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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-297-# $thisXmlCatalog is not in XML_CATALOG_FILES, so add it
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh:298:else if ( "\\\`echo \$XML_CATALOG_FILES | grep -v $thisXmlCatalog\\\`" != "" ) then
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-299-  setenv XML_CATALOG_FILES "$thisXmlCatalog \$XML_CATALOG_FILES"
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-302-# /etc/xml/catalog exists but is not in XML_CATALOG_FILES, so add it
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh:303:if ( -f /etc/xml/catalog && "\\\`echo \$XML_CATALOG_FILES | grep -v /etc/xml/catalog\\\`" != "" ) then
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-304-  setenv XML_CATALOG_FILES "\$XML_CATALOG_FILES /etc/xml/catalog"
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-309-  setenv SGML_CATALOG_FILES "$thisSgmlCatalog"
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh:310:else if ( "\\\`echo \$SGML_CATALOG_FILES | grep -v $thisSgmlCatalog\\\`" != "" ) then
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-311-  setenv SGML_CATALOG_FILES "$thisSgmlCatalog \$SGML_CATALOG_FILES"
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-314-# /etc/SGML/catalog exists but is not in SGML_CATALOG_FILES, so add it
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh:315:if ( -f /etc/sgml/catalog && "\\\`echo \$SGML_CATALOG_FILES | grep -v /etc/sgml/catalog\\\`" != "" ) then
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-316-  setenv SGML_CATALOG_FILES "\$SGML_CATALOG_FILES /etc/sgml/catalog"
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-345-# $myCatalogManagerDir is not in CLASSPATH, so add it
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh:346:else if ( "\\\`echo \$CLASSPATH | grep -v $myCatalogManagerDir\\\`" != "" ) then
docbook-slides-3.4.0/install.sh-347-  setenv CLASSPATH "$myCatalogManagerDir$classPathSeparator\$CLASSPATH"
docbook-slides-3.4.0/xsl/keynote/xsltsl/svg.xsl:1:<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'  xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'  xmlns:svg='http://xsltsl.org/svg'  xmlns:doc="http://xsltsl.org/xsl/documentation/1.0"  exclude-result-prefixes="doc">  <xsl:variable name='svg-public-id' select='"-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"'/>  <xsl:variable name='svg-system-id' select='"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd"'/>  <doc:reference xmlns="">    <referenceinfo>      <releaseinfo role="meta">        $Id: svg.xsl,v 1.1 2004/11/10 06:51:55 balls Exp $      </releaseinfo>      <author>        <surname>Ball</surname>        <firstname>Steve</firstname>      </author>      <copyright>        <year>2002</year>        <holder>Steve Ball</holder>      </copyright>    </referenceinfo>    <title>SVG Stylesheet</title>    <partintro>      <section>        <title>Introduction</title>        <para>This module provides templates for creating SVG images.</para>      </section>    </partintro>  </doc:reference>  <doc:template name="svg:aqua-button-defs" xmlns="">    <refpurpose>Aqua-style Button</refpurpose>    <refdescription>      <para>Part of the mechanism to create an Aqua-style button.  Include a call to this template in your SVG document's <sgmltag>defs</sgmltag> element.  This template only needs to be included once.  Use this in conjunction with <sgmltag>svg:aqua-button</sgmltag>.</para>      <para>The default values for color1, color2 and color3 result in a grey button.</para>    </refdescription>    <refparameter>      <variablelist>        <varlistentry>          <term>prefix</term>          <listitem>            <para>A prefix to append to the identifiers used, so that they don't clash with other identifiers.  Default: "aqua-".</para>          </listitem>        </varlistentry>        <varlistentry>          <term>color1</term>          <listitem>            <para>The base colour of the button.  Default: "#d9d9d9".</para>          </listitem>        </varlistentry>        <varlistentry>          <term>color2</term>          <listitem>            <para>A "background" colour for the button.  Should be a darker colour than color1.  Default: "#a9a9a9".</para>          </listitem>        </varlistentry>        <varlistentry>          <term>color3</term>          <listitem>            <para>A highlight colour for the button.  Should be a lighter colour than color1.  Default: "#f9f9f9".</para>          </listitem>        </varlistentry>      </variablelist>    </refparameter>    <refreturn>      <para>Returns SVG result-tree-fragment.