                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
dav1d-0.7.1/CONTRIBUTING.md-15-- C language with C99 version, without the VLA or the Complex (*\_\_STDC_NO_COMPLEX__*) features, and without compiler extension,
dav1d-0.7.1/CONTRIBUTING.md:16:- x86 asm in .asm files, using the NASM syntax,
dav1d-0.7.1/CONTRIBUTING.md-17-- arm/arm64 in .S files, using the GAS syntax limited to subset llvm 5.0's internal assembler supports,
dav1d-0.7.1/NEWS-70- - NEON optimizations for SGR on ARM32
dav1d-0.7.1/NEWS:71: - Fix mismatch issue in x86 asm in inverse identity transforms
dav1d-0.7.1/NEWS-72- - Fix build issue in ARM64 assembly if debug info was enabled
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md-32-3. Port to most platforms,
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md:33:4. Make it fast on desktop, by writing asm for AVX-2 chips.
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md:34:5. Make it fast on mobile, by writing asm for ARMv8 chips,
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md:35:6. Make it fast on older desktop, by writing asm for SSSE3+ chips.
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md-37-### On-going
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md:38:7. Make it fast on older mobiles, by writing asm for ARMv7 chips,
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md-39-8. Improve C code base with [various tweaks](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d/wikis/task-list),
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md-48-- C developers,
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md:49:- asm developers,
dav1d-0.7.1/README.md-50-- platform-specific developers,
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-45-# Configuration data for config.asm
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:46:cdata_asm = configuration_data()
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:63:# ASM option
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-64-is_asm_enabled = (get_option('enable_asm') == true and
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-71-if is_asm_enabled and get_option('b_sanitize') == 'memory'
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:72:    error('asm causes false positive with memory sanitizer. Use \'-Denable_asm=false\'.')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-333-    # preprocessor or the preprocessing stage of '.S' files. So we have to
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:334:    # compile code to check if we have to define PIC for the arm asm to
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-335-    # avoid absolute relocations when building for example checkasm.
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:366:# ASM specific stuff
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:370:    # NASM compiler support
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:372:    nasm = find_program('nasm')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:374:    # check NASM version
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-375-    if nasm.found()
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-378-        if nasm_r.returncode() != 0
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:379:            error('failed running nasm to obtain its version')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-380-        endif
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-384-            if out[2].version_compare('<2.13.02')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:385:                error('nasm 2.13.02 or later is required, found nasm @0@'.format(out[2]))
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-386-            elif out[2].version_compare('<2.14') and get_option('enable_avx512')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:387:                error('nasm 2.14 or later is required for AVX-512 asm.\n' +
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:388:                       'AVX-512 asm can be disabled with \'-Denable_avx512=false\'')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-389-            endif
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-392-        else
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build:393:            error('unexpected nasm version string: @0@'.format(nasm_r.stdout()))
dav1d-0.7.1/meson.build-394-        endif
dav1d-0.7.1/meson_options.txt-10-    value: true,
dav1d-0.7.1/meson_options.txt:11:    description: 'Build asm files, if available')
dav1d-0.7.1/meson_options.txt-15-    value: true,
dav1d-0.7.1/meson_options.txt:16:    description: 'Build AVX-512 asm files, requires nasm 2.14')
dav1d-0.7.1/src/ext/x86/x86inc.asm:2:;* x86inc.asm: x264asm abstraction layer
dav1d-0.7.1/src/ext/x86/x86inc.asm:24:; This is a header file for the x264ASM assembly language, which uses
dav1d-0.7.1/src/ext/x86/x86inc.asm:25:; NASM/YASM syntax combined with a large number of macros to provide easy
dav1d-0.7.1/src/ext/x86/x86inc.asm-26-; abstraction between different calling conventions (x86_32, win64, linux64).
dav1d-0.7.1/src/film_grain_tmpl.c:434:#if HAVE_ASM && ARCH_X86
dav1d-0.7.1/src/film_grain_tmpl.c-435-    bitfn(dav1d_film_grain_dsp_init_x86)(c);
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build:84:# ASM specific sources
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-85-libdav1d_nasm_objs = []
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build:169:        # NASM source files
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build:170:        libdav1d_sources_asm = files(
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-171-            'x86/cpuid.asm',
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-175-        if dav1d_bitdepths.contains('8')
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build:176:            libdav1d_sources_asm += files(
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-177-                'x86/cdef_avx512.asm',
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-195-        if dav1d_bitdepths.contains('16')
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build:196:            libdav1d_sources_asm += files(
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-197-            )
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build:200:        # Compile the ASM sources with NASM
dav1d-0.7.1/src/meson.build-201-        libdav1d_nasm_objs = nasm_gen.process(libdav1d_sources_asm)
dav1d-0.7.1/src/x86/msac.h:42:/* Needed for checkasm */
dav1d-0.7.1/src/x86/msac.h-43-unsigned dav1d_msac_decode_symbol_adapt16_avx2(MsacContext *s, uint16_t *cdf,
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/arm/checkasm_32.S:55:@ max number of args used by any asm function.
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/arm/checkasm_32.S-56-#define MAX_ARGS 15
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/arm/checkasm_64.S:63:// max number of args used by any asm function.
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/arm/checkasm_64.S-64-#define MAX_ARGS 15
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.c-527-            fprintf(stdout,
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.c:528:                    "checkasm [options] <random seed>\n"
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.c-529-                    "    <random seed>       Numeric value to seed the rng\n"
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.h:270:#else /* HAVE_ASM */
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.h-271-#define declare_new(ret, ...)
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.h-276-    checkasm_set_signal_handler_state(0)
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/checkasm.h:277:#endif /* HAVE_ASM */
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/itx.c-136-     * coefficient scantable index for the eob token) guarantees that only
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/itx.c:137:     * the topleft $sub out of $sz (where $sz >= $sub) coefficients in both
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/itx.c-138-     * dimensions are non-zero. This leads to braching to specific optimized
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/itx.c:139:     * simd versions (e.g. dc-only) so that we get full asm coverage in this
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/itx.c-140-     * test */
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/x86/checkasm.asm:63:; max number of args used by any asm function.
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/checkasm/x86/checkasm.asm-64-; (max_args % 4) must equal 3 for stack alignment
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/meson.build:80:    checkasm = executable('checkasm',
dav1d-0.7.1/tests/meson.build-81-        checkasm_sources,
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/changelog-3-  * Team upload.
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/changelog:4:  * Disable asm code on x32, it hasn’t been ported there (Closes: #964576)
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/changelog-29-  * New upstream release.
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/changelog:30:  * Bump minimal nasm version to 2.14.
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/changelog-31-  * Update d/copyright.
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/control-8-               ninja-build,
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/control:9:               nasm (>= 2.14) [any-amd64 any-i386]
dav1d-0.7.1/debian/control-10-Standards-Version: 4.5.0