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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md-54-* Required: no.
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:55:* Taken values: The path relative to your `$GALAXY_ROOT/tools` folder on which your tools are located.
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:65:In this example, `tool_conf.xml` refers to a file located on `$GALAXY_ROOT/tools/my_tools_folder/some_tool.xml`.
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md-118-* The following adapters need to be changed, such that you provide the path to the executable:
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:119:    * FidoAdapter (add `-exe fido` in the command tag, delete the `$param_exe` in the command tag, delete the parameter from the input list).
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:120:    * MSGFPlusAdapter (add `-executable msgfplus.jar` in the command tag, delete the `$param_executable` in the command tag, delete the parameter from the input list).
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:121:    * MyriMatchAdapter (add `-myrimatch_executable myrimatch` in the command tag, delete the `$param_myrimatch_executable` in the command tag, delete the parameter from the input list).
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:122:    * OMSSAAdapter (add `-omssa_executable omssa` in the command tag, delete the `$param_omssa_executable` in the command tag, delete the parameter from the input list).
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md:123:    * PepNovoAdapter (add `-pepnovo_executable pepnovo` in the command tag, delete the `$param_pepnovo_executable` in the command tag, delete the parameter from the input list).
ctdconverter-2.1/galaxy/README.md-124-    * XTandemAdapter (add `-xtandem_executable xtandem` in the command tag, delete the $param_xtandem_executable in the command tag, delete the parameter from the input list).