</para>    </refreturn>  </doc:template>  <xsl:template name="svg:aqua-button-defs">    <xsl:param name="prefix" select='"aqua-"'/>    <xsl:param name="color1" select='"#d9d9d9"'/>    <xsl:param name="color2" select='"#a9a9a9"'/>    <xsl:param name="color3" select='"#f9f9f9"'/>    <linearGradient id='{$prefix}gradient' x1='0%' y1='0%' x2='0%' y2='100%'>      <stop offset='0%' stop-color='{$color2}'/>      <stop offset='100%' stop-color='{$color1}'/>    </linearGradient>    <linearGradient id='{$prefix}highlight-gradient' x1='0%' y1='0%' x2='0%' y2='100%'>      <stop offset='0%' stop-color='#ffffff'/>      <stop offset='75%' stop-color='{$color3}' stop-opacity='0'/>      <stop offset='100%' stop-color='{$color3}' stop-opacity='0'/>    </linearGradient>    <linearGradient id='{$prefix}revhighlight-gradient' x1='0%' y1='100%' x2='0%' y2='0%'>      <stop offset='0%' stop-color='#ffffff'/>      <stop offset='50%' stop-color='{$color3}' stop-opacity='0'/>      <stop offset='100%' stop-color='{$color3}' stop-opacity='0'/>    </linearGradient>    <linearGradient id='{$prefix}corner-left-gradient' x1='0%' y1='0%' x2='100%' y2='100%'>      <stop offset='0%' stop-color='#000000'/>      <stop offset='100%' stop-color='{$color3}' stop-opacity='0'/>    </linearGradient>    <linearGradient id='{$prefix}corner-right-gradient' x1='100%' y1='0%' x2='0%' y2='100%'>      <stop offset='0%' stop-color='#000000'/>      <stop offset='100%' stop-color='{$color3}' stop-opacity='0'/>    </linearGradient>    <filter id='{$prefix}filter-blur' filterUnits='userSpaceOnUse' x='0' y='0' width='200' height='100'>      <feGaussianBlur in='SourceGraphic' stdDeviation='2'/>    </filter>    <filter id='{$prefix}drop-shadow' y='-5' height='100'>      <feColorMatrix type='matrix' in='SourceAlpha' result='inglow'	values='.5 .5 .5 1 0		.5 .5 .5 1 0		.5 .5 .5 1 0		0 0 0 1 0'/>      <feBlend mode='multiply' in2='SourceGraphic' in='inglow' result='innerglow'/>      <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation='4' in='SourceAlpha' result='shadow'/>      <feColorMatrix type='matrix' in='shadow' result='lightshadow'	values='.33 .33 .33 1 0		.33 .33 .33 1 0		.33 .33 .33 1 0		0 0 0 1 0'/>      <feOffset in='lightshadow' dx='0' dy='3' result='dropshadow'/>      <feMerge>	<feMergeNode in='dropshadow'/>	<feMergeNode in='innerglow'/>      </feMerge>    </filter>  </xsl:template>  <doc:template name="svg:aqua-button" xmlns="">    <refpurpose>Aqua-style Button</refpurpose>    <refdescription>      <para>Part of the mechanism to create an Aqua-style button.  Include a call to this template in your SVG document where you want a button to appear.  This template can be used many times in a single SVG document.  Use this in conjunction with <sgmltag>svg:aqua-button-defs</sgmltag>.</para>    </refdescription>    <refparameter>      <variablelist>        <varlistentry>          <term>prefix</term>          <listitem>            <para>A prefix to append to the identifiers used, so that they don't clash with other identifiers.  Default: "aqua-".</para>          </listitem>        </varlistentry>      </variablelist>    </refparameter>    <refreturn>      <para>Returns SVG result-tree-fragment.</para>    </refreturn>  </doc:template>  <xsl:template name='svg:aqua-button'>    <xsl:param name="prefix" select='"aqua-"'/>    <g filter='url(#{$prefix}drop-shadow)'>      <clipPath id='{$prefix}main-shape'>        <path clip-rule='evenodd'                d="M50,90 C0,90 0,30 50,30 L150,30 C200,30 200,90 150,90 z" />      </clipPath>      <path fill="url(#{$prefix}gradient)" stroke="none"                d="M50,90 C0,90 0,30 50,30 L150,30 C200,30 200,90 150,90 z" />      <path clip-path='url(#{$prefix}main-shape)' fill='url(#{$prefix}corner-left-gradient)' stroke='none' filter='url(#{$prefix}filter-blur)'                d="M50,57 L13,57 A35,35 -90 0,1 50,30 z" />      <path clip-path='url(#{$prefix}main-shape)' fill='url(#{$prefix}corner-right-gradient)' stroke='none' filter='url(#{$prefix}filter-blur)'                d="M150,30 A35,35 90 0,1 190,57 L150,57 z" />      <path fill="url(#{$prefix}highlight-gradient)" stroke="none" stroke-width='1'                d="M50,65 C20,65 20,35 50,35 L150,35 C180,35 180,65 150,65 z" />      <path filter='url(#{$prefix}filter-blur)' fill="url(#{$prefix}revhighlight-gradient)" stroke="none"                d="M50,85 C10,85 10,35 50,35 L150,35 C190,35 190,85 150,85 z" />    </g>  </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>