-13197-      'short reinterpret_cast|10 default double register explicit signed typename try this ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-16961-      {
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:16962:        begin: /\$[(.]/ // relevance booster for a pattern common to JS libs: `$(something)` and `$.something`
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-16963-      },
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-20294-            'subpartition subpartitions substitutable substr substring subtime subtring_index subtype success sum ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:20295:            'suspend switch switchoffset switchover sync synchronous synonym sys sys_xmlagg sysasm sysaux sysdate ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-20296-            'sysdatetimeoffset sysdba sysoper system system_user sysutcdatetime table tables tablespace tan tdo ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-21772-      'ninf nsz arcp fast exact inbounds align ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:21773:      'addrspace section alias module asm sideeffect ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-21774-      'gc dbg linker_private_weak attributes blockaddress ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-21857-      'unsigned long volatile static bool mutable if do return goto void ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:21858:      'enum else break extern asm case short default double register explicit ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-21859-      'signed typename this switch continue wchar_t inline readonly assign ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-22013-    'stored class safecall var interface or private static exit index inherited to else stdcall ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:22014:    'override shr asm far resourcestring finalization packed virtual out and protected library do ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-22015-    'xorwrite goto near function end div overload object unit begin string on inline repeat until ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-22685-          {
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:22686:            begin: '^```\w*\s*$', end: '^```\s*$'
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-22687-          },
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-23449-      keyword:
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:23450:        'addr and as asm bind block break case cast const continue converter ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-23451-        'discard distinct div do elif else end enum except export finally ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-25568-        'cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 cr4 cr8 dr0 dr1 dr2 dr3 dr8 tr3 tr4 tr5 tr6 tr7 ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:25569:        // NASM altreg package
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-25570-        'r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r0b r1b r2b r3b r4b r5b r6b r7b ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-26531-      'CompilerError CompilerIf CompilerSelect Continue Data DataSection EndDataSection Debug DebugLevel ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:26532:      'Default Define Dim DisableASM DisableDebugger DisableExplicit Else ElseIf EnableASM ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-26533-      'EnableDebugger EnableExplicit End EndEnumeration EndIf EndImport EndInterface EndMacro EndProcedure ' +
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-42609-			// V8 will remove any unknown characters at the start and end of the
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js:42610:			// expression, leading to false matches such as `$245.12` or `10%` being
chake-0.21.2/coverage/assets/0.11.0/application.js-42611-			// a valid date. See forum thread 18941 for detail.
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-72-* Add ability to override the Chef configuration file by setting
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:73:  `$CHAKE_CHEF_CONFIG` (default: `config.rb`)
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-74-* bootstrap: ensure short hostname is in /etc/hosts
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-83-* run task changed to have the same interface and behavior as the new apply
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:84:  task: `rake run[command]`, or `rake run:$NODE[command]`. If `[command]` is
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-85-  not passed in the command line, the user is prompted for the command.
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-129-  $cookbook/files/\*/.
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:130:* Allow overriding tmpdir with `$CHAKE_TMPDIR`
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-131-* Stop cloud-init from resetting the hostname
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:135:* Support a ssh prefix command by setting `$CHAKE_SSH_PREFIX` in the
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-136-  environment. For example, `CHAKE_SSH_PREFIX=tsocks` will make all ssh
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-152-* tmp/chake: create only when actually needed
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:153:* Control nodes files with `$CHAKE_NODES`
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-168-* The JSON node attributes files generated in tmp/chake are not readable
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:169:* SSH config file can now be controlled with the `$CHAKE_SSH_CONFIG`
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-170-  environment variable
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md:171:* Extra options for rsync can now be passed in the `$CHAKE_RSYNC_OPTIONS`
chake-0.21.2/ChangeLog.md-172-  environment variable