                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
dunst-1.5.0/CHANGELOG.md-20-- Unset configuration options not falling back to default values (#649)
dunst-1.5.0/CHANGELOG.md:21:- Crash when `$HOME` environment variable is unset (#693)
dunst-1.5.0/CHANGELOG.md-22-- Lack of antialiasing with round corners enabled (#713)
dunst-1.5.0/CHANGELOG.md-40-- Support for round corners (#420)
dunst-1.5.0/CHANGELOG.md:41:- Ability to reference `$HOME` in icon paths with `~/` (#520)
dunst-1.5.0/CHANGELOG.md-42-- Support to customize the mouse bindings (#530)
dunst-1.5.0/README.md-41-- `PREFIX=<PATH>`: Set the prefix of the installation. (Default: `/usr/local`)
dunst-1.5.0/README.md:42:- `BINDIR=<PATH>`: Set the `dunst` executable's path (Default: `${PREFIX}/bin`)
dunst-1.5.0/README.md:43:- `DATADIR=<PATH>`: Set the path for shared files. (Default: `${PREFIX}/share`)
dunst-1.5.0/README.md:44:- `MANDIR=<PATH>`: Set the prefix of the manpage. (Default: `${DATADIR}/man`)
dunst-1.5.0/README.md-45-- `SYSTEMD=(0|1)`: Enable/Disable the systemd unit. (Default: detected via `pkg-config`)