                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh-54-                    | wc -c ) == 0 ]]; then
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh:55:              PREVIOUS_COMMIT=`git merge-base origin/master $HEAD`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh-56-         fi
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh-68-         if [[ $DEBUG == "true" ]]; then
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh:69:              OUT=`git diff --name-only $HEAD $PREVIOUS_COMMIT`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh-70-              echo "Files between top commit and previous: $OUT"
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh:71:              OUT=`git diff --name-only $HEAD $PREVIOUS_COMMIT | grep -vE "$SKIP_FILES" | cat`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/common.sh-72-              echo "Files should not skip: $OUT"
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/idea_inspection.sh-38-echo "Progress output will be flushed at end. Validation is in progress ..."
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/idea_inspection.sh:39:IDEA_OUTPUT=`$IDEA_PATH/bin/inspect.sh $PROJECT_DIR $INSPECTIONS_PATH $RESULTS_DIR -$NOISE_LVL`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/travis/travis.sh-220-  PR_MASTER=`git merge-base origin/master HEAD`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/travis/travis.sh:221:  COMMITS_SINCE_MASTER=`git rev-list --count $PR_MASTER..origin/master`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/travis/travis.sh-222-  MAX_ALLOWED=10
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/travis/travis.sh-631-  # Otherwise, it looks for the common ancestor with master
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/travis/travis.sh:632:  COMMIT=`git rev-parse $HEAD`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/travis/travis.sh-633-  echo "PR commit: $COMMIT"
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/wercker.sh-416-      --checkstyleVersion ${CS_POM_VERSION}
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/wercker.sh:417:  RESULT=`grep -A 5 "&#160;Warning</td>" $REPORT | cat`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/wercker.sh-418-  cd ../../
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/wercker.sh-440-      --checkstyleVersion ${CS_POM_VERSION}
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/wercker.sh:441:  RESULT=`grep -A 5 "&#160;Warning</td>" $REPORT | cat`
checkstyle-8.34/.ci/wercker.sh-442-  cd ../../