                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md-32-  command.
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md:33:* Added new `$FILETYPE` and `$LINENO` special variables.
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md-34-* Added a `display-invisible` global option, to allow visible rendering
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md-233-  highlighting files into the `dte` binary instead of installing and
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md:234:  loading them from disk. The `$PKGDATADIR` variable is now removed.
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md-235-* Added syntax highlighting for the Vala and D languages.
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md-236-* Added the ability to bind additional, xterm-style key combinations
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md:237:  (e.g. `bind C-M-S-left ...`) when `$TERM` is `tmux` (previously
dte-1.9.1/CHANGELOG.md-238-  only available for `xterm` and `screen`).
dte-1.9.1/README.md-95-* `bindir`: Installation prefix for program binary (defaults to
dte-1.9.1/README.md:96:  `$prefix/bin`).
dte-1.9.1/README.md-97-* `mandir`: Installation prefix for manual pages (defaults to
dte-1.9.1/README.md:98:  `$prefix/share/man`).
dte-1.9.1/README.md-99-* `DESTDIR`: Standard variable used for [staged installs].
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/c-263-    if else for while do continue switch case break default return goto \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/c:264:    asm const static inline register extern volatile auto restrict sizeof \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/c-265-    typedef
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/d-192-list keyword \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/d:193:    abstract alias align asm assert auto body break case cast catch \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/d-194-    class const continue debug default deprecated do else enum export \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/zig-60-list keyword \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/zig:61:    align allowzero and asm async await break cancel catch comptime \
dte-1.9.1/config/syntax/zig-62-    const continue defer else enum errdefer error export extern fn \
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md:34:`$FILE` is expanded when the alias _x_ is executed. The command works even
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md:35:if `$FILE` contains whitespace.
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md:338:Change the working directory and update `$PWD` and `$OLDPWD`. Running
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md:339:`cd -` changes to the previous directory (`$OLDPWD`).
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md:997:Lock files using `$DTE_HOME/file-locks`. Only protects from your
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md-998-own mistakes (two processes editing same file).
dte-1.9.1/docs/dterc.md:1152:Save line and column for each file to `$DTE_HOME/file-history`.